
Chapter 6

Dusty spent several moments thinking of a better plan. However, he couldn't come up with a brilliant solution. As the grizzly continued thinking, Twinkle waved his large paw and interrupted, "I may have an idea."

The grizzly grew curious and stared at Twinkle. Had he figured the perfect plan already?

"Then let's hear it."

Dusty awaited Twinkle's response and sat on all fours.

"What if we band together and attack these tall creatures?" The sun bear suggested.

As much as Dusty loved the idea, he knew it would prove difficult. If these bears planned on escaping this prison, they would have to lure the odd creatures in. As Dusty thought of the current situation, he wondered, "How are we to accomplish a difficult task?"

Several sleuths despised Twinkle's suggestion and glared at the sun bear. They figured the mysterious creatures would hunt them down and grew worried. Despite this, the mammals acted as though they were strong and fearless creatures. If Dusty and Twinkle realized they were weak, the bears might abandon them and escape on their own. Therefore, the sleuths would continue acting strong and serious.

Twinkle wished they would quit staring at him. Why didn't these bears approve of his plan? Did they doubt his intelligence? If that's the case, he would understand. Twinkle wasn't the smartest bear.

As he began to doubt himself, Dusty retorted, "Do any of you have a better idea?"

The bears remained silent and stared at their paws.

"I didn't think so."

Dusty and Twinkle figured they should further discuss the plan and faced one another. As they spoke, a female grizzly added, "Can't we reason with these creatures."

The sleuths raised their heads and stared at her, as if she were crazy. How could this grizzly show sympathy for selfish coldhearted murderers? Had she encountered them before? If so, she should fear the tall dark creatures.

Twinkle and Dusty couldn't believe their eyes. They had never encountered a bear that wished to negotiate with violent monsters.

"Don't be naive," Dusty spoke in a deep serious voice.

The sow grew frightened, and her eyes widened.

"Those monsters won't hesitate to kill you."

Many bears agreed with Dusty and nodded their heads. Twinkle wondered how the grizzly would handle the sow. As he was about to speak, Dusty addressed, "Young grizzly."

The sleuths fixed their gaze on the sow and awaited her response. The grizzly feared Dusty would threaten her life if she did not cooperate with him. Therefore, she grew frightened and trembled.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"I... It's..." she stammered.

The others grew impatient and longed to slit her throat.

After a few moments had passed, the sow responded, "It's W-Will... low..."

"Well Willow," Dusty spoke in a firm and kind manner.

She awaited his response and hoped he would spare her life.

"You and I have matters to discuss."

Willow figured he planned on murdering her and longed to escape. However, she and the others were trapped in this prison. Therefore, the grizzly chose to trust Dusty and would forget about negotiating with fur less creatures.

"Come with me," Dusty instructed the sow.

She watched as the grizzly padded ahead and trotted behind him. Once they had arrived near a large silver boulder, Dusty faced Willow and asked, "Why do you wish to reason with harmful creatures?"

"Because" The sow hesitated and thought carefully before choosing her next words.

Dusty longed to know her answer and patiently waited.

"Because one rescued me when I was a cub."

He never expected to hear such an answer and grew surprised. Willow mentioned the moment a wild ram almost attacked her and how a furless creature had saved her life. As much as Dusty wanted to deny it, he knew she spoke the truth. The grizzly couldn't convince her to attack these tall creatures. With that in mind, Dusty added, "I may never understand these creatures."

Willow never expected him to understand and tilted her head in confusion.

"However, that doesn't mean they're all monsters."

The sow grew more confused and asked, "So you believe me?"

"Yes, of course I do," the grizzly grinned.

The two bears gazed into each other's eyes for several moments. Dusty found Willow attractive and imagined kissing her. As he fantasized of this moment, his cheeks blushed bright red. Willow figured he had a crush on her and chose to flirt with him.

"You sure are a handsome fellow," She spoke in a beautiful voice as her cheeks blushed red.

Dusty didn't know what to say and stared at his paws.

"Now, don't be shy," Willow spoke in a soft calm voice.

The grizzly raised his head and stared at the beautiful female. She stepped forward and kissed his lips. Dusty grew happier and almost fainted. Once the sow withdrew her lips from his, the grizzly returned the kind gesture and kissed the female. After a few moments had passed, Dusty withdrew his lips and smiled at Willow.

"You've never been in a relationship, have you?" She assumed.

The grizzly grew surprised and responded, "How did you know?"

"I can see it in your eyes," She spoke while pointing a paw at the bear's left eye.

He then realized how smart she was and imagined dating her. Perhaps they were brought together by fate and were meant to be a couple. Whatever the reason, Dusty asked, "Willow, may I ask you a question?"

"No, not at all," she happily responded.

"Would you happen to be single?"

Willow figured Dusty wished to date her and replied, "Yes. Why do you ask?"

"Because I would like to date you."

The sow grew excited and her face blushed bright red. She had never been asked out on a date before and almost fainted. Dusty figured Willow wanted to date him and assumed, "I'm assuming you want to date me."

"Yes, of course I do," she immediately responded.

"Then it's a date."

The two bears smiled and gazed into each other's eyes. As they imagined spending time together, a Kodiak bear roared, "How long are you two going to take?"

"Just give us a moment," Dusty replied.

Willow figured the sleuths were growing impatient and considered cooperating with Dusty; Although she hated the idea.

He knew the others were awaiting his answer and tried brainstorming ideas. The sow watched him struggle and figured he could use her help. Therefore, she closed her eyes and remained calm. The two bears spent several moments in silence and tried coming up with ideas. After many moments had passed, Dusty thought of a brilliant escape plan.

"That's it!" he spoke excitedly.

Willow grew curious and asked, "Did you come up with an idea?"

"Yes," he replied.

"Then let's hear it."

Dusty described the details of his plan. After hearing it, Willow believed they could escape and grew a bit happier. Then again, she might hesitate and screw up the plan. The grizzly hadn't harmed a furless creature before. The thought of it worried her. However, the sow had no other choice. If Willow were to escape with Dusty, she would have to stick to the plan.

He figured she was having second thoughts and asked, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes," the female replied.

The sleuths grew more impatient and growled, "Quit stalling and reveal your plan to us!"

"Oh alright," Dusty spoke as he strode towards the bears. Willow followed the grizzly and awaited his motivational speech.

The others grew curious and asked, "What's the plan mighty bear?"

Dusty discussed his plan with the sleuths and mentioned every important detail. The bears figured his plan would succeed and grew happy. Why hadn't they thought of this before? They believed Dusty had a rather intelligent mind and longed to thank him. The sleuths thought of bowing down before the grizzly. As they lowered their heads, Dusty informed, "Once those creatures enter this area, we'll attack."

The bears raised their heads and stared at Dusty, as if he were their leader.

"So be prepared."