
Fisoshi Maxwell


My name is Fisoshi maxwell in my world we defeat monsters that kill people for that skin and meat under their skin. So, im going to be the king of hunters and that going to take a lot of skill. The current king name is pietro wilson but we call him king pietro because well he the king we have to obey him. So, i just moved to japan and im going to a middle school called Beast jr. high. In middle school is when starting learning more about the monsters attacking our cities. They also train us to become hunters. So, there are 5 roles for fighting. There are Knight, Mage, Assassin, Healer, Titan. So im training to become a Assassin because why not it's cool because of the two-handed swords. So, im walking to class and I see person that look like he about to die of nervousness. I walked over there to see what was going on. I said "Yo is u good look like you're about to die". Then he told me something shocking.

In chapter 2 i will reveal what he said hope you enjoyed it.