
Part 26

Sokka's POV:

He tried so hard to explain, his cries of fear were offered with nothing but resistance. He tried so hard to get to her side, to help her, to explain to her that it was a mistake, a grave mistake. He was dragged away forcefully before he even had a chance, threats thrown across the hall from both parties.

Tears streamed down his face, soldiers from every side pushing his body aggressively back and forth during the process. He was led to the lower level of the palace, thrown hard against the concrete ground in a small cell. The barred door slammed shut, leaving him on the ground alone. He cried out into the silence, slamming his fists against the ground. I didn't mean to... I fucked up...

His heart felt as if it shattered into a million pieces. How could he have even taken the risk of hurting the only person to ever continuously be by his side?

He couldn't help but reflect, how could he have become so blind? He craved power and ultimately his revenge so badly, so badly he could now lose his only sister. Sokka knew he could help somehow - but they would never trust him let alone let him out of the cell. Sulking over his own mistakes a voice was heard from a few cells down.

"Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe, aren't you?"

"W-Who's asking?"

"If I told you you would not talk to me, I don't get to know much anymore but boy have they been looking for you ..."

The male's voice was prominent - a voice he could never forget.


"What have they brought you in for?"

"I made a mistake..."

"Hmph that's what they all love to say, but what did you really do?"

"Why does it matter?"

"I'm curious... My son is much more lenient than I ever was, if you're here it had to be something life shattering."

"Fine, I tried to poison your son, instead I poisoned my sister.. his bride... I didn't know they switched the-"

"Hmph, I would figure you to be smart enough to do more research before you try to poison someone. Of course I'm no one to talk, but you better hope she makes it..."

As much as Sokka hated to admit it, he was right. He was done for regardless, that was apparent. But if she died he could be sentenced to death if he didn't already take his own life from the guilt.

"How will I know..."

"Oh he'll be down to see you... You and your sister were close, were you not?"

"Very close..."

"You will know if she passes... You always sense the feeling when you lose someone close."

The room filled with silence once more, hours passing by before footsteps were heard heading his way. He jumped up from the ground, wearily making his way over to the icy bars. Two familiar figures approached, the dim torch lights revealing them to be Zuko and Aang. Before they even said a word Sokka began to plead, "Is she okay?! I didn't mean for this to - Where is my father?!"

Aang instantly fired back, neither of them even able to look him in the eyes.

"He doesn't want to see you! How could you Sokka? You're the most important person in the world to her and now she's... I don't know if she will ever wake up..."

His heart dropped in his chest. Tears streaming down Aang's face he stepped away, leaving him alone to witness Zuko's own wrath.

"Zuko, I-"

"I don't want to hear a single word from you. I know you were trying to kill me, and if you weren't such an idiot none of this would have ever happened! We're not living in the past anymore, we're moving forward, every single damn person in this world except for you. I want you to listen very closely, if I lose her you're done for..."

"I can help! I can..."

"I don't want to hear any bullshit! You've already done enough..."

Zuko stormed off, leaving him alone in the now pitch black cell. The only light seen being the stray streaks of moonlight slipping in between staggered stones making up the walls. Sokka slid onto the ground, tears still streaming down his face.

"I'm sorry I never listened to you, Yue..."

The room turned a ghostly white, Yue's image appearing beside him. I tried to warn you...

"I know... I'm so sorry... I didn't mean for any of this to happen..."

You can still help her, Sokka. You can redeem yourself.

"But how?"

Katara has always had a unique healing ability. She needs the healing now.

"Do I need to find another bender?"

It's not that simple... Her body is damaged but she will heal in the physical world. Her spirit is broken, she is lost. Her body could heal but if she can't find her way back you will lose her. I can try my best to guide her, but you need to find a way to convince Aang. He will not want to believe you, but he is the only person who can bring her back. With your assistance I will guide her in the right direction - but you need to convince Aang... We don't have much time...