
Chapter 6

Moon couldn't believe his eyes. He never expected his mother to appear. Not after what she put him through. Where had she been all this time? And why was she with another wolf?

The surprised look on his face suddenly disappeared. His eyes enlarged as the wolf wrinkled his snout and bared his fangs.

The white she-wolf stared into her son's blue eyes, as if he were going to kill her. She hadn't expected such a reaction from him. Then again, the wolf would never forget how she caused him to suffer.

Moon glared into the wolf's amber eyes and angrily growled, as if he were about to bite her head off.

"Moon. I never meant to hurt you like this," She kindly reassured him.

He didn't believe a word she spoke.

"Why should I believe you?"

"Because I regret leaving you," The wolf spoke, hoping to persuade Moon.

He still despised his mother. Even though she had apologized to him. If she truly felt sorry for her son, she would have to prove it to him.

"You abandoned me," Moon reminded his mother. Although she knew that well enough.

The she-wolf stared down at her paws, feeling guilty for her actions. She hadn't been the mother Moon had hoped for.

"I'm well aware of that."

Moon couldn't take it anymore. She sounded as if she didn't care about him.

"Do you have any idea what I've been through?" He barked furiously.

She did not know what to say. The wolf had abandoned him at such a young age.

"No, I'm afraid I don't."

Moon figured she would say that.

"You're a horrible mother."

She knew she had failed Moon as a child. However, she never expected to hear such words from him.

He turned in the opposite direction and slowly walked away. The she-wolf couldn't stand the thought of losing her son. Yet, she did not what to do. Just as she was about to speak, the other wolf barked "Scarlet, let me handle this."

She looked at the wolf, as if she didn't trust him. If he spoke the wrong words, Moon might never wish to see them again. However, it was worth the risk. Scarlet would allow this wolf to persuade his son to stay.

Luckily, Moon hadn't walked that far. Therefore, it wasn't to late to speak up. The male wolf stepped forward and barked "Moon! You and I need to talk."

"How do you know my name?" The white wolf spoke, without taking another step.

"Because I'm your father," The wolf spoke in a serious voice, as if he were a brave and fearless wolf.

"No, you're not," Moon said, as he turned to face the timber wolf.


Moon stared at him, as if he were weak and helpless.

"I'm not your biological father," he said, as he stared at his paws

"Then you must be..." Moon spoke, wondering if he had a new stepdad.


The three wolves remained quiet, knowing what would happen next.

"My name is Maple," The timber wolf said, as he lifted his head to meet his son's gaze.

"And I'm your stepdad."