
Chapter 15

Dusty lifted his head and watched Ash soak in a puddle of blood. Flame stared at the grizzly with a horrified expression on her face. How could he slaughter another bear? Didn't he feel guilty for taking his life?

The grizzly swam away from the cold lifeless body and stepped onto the riverbank. He shook the water off his fur and headed towards Flame. She feared the bear and backed away in terror. Dusty didn't expect the fox to react in such a way. Is it because he killed Ash? the bear didn't have a choice. If he allowed Ash to live, Flame would have died. The grizzly prevented the black bear from killing her. She should be thanking him. So why did Flame fear the bear?

Flame hid behind Moon and hoped he would protect her. As Dusty walked towards the wolf, he bared his fangs and snarled at the grizzly. Dusty froze and stared at Moon with a terrified look on his face.

"You stay away from her!" the wolf barked.

Malty and his parents grew angry and glared at Dusty. The grizzly explained to Moon that Ash would have murdered Flame. He saved her life and she owed him an apology. Moon wondered if Dusty spoke the truth and turned to Flame.

"Do you trust this bear?"

The fox stepped towards Dusty and replied, "Yes, of course I trust him."

The grizzly smiled at Flame. She still had faith in him. He knew they would make great friends and longed to chat with her. Dusty asked the fox if she would befriend him. She accepted his friendship and smiled at the bear.

Since Flame trusted Dusty, Moon figured the bear spoke the truth. He assumed the grizzly wouldn't harm her. However, the wolf couldn't be sure.


Flame and Dusty spent hours chatting with one another. Moon smiled at the two mammals and knew they were great friends. Malty and Maple chased after each other, as if they were young pups playing tag. Scarlet watched the two wolves play and grew happy.

Once their conversation had ended, Flame scurried towards Moon with a smile on her face. He knew she owed him a favor. Perhaps they could date one another and share wonderful memories in the forest. Moon imagined him and Flame as a couple and wagged his tail. He had never felt so excited before. The vixen giggled at Moon. She had never seen him this happy and wished to repay his kindness.

"Moon...?" Flame asked the wolf in a shy manner.

"Yes Flame?" Moon responded.

"I never thanked you for saving my life."

Moon imagined kissing Flame and his cheeks blushed bright red.

"However can I repay you," the fox asked the wolf while flirting with him.

"You could go out with me," he suggested.

"Alright," Flame said with a smile on her face.

Dusty watched the two canines walk alongside one another and smiled. He enjoyed seeing them together and knew they would become good mates.

After a few minutes had passed, Moon heard large footsteps and grew worried. He looked back and scanned the forest. The wolf didn't spot any creatures and assumed he and Flame were safe. Therefore, Moon kept walking. However, the sounds of footsteps grew louder and startled the two animals. They looked back and spotted tall furless figures heading towards them. Moon instructed Flame to flee by raising his tail. However, she refused to leave him and remained by his side.

Malty and his parents watched in terror and sprinted towards the two canines. The tall figures aimed small metal sticks at the four mammals and fired. Bright colored feathers attached to thin sticks shot out and pierced the animals' pelts.

Dusty grew terrified and sprinted towards the canines. Their unconscious bodies lied on their sides. The grizzly grew horrified and froze in terror. A tall figure aimed a metal stick at the bear and shot a feathered stick into his pelt. The grizzly collapsed on the ground and closed his eyes.