
Chapter 5

Before Moon had a moment to think, Ash lifted one paw and slashed the white wolf's belly. Moon watched as blood quickly gushed out of his belly and trickled down his sides.

He could not defeat Ash all on his own. If the wolf hadn't underestimated the big black bear, he could have brought his pack along to help fight. After all, a lone wolf never stands a chance in the wilderness.

Ash stared down at Moon, as if he had won and were about to kill him. The wolf had no choice but to fight. Just as the two were about to attack, a pack of wolves suddenly appeared running towards them.

The two mammals quickly fixed their gaze on the wolf pack. Moon couldn't believe it. His pack had come to rescue him.

Unlike Moon, Ash was not happy to see the wolves. His body quivered in fear. He had not expected to find several wolves approaching him all at once. The black bear thought of retreating. However, he knew that wasn't an option. And besides, if he ran away from a pack of wolves, he could never face Dusty; as well as other bears.

Therefore, he decided to attack. As he stepped back, the bear noticed that the pack were much closer than before.

Moon then realized what Ash had been planning. If he could prevent the bear from running, his pack would be able to fight the large creature. And perhaps scare him into running away. Therefore, he didn't waste any more time.

Before Ash had the chance to run, Moon sank his sharp fangs into one large foreleg. Blood slowly trickled down the bear's black fur. Ash couldn't stand the sight of blood and wriggled his body, trying to fling the wolf off his leg. However, it was no use. Moon's claws were pierced deep in the animal's flesh. Fighting it would only make matters worse. Therefore, he resisted the urge to fight and stood there, as if he were utterly helpless and was about to die.

Although Ash had stopped fighting, Moon did not dare release his fangs. For he feared that if he did, the bear would slaughter him.

Fortunately, Moon's pack were almost within the bear's grasp. They kept running and running. Ash knew he couldn't avoid this attack. However, he could try fighting them off. His leg may have been badly injured. Then again, his other three legs were fully functioning. If he could just fight through the pain that soared through his leg, He might stand a chance at beating these wolves.

He decided to wait until the pack was within his range, and quickly kill them one by one. The bear waited. And waited. After a few minutes had gone by, the wolves were finally within his grasp.

Fortunately, Ash didn't have to fling Moon off his leg. The wolf willingly released his fangs and ran in the opposite direction of his pack. Instead of attacking the pack, Ash turned to face the white wolf and watched him flee.

He had lowered his guard without realizing it. This gave Moon's pack the perfect opportunity to attack. While Ash fixed his gaze on the white wolf, one wolf leaped on his back and pierced his sharp teeth deep into his pink flesh.

The black bear roared in agony. He had never experienced such pain in his life. Many drops of bright red blood splattered all over the vicious wolf's fangs. Ash couldn't stand these wolves and had an urge to kill them.

He didn't care how many there were. The bear would slaughter every wolf, even if it killed him. However, his fatal injuries were preventing him from fighting.

Before Ash could think of a well thought plan, a few other wolves raked the bear's large underbelly. Large amounts of blood gushed out and splattered blades of green grass beneath him.

Ash didn't want to end like this. He had to keep fighting. However, he knew he couldn't last much longer. Those darn wolves had viciously attacked him, leaving the bear with many severe injuries. They had clearly won this fight.

Therefore, he fought the urge to kill and slowly collapsed to the ground. Fortunately, the wolves that had attacked him quickly fled before the bear had fallen down. They stood back, not knowing if Ash was dead or not.

Even if he wanted to trick these wolves, he certainly couldn't run from them. It would only make matters worse. Which felt reassuring to Moon's pack. They had definitely defeated Ash. Therefore, the wolves decided to celebrate.

They all ran around the black bear, as if he were a source of amusement to them. Moon could see his pack from a short distance and wondered if they had killed Ash. Either way, it didn't really matter. That mean old black bear had been defeated. Therefore, Moon decided to celebrate with his pack mates.

The white wolf ran towards the wolves and happily smiled. If it hadn't been for his brave pack, he would have surely died. Moon couldn't thank them enough. In his eyes, he would always see them as true warriors.

"Moon, did you see us attack that bear?" A gray wolf excitedly asked him.

"Yes, you all were amazing!" The white wolf happily responded.

They were all relieved to hear that they had fought well. The wolves decided to show their appreciation. Therefore, Moon's packmates all licked his furry cheeks. Their large pink tongues glided across his face, wetting his bright shiny fur.

"Stop it, that tickles!" He happily exclaimed.

The wolves ignored him and continued licking his cheeks. After a few minutes had passed, they decided to stop and give Moon a little space. As much as he enjoyed that moment, the wolf knew he couldn't rest now. Ash may have been defeated. However, that didn't mean his troubles were over. Flame hadn't appeared since Dusty had kidnapped her. Which is why he had to rescue her.

His pack wondered why he wasn't smiling and hoped they could cheer him up again. Why had his mood suddenly changed? Did it have anything to do with that fox? Either way, these wolves would figure it out.

"What's troubling you Moon?" One wolf curiously asked him.

"I'm just..."

Moon paused.

"I'm just worried about Flame," He sadly spoke, as he lowered his head to the ground.

The wolves hadn't realized that he had been mentioning a fox. Therefore, an old she-wolf replied, "Who is she?"

Moon raised his head and explained to her how he had first met the young vixen. And how they shared a special bond between each other. By the time he had finished, every wolf realized just how special she was to him.

"Don't worry young wolf," the elder reassured him.

"You'll find her soon enough."

As encouraging as those words were, Moon didn't think it would be that easy. Nevertheless, He could not ignore a packmate's words.

"Yeah, I'm sure I will," Moon said, as he gazed at the beautiful sun shining above the horizon.

"Now that's the spirit," A white she-wolf spoke, as she and another wolf headed in his direction.

Moon recognized that beautiful soft voice and turned to face her.

"Mom?" He slowly responded.

"Hello Moon."