
Chapter 10

Malty and his parents grew terrified and quivered in fear. A brown male wolf crept towards them and bared his fangs.

Moon kicked his hind-legs and hoped to launch the vicious gray wolf off his back. However, the wolf refused to unhook his claws and remained on Moon's back.

"Twister, we aren't here to fight," the brown wolf reminded him.

"But Dagger..." Twister said as he unhooked his jaws and stared at his leader.

Dagger glared at the gray wolf with cold eyes. Twister dared not argue and leaped off Moon's back.

Moon growled at the wolf and almost attacked him. However, Maple sprinted towards his stepson and stared at him in a serious manner. Moon grew angrier and wished he would step aside. Maple shook his head to send his son a message. Therefore, Moon remained calm and closed his eyes.

Twister trotted towards Dagger with a grumpy look on his face.

"Why are you all in my territory?" the pack leader barked and demanded an answer

Malty and his parents remained silent and stared at their paws.


"A friend of ours seems to have wandered in this direction," Moon lied to the wolf.

Dagger wondered if he spoke the truth and glared at the arctic wolf.

Moon soon explained Flame to Dagger and how they first met when they were pups. However, he described her as a wolf to ensure the fox's safety.

The two wolves remained silent and stared into each other's eyes for a few minutes. Malty and the others grew worried and hoped Dagger would believe Moon's story. After a few minutes had passed, the brown wolf asked, "Would Flame happen to be your mate?"

"Yes," Moon responded in a firm and serious voice.

Dagger's pack-mates fixed their gaze on their leader and awaited his response. He forgave Moon and lowered his head. Moon turned around and walked towards his family.

"However," Dagger spoke.

Moon fixed his gaze on the pack leader.

"If you wish to cross my territory, then you'll have to fight me."

"Very well," Moon said with a serious look on his face.

 P.S - Sorry for the short chapter

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