
Chapter 1

Flame ran through the woods, feeling as free as a bird. As an adult, she could make her own choices and do whatever she pleased.

The fox had been searching for Moon all these years and had a hard time finding him. If he wasn't in the woods, where else could he possibly be? Flame couldn't help but wonder.

She loved the forest more then anything. But when she thought of Moon, Her heart would start beating. She couldn't figure out why. Probably because she owed him for saving her life. Then again, the fox had a crush on the cute little wolf. Perhaps that was the reason.

As the wind ruffled her fur, Flame thought of the beautiful forest and smiled. She would eventually meet Moon and reunite with him.

As much as she loved the forest, there were many predators lurking around. Luckily, Moon had prevented his pack from eating her. If only she had him with her. How would Flame survive all alone in the forest? She had no friends and her parents were long gone.

If only she had made friends. After all, many animals dwelled in the forest. Some of them might be willing to help her out. With that in mind, Flame decided to make a new friend.

She looked around and spotted a deer and a moose. They appeared to be slurping water from a nearby lake. Since they were both herbivores, Flame decided to talk to them.

The brave fox trotted towards the lake and sat near the herbivores. Rays of golden sunlight cast reflections down on the sparkling blue water. She watched as the large mammals lapped it up.

Unfortunately, the two herbivores were so focused on drinking and did not hear the sounds of Flame's footsteps.

Without any warning, the red fox happily shouted "Good morning large mammals!"

The herbivores stared at her, as if she were a creepy looking monster and did not dare move. They had scared looks in their eyes and wondered why a fox would sneak up on them and shout in their faces.

"G- Good M-Mor... ning..." The scared large moose stuttered.

He almost wet himself and did not know what Flame would do next. The moose just wanted to happily spend the day with the handsome stag. And now the curious little fox had ruined everything.

The male deer fixed his gaze on Flame and angrily stared at her. He did not like her and wished she would leave.

"Why are you here?" He asked angrily, wondering if he would lose his temper or not.

Flame did not expect the stag to act so hostile and worried that he would battle her. Surely, that wouldn't happen. Perhaps if she explained everything, the buck might forgive her and treat the young fox as a friend. Rather then an enemy.

"Well... you see..." she said, as she carefully thought of which words to speak.

If the young fox said anything to upset him, she might not live to see another day. Or she might receive a punishment worse then death. Either way, the two options didn't sound good.

The moose and deer waited for Flame to finish her sentence. They were not pleased and despised the red fox. If she did not start talking soon, the two mammals would not hesitate to fight her.

After thinking it over for a few minutes, she knew just what to say. After taking deep breaths, the fox continued talking and said "I'm trying to find a wolf."

The two animals did not seem to care and stared at her, as if they had no souls. Flame noticed their cold brown eyes and figured they did not want to help her out.

"Why should we care?" The stag asked her.

"Find him on your own!" The moose angrily shouted.

Flame knew they had no intention of helping her. However, she did not want to find Moon on her own. A fox such as herself could not survive in a world like this. If Flame were to die, she would never have the chance to thank Moon for saving her. And if Moon had been patiently waiting for the cute red fox, she certainly could not let him down.

"Please help me! You two are my only hope," She desperately begged the large mammals and hoped they would listen to her.

She had a sad look on her face. Her black pupils grew larger and the cute little fox frowned. Flame could not travel alone anymore. She needed strong companions right now.

"No!" The two herbivores shouted at Flame.

She now knew that these animals would never lend her a hoof. The young fox would have to find Moon all on her own.

"Just leave us alone!" The two mammals shouted angrily at Flame and walked away from her.

With no companions by her side, the sad little fox walked away crying. Tears slowly rolled down her face and she started to lose hope. What if she never found Moon? And what if he had already died? How would the poor young fox know about it?

Even if she continued her journey, the fox would surely die along the way. A predator would hunt her down in a matter of seconds. Perhaps her parents had been right all along. If Flame had never left her den, none of this would have ever occurred.

Just as the fox began to doubt herself, she spotted a small brown rabbit sniffing flowers. Unlike her, he seemed happy and energetic. He also looked delicious. And Flame had not eaten in a while. She licked her mouth and crouched into a hunting position, ready to strike and pounce on the small critter.

Without hesitating, Flame immediately leaped above the ground and landed on her feet near the fluffy little rabbit. Before the critter had a chance to escape, she grasped his throat and pinned him down.

The rabbit wiggled, trying to break free. Unfortunately, he was no match against a fox or any other predator. He knew he would soon die and awaited death.

Flame extended her front claws and prepared to kill her prey. Just as the clever fox lowered her paws, she heard bushes rustling and panicked. She sheathed her claws and allowed the rabbit to run away. There were more important matters at the moment. Such as predators that might be lurking around the forest.

While she thought about her current situation, a large white wolf sprung out of bushes and quickly landed on the ground. Instead of running away, Flame looked directly into the wolf's bright blue eyes and smiled at the sight of him. Had she finally found Moon? ...After all this time?