
Chapter 4

Dusty continued running. He would not rest until he found a cave to rest in. Flame felt as if she were being kidnapped and squirmed vigorously, trying to break free.

"Let me go!" She angrily growled.

Dusty ignored Flame and just kept walking, as if he did not care about her. She wondered where the grizzly was taking her.

"I said let me go!" Flame repeated, hoping Dusty would listen and happily comply.

The grizzly still did not reply. Why wouldn't he answer her? Flame felt as if she were invisible and decided not to talk anymore.

Dusty could not communicate while he held Flame in his jaws. For he feared he would pierce his teeth into her flesh. Luckily, he carried the fox as if she were a bear cub. Just as any mother would.

He walked and walked until he spotted a large stone cave. The grizzly wondered if any bears were hibernating in there or not. Flame feared Dusty would kill her and hide her body in the cave. The thought of it sent a shiver down her spine.

"I guess this it," Flame assumed as she thought of the death that awaited her.

Dusty stopped staring at the cave and walked towards it. Flame could hear her heart beat faster and faster. She did not want to die yet. She had not thanked Moon for saving her life. How would Flame repay the favor if she died?

The grizzly decided to inspect the cave and find out if there were any animals living in it. He slowly walked inside and checked to see if there were any animals sleeping. Fortunately, the large grizzly did not spot any animals.

Dusty sighed in relief and carefully placed Flame on the hard rocky ground. He detached his jaws and wondered if she had any injuries. The bear gently stroked her fur, as if he were the fox's mother.

"What are you doing?" Flame nervously asked Dusty.

"I'm checking to see if you have any injuries," The grizzly said, as he continued to stroke her fur.

"Ok?" Flame nervously replied. She did not know what to think of Dusty. Why hadn't he killed her? Did a part of him care for the young fox? Perhaps that was the reason he had brought her here, away from large predators.

The grizzly did not spot any injuries on Flame and stopped stroking her beautiful bright fur.

"Dusty?" Flame kindly asked the compassionate bear.

"Yes, little fox?"

"Why did you save me?" The fox asked, as she stared at the grizzly's large face.

Without hesitating, Dusty quickly replied, "Because I could never kill such innocent prey."

The little fox never expected to hear those words and gladly smiled. Perhaps she could trust this grizzly bear? After all, she owed him for saving her life.

Flame decided to return the kind gesture by hugging the large grizzly bear. She placed her small paws on Dusty's thighs and wagged her bushy bright tail. They both smiled and forgot what they were talking about.

At that moment, Dusty thought of telling Flame about his childhood. He only hoped she would listen. And since she had nothing better to do, it seemed like a good idea. Therefore, he decided to go for it.

As Flame opened her mouth, Dusty cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Flame?" He asked the beautiful little fox.

"Yes, Dusty?" she asked grumpily, as she fixed her amber eyes at the large grizzly bear.

"Would you like to hear the story of my childhood?"

"Sure..." The fox spoke sarcastically, as she rolled her eyes.

Dusty noticed how Flame reacted, but did not say anything. Therefore, he started off by saying, "I loved exploring the wilderness as a cub."

Flame already knew she was going to regret this, and forced a smile on her face. Dusty figured she was enjoying his story and continued telling it.


The grizzly spent an hour describing every moment of his childhood. And by the time he finished, Flame had fallen fast asleep. Dusty wondered if she had paid attention at all and glared angrily at her.

"How could she not enjoy the story of my childhood?" He thought to himself.

"Am I really not that interesting?"

Dusty couldn't help wonder why Flame had dozed off. He caught her snoring and could not contain himself anymore. He took a few steps back and roared as loud as he could. The fox immediately woke up and watched the cave shake before her eyes. Small brown brats quickly flew out. And just when she thought it had ended, a large silver stalagmite broke apart and landed on the hard rocky surface, splitting in half.

As startled as Flame was, she didn't dare scream. For if she did, Dusty would see her as a weak and helpless fox. He may act like a kind and thoughtful bear. However, that could be a trick to let her guard down. So just to be sure, Flame stood up and puffed her chest, as if nothing had ever happened.

Dusty wondered why she decided to act brave all of a sudden and couldn't help but wonder.

"You're scared, aren't you," Dusty asked with a smug grin.

"No, I'm not," Flame barked as she bared her fangs.

"Then why were you shaking?"

"Because..." Flame hesitated, not knowing what to say next.

Dusty tilted his head in confusion and wondered if he really had scared the poor fox.

"Because I..." she paused again, hoping the grizzly would believe her answer.

He continued to wait, as if he were a cub waiting for his mother to feed him.

"I'm cold!" she suddenly barked.

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Because I thought I could handle it."

"Well, you most certainly couldn't," Dusty said, as he laid on his side.

Flame had the impression that this grizzly wanted to cuddle with her. However, she would not consent to the likes of him.

"I don't care how cold I am," the fox angrily yapped.

As surprised as he was, Dusty never expected her to deny his generous hospitality.

"I'd rather freeze to death then lay by your side."

The grizzly never expected to hear an answer like that and didn't know what to do. As kind as he was, Flame would never completely trust him. And yet, he still had hope.

"Why are you acting so hostile towards me?"

"Because I want to find Moon," Flame spoke in a lighter tone.

"Why?" Dusty quickly replied.

"Because I owe him for saving my life," The fox spoke, as she stared out into the forest.

The bear hadn't realized how important this wolf meant to her. If he had saved her life before, then perhaps he wasn't as vicious as he thought.

"You really mean that?"

"Yes, of course I do."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Dusty said, realizing how dangerous the situation would be for her.

"Quit telling me what to do!" Flame furiously barked, as she turned to face the grizzly bear.

"It's just that..." Dusty said as he stared down at his claws.

Flame stared at him, as if she were going to attack the large bear. She wouldn't fall for his tricks anymore. One way or another she would find Moon and repay him for saving her life.

"What if Ash finds you and decides to..."

"Kill me?" Flame finished his sentence.


"Then I guess I'm bringing you with me."

"Are you sure that's what you want?" Dusty couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, I'm sure," The fox happily replied.

He didn't think she would ever agree with him. Had he somehow changed her mind? Or was she desperate to save this wolf? Either way, Dusty felt happy.

"If it'll make you happy, you can be my bodyguard," Flame grumpily told him.

Dusty didn't know what to say. Was she starting to trust him? If so, they would make great friends and powerful allies. Or perhaps she loved his good looks. Either way, the two animals would defeat Ash and rescue a wolf in need of help.