
Chapter 5

"Now how are we going to escape?" Moon thought.

The wolves spent several moments thinking of escape plans. However, they couldn't come up with any brilliant ideas. How would one break out of this confinement? As the pack continued thinking, Malty heard faint breaths. The others watched as his ears pricked.

"What's wrong Malty?" Moon asked in a concerned manner.

"I sense the presence of a coyote," he spoke while turning his head.

Just to be sure, Moon and the others sniffed the ground. They picked up traces of a female coyote and grew confused. Why hadn't they noticed this earlier? Perhaps she had remained quiet this whole time.

Malty padded forwards and approached the beautiful coyote. She grew startled and backed away in fear. The wolf wondered why she feared him. He figured the coyote had never encountered wolves. However, Malty stepped forward.

"Please, stay away from me," the coyote spoke in a frightened voice.

The gray wolf grew worried and backed away. Filled with curiosity, Moon and the others trotted towards the shy canine. They watched as her pale green eyes widened in fear. She hadn't encountered wolves in a while and trembled. What if they attacked her? The coyote didn't stand a chance against them.

As the wolves crept near her, she barked, "Please spare my life!"

All remained silent. The wolves never encountered a coyote before. Would she be convinced if they spoke the truth? Or would she refuse to believe them? Whatever the reason, Moon and his family figured they should befriend her.

As Moon began to speak, Malty interrupted, "Don't be frightened."

The coyote froze, as if she were prey about to be devoured. Why didn't he attack her? She figured the wolf and his pack were luring her into a trap. Therefore, the coyote ignored the wolves and stepped a few paces back.

"We're not here to hurt you," Malty reassured her.

"I don't trust you."

He figured she had a long history with wolves and grew upset. The coyote noticed his strange behavior and almost pitied him. Tears rolled down Malty's eyes. She hadn't seen a wolf behave in such a way?

"He's not like those other wolves," The coyote figured.

"Perhaps he and I can become friends."

The coyote smiled as she imagined befriending Malty. He and the others grew surprised. Had this canine overcome her fear of wolves? Moon figured she trusted his brother and grinned. The coyote stepped towards Malty and licked his cheeks. He grew surprised and his face blushed bright red. His parents figured their son had a crush on the coyote and smiled.

He found her quite attractive and hoped she would date him. Margarine grew upset and lowered her head. If the maned wolf had known this would happen, she wouldn't have waited to ask him out. Moon noticed the sad expression on her face and asked, "Why are you so upset?"

Margarine explained her situation to him. He never thought she would find his brother attractive. However, Moon pitied the she-wolf and longed to comfort her. Margarine grew more upset and almost cried.

"Don't worry Margarine," Moon reassured her.

The maned wolf raised her head and gazed into his eyes.

"Finding the perfect soulmate is no easy task."

Margarine chose to believe the wolf. Perhaps she would meet her future husband outside these walls.

"You might spend several years finding him."

"Or it may occur sooner than you think."

The she-wolf grew happier and smiled.

"Whatever the reason, you must never doubt yourself."

Margarine agreed with the wolf and responded, "I believe you Moon."

The two wolves smiled at one another. Malty gazed into the coyote's eyes for several moments.

"You're probably wondering what my name is," The canine spoke in a soft gentle voice.

Malty responded by nodding his head.

"My name is Maza," The coyote informed the wolf.

They spent the afternoon chatting with one another. Maple and Scarlet enjoyed seeing Malty happy and figured they would become a great couple. Moon and Margarine watched them cuddle and smiled.

As much as Maza enjoyed cuddling with Malty, she feared the outside world. The canine trembled and almost cried. Malty noticed her odd behavior and asked, "You're not frightened of me, are you?"

"No, that's not it," Maza replied.

"Then why are you trembling?"

The coyote explained to Malty about her fear of wolves and life in the forest. He than realized why she would prefer to remain locked up. Nevertheless, the wolf responded, "Maza, you're not alone anymore."

She grew surprised and her eyes widened. Did he love her that much? Or did he wish to befriend the coyote? Whatever the reason, Maza asked, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"My family and I are busting out of this prison."

Maza couldn't believe her eyes. How would these wolves escape a confined space like this? They would have to come up with a brilliant plan. Perhaps Malty figured out how to escape already.

"And I'm bringing you with me."