
Chapter 2

"Moon?" Flame asked, wondering if she had found her canine hero.

"Flame?" The young white wolf happily responded.

She could not believe her eyes. Flame had finally found Moon. If the fox had given up her search, they would have never met. If she hadn't chased that rabbit, none of this would have ever occurred.

The two canines smiled and felt relieved, knowing that they had both survived. Now Flame could thank Moon for saving her life.

"I'm so glad to see you!" She exclaimed happily.

"So am I," The white wolf happily smiled.

As they stared into each other's eyes, the two animals thought of what they were going to say. It had been a while since they last met. Luckily, they still remembered one another.

"How's life treating you?" Flame kindly asked.

"Well, the truth is..." Moon replied, not knowing what to say next.

He did not know how to break the bad news to Flame. How would she handle it? The wolf feared the young fox would cry. He did not want to see a beautiful fox like her shedding tears.

"How do I put this?" Moon asked himself.

Flame patiently waited while he thought of what to say. She could not wait to talk with him. Her parents would never know. And even if they did, she would not care. They no longer controlled every aspect of her life.

After thinking it over for a bit, Moon knew exactly what to tell Flame. He cleared his throat and said "I am a lone wolf."

"A lone... wolf...?" The fox confusingly asked as she tilted her head. Flame had no idea what he had just told her and wanted to ask him more questions.

"What's that?"

"Well..." Moon said, as he thought of the best way to explain his answer.

"A lone wolf has no place in a pack."

"And why is that?"

"Because lone wolves prefer to travel alone."

"Alone?" Flame sadly asked, as if she were about to cry.

To prevent that from happening, Moon explained to her why he had abandoned his pack and remained solo. Surely, that would cheer up the poor fox.

She felt a little better after that and happily smiled at him. Moon felt relieved and also smiled. The two canines hadn't been properly introduced. Flame may know his name. However, he did not know her name and decided to ask her.

"Now that I think about it..." Moon said, as he stared into the fox's beautiful amber eyes.

"You never told me your name."

Flame felt like such an idiot. Why hadn't she introduced herself back then? If she had told him her name, he would have definitely remembered.

"Yeah. That's pretty stupid of me," The guilty young fox replied as she closed her eyes.

"Would you mind telling me it?" Moon kindly asked her.

"Yes, of course!" she happily exclaimed.

"My name is Flame."

Moon loved how beautiful her name sounded and happily smiled at her. Now that they had introduced themselves, the two mammals knew a little about each other. Flame hadn't forgotten the promise she made to herself. The fox had to thank the kind young wolf for saving her life. She owed him that much.

"Moon?" Flame kindly asked the white wolf.

He wondered what she would ask him and hoped for good news.

"What is it Flame?"

"I never thanked you for saving my life," she reminded him.

Moon remembered the day he had rescued Flame and wondered how she would repay him. Would the fox save his life? Or perhaps kiss him?

"How would you like me to repay you?" she asked Moon, as if she were flirting with him.

"Well..." He nervously blushed as he stared at Flame's beautiful orange pelt. She looked gorgeous. Her bright amber eyes and orange fur glistened in the rays of golden sunlight. He desperately wanted to kiss the young fox. However, as tempted as he might be, Moon would not kiss her. He barely knew the fox and wanted to remain friends with her.

"I'm afraid that won't be necessary," Moon politely insisted and smiled at Flame.

"Are you sure about that?" She purposely said, trying to trick him into kissing her.

"Yes. You don't owe me anything."

Flame would not rest until she repaid Moon for saving her life. If the wolf truly desired her, she would allow him to kiss her. And if he did not, she would find a way to satisfy him.

"There must be something you want," The clever fox happily flirted with Moon.

She would soon have her answer.

"You're absolutely right," He convinced her.

"I want you to live a happily life and enjoy every minute of it."

Flame desperately wanted to kiss Moon. However, she could not deny his wishes. If he wanted her to live a happy life, She would happily comply and obey him.

"If that is what you truly desire, I will happily obey you," The fox spoke as she lowered her head.

"You don't have to bow before me," Moon said, looking confused and hoped Flame would make her own choices.

"You're not my slave."

"Yes, I should have known better," She said while raising her head.

"Stop apologizing to me," The white wolf thought nervously.

Unfortunately, two large bears had been hiding behind a large bush and heard Flame and Moon's entire conversation. One happened to be a grizzly bear, while the other was a black bear.

"Ash?" The grizzly bear nervously asked the other.

"Yes Dusty?" The black bear replied.

"Do we have to do this?"

"Yes! Of course we have to!" Ash purposely roared, as if he were the grizzly's father.

"Fine," Dusty said as he stared at the ground.

He did not want to hurt the two canines. However, if Ash wanted him to, he had no other choice. If the grizzly ever disobeyed him, he would suffer consequences worse then death.