
Chapter 14

Dusty charged at Ash. The black bear dodged the attack and raked his claws over the grizzly's left eye. A bright red scar soon appeared in its place. Flame grew worried and almost barked. She pitied the grizzly for fighting alone and longed to join him. As the fox walked towards the two bears, Moon shook his head from side to side. The vixen looked back at the wolf and figured he wanted her to remain safe alongside him. Therefore, she would respect his wishes and remain by his side.

Heaps of blood trickled down Dusty's face and splattered the bright green grass. The grizzly placed a paw over his eye and hoped the pain would vanish. However, his eye stung worse then a wasp sting. Seeing this as the perfect opportunity, Ash stabbed Dusty's underbelly and watched him roar in pain. If the grizzly didn't start fighting soon, he would suffer a terrifying fate.

Before Dusty could think of a strategy, he collapsed on the ground. Many minutes had passed. The grizzly hadn't moved during that time. Flame feared that Ash would murder Dusty and couldn't watch them fight any longer. However, she would never give up on him. The fox believed he could defeat Ash and overcome any obstacles.

"Don't give up Dusty!" Flame encouraged him.

The grizzly felt motivated by her words and stood on all fours. Ash knew he would defeat Dusty and grew a sinister look on his face. The injured bear closed his eyes and calmed his mind. If the grizzly were to win against Ash, he would have to concentrate long and hard. The black bear never witnessed an enemy so calm and almost laughed.

"You expect to fight me with your eyes closed?" Ash mocked Dusty.

As the black bear swung his claw at the grizzly, Dusty opened his eyes and grabbed Ash's fore-paw. the bear tried wriggling his paw free. However, Dusty twisted it and kicked the black bear's groin. Ash felt pain course through his body. As he stared at his paws, Dusty leaped on the bear's back and pierced his fangs into the scruff of his neck. The grizzly unhooked his jaws and watched as blood gushed out of Ash's neck. The black bear roared in agony and collapsed on bloodstained grass.

Dusty leaped off the bear's back and grabbed Ash by the scruff of his neck. He dragged his body along the ground and swam in a lake. The grizzly planned to drown him and avenge his dead parents. Dusty unhooked his jaws and pushed Ash in the lake. Now that he couldn't breathe, the grizzly could end his life. It would only take a matter of seconds. Flame figured that Dusty was attempting to kill Ash and grew horrified.

"He means to kill Ash," Flame realized.

The grizzly pressed his arms against Ash's chest and pushed harder. Flame couldn't contain herself and barked, "Dusty, you aren't a killer!"

The bear fixed his gaze on Flame and grew worried. He knew she cared for him. However, the fox acted as if she loved him. Did Flame prefer him over Moon? Or did she see him as a friend? The grizzly longed to seek an answer.

Whatever the reason, Dusty withdrew his arms and swam away. After a few minutes had passed, Ash arose from the lake and coughed water. Dusty looked back at the bear and wondered if he would charge at him. Ash stood on all fours and approached the grizzly.

"You can't escape from me," the black bear reminded Dusty.

The grizzly didn't want to fight Ash. Then again, he didn't have a choice. Dusty knew he and Ash would battle to the death. Therefore, the grizzly confronted him and said, "I'm not going to kill you."

Dusty walked away and felt confident. He hoped Ash would back down and admit defeat.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I murdered that fox," The black bear said to Dusty.

The grizzly grew angry and charged at Ash. He wouldn't allow the black bear to murder an innocent fox. Dusty swung a paw at the bear and raked his neck. He watched as blood gushed out and landed in the lake.

Ash collapsed in the lake and splashed water on the riverbank. To be certain he had died, Dusty rested his head against the black bear's chest. The grizzly couldn't hear heartbeats and realized he had murdered Ash.