

He took out biscuits and handed them to us one by one. He only brought four bottled waters. The two of us split those six to somehow save them. We still don't know when we will be able to get out of this jungle.

Or if we can even get out.

I don't want to entertain the latter thought.

While chewing, we looked around at our path. We continued walking, hoping to find a way out.

Chren lowered Macey, who was now holding his hand. We were quietly crossing the muddy road when we heard crackles again.

We were immediately alerted.

Again, we hurriedly picked up everything we could defend.

We will be separated from our position.

I could feel where the crackle was coming from. I immediately tightened my grip on a relatively large branch of a tree. I immediately realized it was just near my right. I cut the end of it to be sharp.

Lily is the closest to me. Like me, he is also feeling around. He even turned to me when he felt the crack just close to where the two of us were standing. It's somewhere on your right, Miss Aya. Beware. "he reminded.

I nodded. "Everyone! Stay alert! "

Moments later, a tree fell on the left. We simultaneously turned there and ran again when a large volume of shadow appeared.

Here he is again.

Maybe it's because the snakes and mad dogs he sent didn't work, so he himself will chase and kill us.

"Run! Just keep running! Oh my gosh, this is insane!" Francine screamed.

"Chren! Carry the kid!" Lily shouted. Chren immediately created Macey. The child is crying.

"Shh." Chren comforted him.

It even rubbed the child's back to settle down.

I heard some of Lily's murmurs as she forced herself to speed up her pace. Camilla and Francine were caught running, while Lily, Chren, and I were looking for a possible passage.

I couldn't look behind us for fear that when I turned around I would see again the horrible appearance of that shadow demon.

My eyes are watery.

What the hell happened?

I just got out of the hospital and here I am again, chased again and life threatening.

A thought popped in my mind.

A series of flashbacks came running in my head as if they were being presented right in front of me.

I remember the bulk of the man who owned the car that caused my car to crash into a tree.

I could no longer see his face because my vision was already dark. But I seemed to hear his voice before I completely fainted.

Deep, Rough, Scary and it makes my heart beat faster.

I remember where I heard that voice. My eyes widened when I realized I had once heard that in my dream.

I still remember feeling a mixture of fear and nervousness the moment a shadow visited me in my dream.

I groped the part where it bit me in my dream, and I seemed to feel the point of his fangs piercing my skin again.

If so, he is also the reason I collided with a tree and was hospitalized.

And that's also why I'm here today.

I violently wiped away my tears. I clenched my fist. I dismissed the thought and turned to each of them.