
Chapter 11

Moon and Dagger ran at each other. The two wolves swiped claws at their fur and growled. As they fought, Moon tripped over a silver stone and collapsed on the ground. Dagger grew a sinister smile on his face.

As Moon raised his head, Dagger leaped on his back and pinned him to the ground. The wolf's pack mates applauded him and barked.

Dagger pierced his fangs into Moon's neck and teared flesh away. The arctic wolf now bore a bloody scar on the back of his neck. Dagger unhooked his bloodstained jaws and barked. His pack mates believed their leader had defeated Moon.

Just as they were about to celebrate, Moon kicked his hind legs. Dagger fell off his back and landed on the ground. The brown wolf grew angry and scurried towards Moon. The arctic wolf stood on his legs, charged towards Dagger, and kicked his chest. Moon watched as the brown wolf collapsed into a lake. Dagger's pack mates grew shocked looks on their faces and feared their leader would lose against Moon.

Before Dagger could stand up, Moon sprinted in the lake and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck. He dragged the pack leader through the lake. Dagger's pack mates grew angry and growled at Moon.

The bright skies grew darker and gray storm clouds appeared in the sky. Thunder rumbled and rain poured. Moon unhooked his jaws and stared at the dark night sky. Lightning struck the ground and startled Moon's family members.

Despite the storm, Dagger bit Moon's tail and dragged him underwater. Malty and his parents grew terrified looks on their faces and almost panicked.

The two wolves began sinking underwater. At this point, they could no longer fight. However, Dagger would not lose to Moon. Despite their current situation. He swam towards the white wolf and bit his hind-leg. Moon kicked the brown wolf's chest and swam towards the surface. He looked back and watched as Dagger sank deeper into the lake. Moon could not stand by and watch another wolf drown. Therefore, he would rescue the pack leader and become a hero.

Moon swam down towards Dagger and grabbed the scruff of his neck. Then he swam towards the surface, leaped out of the lake, and dropped the wolf's unconscious body on the soaked ground. Dagger's pack mates barked at Moon and believed he killed their leader.

Not knowing if Dagger had died or not, Moon walked towards him and rested his head on the wolf's chest. He heard normal heart beats and felt relieved. Dagger would live to see another day. Moon had saved his life.

However, Dagger's pack mates believed their leader had died and wished to avenge his death. They sprinted towards Moon and bared their sharp hideous fangs. The arctic wolf backed away and grew a terrified look on his face.

"You have killed our leader," one wolf stated with an angry look on his face.

Malty and the others were concerned about Moon and wished they could rescue him.

"That is why you must die."

As the wolves prepared to fight, the storm clouds parted and the rain stopped pouring. Moon and the other wolves looked up and spotted a full moon twinkling in the sky. Every wolf howled at the beautiful sight.

Dagger coughed water out of his mouth and opened his eyes. His pack mates rushed towards him and waited for the wolf to speak.

"W-What happened?"

Moon explained the fight to Dagger and how he rescued him. The brown wolf never imagined that his enemy would save his life. He knew he should thank Moon and allow him safe passage in his territory.

Dagger stood up and shook the water off his pelt. He walked towards Moon and said, "I owe you for saving my life."

Moon lowered his head and requested safe passage through Dagger's territory. Dagger agreed to the wolf's offer and allowed him to travel through the woods. Moon thanked him by bowing before the brown wolf.

As Moon turned around, he witnessed Dagger's pack mates kneeling before him. Since he had rescued their leader, they respected him as if he were a king.

Malty and his parents scurried towards Moon with smiles on their faces. They were relieved to see him happy and licked his cheeks.

"Shouldn't you be leaving?" Dagger asked Moon.

"Yes, we must find and rescue Flame."

Dagger smiled at Moon and felt as if he had made a new friend.

As Moon walked with his family, Dagger's pack mates stepped aside. The four wolves traveled through the woods and continued their quest to find Flame.