
Chapter 1

The next day Flame awoke and stretched her legs. She planned to escape prison and search for Moon and the others. However, the fox couldn't think of a plan on her own. She would need assistance from animals inside her cage.

Flame spotted a gay fox and padded towards him.

"Hello there," she greeted the fox with a smile on her face.

He fixed his gaze on Flame and stared into her eyes. She grew a disgusted look on her face and stepped back a few paces.

"You sure are beautiful," the gray fox added.

Flame didn't know what to think. Should she play along and flirt with him? Or should she speak the truth and inform him about Moon? The fox thought about her situation and knew what to do. The two foxes introduced themselves. Flame now knew the fox's name.

"It's nice to meet you Copper," Flame smiled at the fox.

After getting acquainted with one another, she asked Copper if he knew how to escape the zoo. He never imagined breaking out of prison and responded, "I'm afraid I can't help you."

Flame grew angry and snarled at Copper. Didn't he plan to escape this prison and live in the forest? Or did he enjoy living in a confined space? Whatever the reason, she figured Copper would come to a realization and cooperate with her.

The vixen asked Copper to help her escape. He refused and looked away. After a few moments of silence, Flame begged, "Please help me Copper. I'll do whatever you ask of me."

Copper loved hearing her beg and stared at her with a smirk on his face. He could have the vixen fulfill any desire he wished for. The gray fox thought it over for a while and came up with the perfect solution. He cleared his throat and ordered Flame to kiss him. She grew a disgusting look on her face and almost barfed. The vixen would rather bathe in mud then kiss a pervert like him. However, she didn't have a choice. If Flame refused to obey him, he wouldn't cooperate with her and think of an escape plan. Therefore, she lowered her head and replied, "Very well Copper."

The gray fox requested that she address him as a king. Flame glared at him as though he were crazy and complained, "You can't be serious."

He shifted his head and gave her a gratifying look. She assumed the fox found her desirable and addressed, "Very well my king."

Flame leaned forward and kissed Copper's left cheek. He expected her to kiss his mouth and grew disappointed. Did she secretly have a boyfriend? No, that couldn't be it. Copper assumed the fox despised him and grew angry.

"That wasn't a kiss!" Copper barked.

The vixen grew angry and glared at the gray fox. She had respected his wishes and obeyed him. And yet, he complained to her like a kit.

"Yes it was!" Flame reminded Copper.

He insisted that she kiss his lips. The vixen would have refused if she didn't require his assistance. Therefore, Flame complied with Copper and shut her eyes. She leaned forward and kissed the fox's lips.

Copper grew excited and farted. Flame opened her eyes and sniffed the foul odor. The fox grew a disgusted look on her face and regretted kissing Copper. She placed one paw on her muzzle and swiped the other at the filthy fox. The atmosphere reeked of skunks bathing in manure. She loathed the disgusting smell and almost puked.

"Copper! Why must you fart every time you kiss a girl?" A female gray fox asked in an annoying manner.

"Why must you ask me annoying questions?" the gray fox retorted.

Flame lowered her paw and placed it on the ground. She fixed her gaze on the gray vixen and cocked her head in confusion. Who was this fox? And how did she know Copper? She assumed they relatives.

The gray foxes argued for quite a while. Flame grew annoyed and rolled her eyes.

Would they quit fighting and come to their senses?

After a long and heated argument, Copper and the gray vixen faced Flame with stern looks in their eyes. She figured they resolved their situation and felt a little better. The gray vixen mentioned her name to Flame and introduced herself. She apologized on behalf of Copper and insisted that he cooperate with Flame.

"Marigold, you're making me uncomfortable," Copper complained to the gray vixen.

"As your older sister, I suggest you obey me."

Copper dared not defy his sister and chose to help Flame. He thought of multiple escape plans. However, none of them would prove useful. The gray fox couldn't figure out how to escape and wished he were smarter.

"How can we escape this prison?" Flame asked Copper with hope in her eyes.

He didn't know what to say. The fox tried coming up with brilliant ideas. However, his mind went blank and he felt useless. Flame grew impatient and barked, "Answer me Copper!"

"I don't know!" he whined.

Flame felt sympathy for the fox and almost apologized to him. Perhaps she had gone a little too far. She tried convincing him to calm down. Copper calmed his nerves by inhaling and exhaling. Flame grew happy and encouraged him to keep thinking of ideas.

As Copper thought of potential escape plans, jingling sounds startled him. He peeked through the iron bars and spotted a furless creature carrying a bundle of small silver sticks.

"Flame and Marigold," he alerted the two foxes.

They sprinted towards Copper and asked, "What is it Copper?"

The gray fox pointed a paw towards the creature. As confused as they were, Flame and Marigold peeked through the bars and fixed their eyes on the bundle of sticks. They figured the tool could unlock the cages and rejoiced.

"That's it!" Flame remarked.

Copper and Marigold figured she knew how to escape the zoo and awaited her response.

"If we're able to snatch those sticks, we can escape and settle in the forest."