
Chapter 4

Copper wondered how he and the others would steal the silver sticks and almost panicked. How were they going to snatch a shiny object from inside this prison? It seemed impossible. The fox placed his paws on his temples and tried thinking of brilliant ideas.

Marigold grew concerned and asked her brother, "Copper, what's going on with you?"

"There must be a way to snatch those sticks," he figured.

Flame fixed her gaze on the silver bundle and longed to steal them. However, she and the others were at a disadvantage. If they could convince a bird to fetch the sticks for them, their problems would be solved. She suggested the idea to Copper and Marigold. They figured the plan would succeed. Then again, the foxes didn't spot any birds flying outside.

"Where could they be?" Flame wondered.

The gray foxes grew tired of thinking and stared at their paws. They were closer to admitting defeat. Despite this, Flame wouldn't give up. She assumed birds were nesting. If the vixen could attract their attention, she could convince them to snatch the silver sticks and unlock the cage.

Flame knew birds craved shiny objects and searched the area. She didn't spot any bright items and lowered her head. As the fox began to doubt herself, a bright light gleamed in her eyes. Copper and Marigold grew curious and stared at the fox.

"Where is that light coming from?" Flame pondered.

As Copper scanned the area, he spotted a shiny smooth stone reflecting sunlight on the vixen. The fox padded towards the shimmering rock and stared at it. Flame noticed that he had been gazing at a gleaming object. She couldn't believe her luck. The fox trotted towards the glistening stone and smiled. Birds were sure to spot this shiny gem.

Marigold grew curious and padded towards the other foxes. She spotted the glowing rock and her eyes lit up. The vixen had never witnessed such beauty before. She imagined caressing the smooth stone and almost drooled. Flame and Copper glared at her, as if she were crazy. After a few moments had passed, Marigold quit daydreaming and faced the two foxes.

"What?" She spoke as if she were innocent.

As the three foxes gazed at the beautiful silver stone, a few birds dove towards the cage and squeezed their heads in between the iron bars. the skulk raised their heads and stared at the feathered creatures; A blue jay and a magpie.

Flame knew the two birds desired the shiny stone and smirked at them. She knew they would risk anything to snatch the dazzling rock. The fox could use it as a bargaining chip and command the birds to retrieve the silver sticks. With that in mind, Flame caressed the stone and taunted, "You two want this stone, don't you?"

"Yes! We must retrieve the almighty goddess!" The blue jay cawed as he stared at the beautiful rock.

The three foxes realized how desperate these birds were and almost laughed.

"You're right Sunny," the magpie agreed.

"We must caress her glistening silver skin."

The skulk stared at the birds in bewilderment. Why were they describing a stone, as if she were a female. Flame and Marigold found it offensive and frowned. The two vixens knew they were more beautiful then a rock. So why didn't these birds see it? Whatever the reason, they despised the feathered creatures and longed to attack them. However, they needed their help to escape. Therefore, Marigold and Flame chose to ignore the birds' rude behavior.

"If you two want this stone, then help us escape," Flame commanded.

"Very well my lady," Sunny addressed the fox as he lowered his head.

Instead of growing angry, she gazed into the bird's eyes and smiled. If feathered creatures found the vixen attractive, she figured any animal would desire her.

Marigold stared at Flame, as if she were crazy. How could she show sympathy for untrustworthy birds? If it were her, Marigold would threaten to consume the small creatures. Even if they were trustworthy, she would never listen to them. The vixen despised birds more then anything.

"Why pick us?" the magpie asked with curiosity in his eyes.

"Because you two crave bright objects," Flame reminded the birds.

Sunny and his friend cocked their heads in bewilderment. If that was the case, she could have chosen any bird. So why them?

"I don't understand," the magpie spoke in a confused voice.

Flame explained to the birds about the bundle of silver sticks. Once she mentioned the metallic object, their eyes lit up. The vixen soon realized that the creatures were dozing off and barked, "Pay attention you idiots!"

The two birds quit daydreaming and fixed their eyes on Flame. She continued her conversation with them and mentioned more details about the sticks. Once they knew how to retrieve the object, Sunny and his companion responded, "We won't let you down."

Flame believed in the birds and smiled. The three foxes watched as the feathered creatures jerked their heads out. They spread their wings and prepared for flight. The two birds took off and flew into the sky.

Copper figured they would succeed and grinned. However, Marigold still loathed birds and snarled. If the fox could bust out of this prison, she would chase those pathetic creatures and feast on their bodies. Flame hoped the birds would retrieve the sticks and set them free. If they were to fail, she and the others might spend an eternity trapped in their cage.