
Not a virgin anymore

the next day in school everything was calm as usual but that was so unusual why was the class so quiet I entered the class looking around.

everyone stared at me as if I've done something so horrible, I didn't say anything I just walked up to my seat.

Esther came to me and said zita I never knew you were like this,

so confused I asked her what's the meaning of this? she said oh so you don't know what's going around well I will gladly tell you,

you are a boyfriend snatcher, a cheater, a liar and the worst friends someone can ever have,

I stood up to warn her , she fell on the floor sooo confused I asked her , why did you fall on the floor?

she didn't reply , instead she started crying why did you push me ,is it wrong for me to tell you the truth .

I'm your friend, we've been friends for a very long time why would I lie to you, I can't believe you pushed me .

I told her that I didn't push her, come on you fell on the floor

she looked at me and Joshua came in and said zita why did you push her? I did not. trying to explain to him that I didn't push, that she fell on the floor I was so angry that he didn't believe me and helped Esther up I was so angry at him and everyone

I just left the class for them I went to stay alone at the school backyard the garden side I stayed I thought about everything that's been happening ever since when Joshua came , but at the same time I just liked it so much .

during lunch break when I came back upstairs no one was in the class and then the light was off suddenly , I heard it's slow gentle love music I looked back and I saw Joshua holding bunch of roses red roses specifically I looked at him my heart was beating so fast he came up to me and said that,

I love you so much right from the day I set my eyes on you you made my heart beat so fast you look so beautiful when you smile I love your brown eyes zitah please will you be my girlfriend?

I was so shocked and happy that I didn't know what to do I just hugged him and I said yes I will be your girlfriend I love you I love you so much too , right from the day you came into this school , I love you I love you so much too ,we hugged and kissed , that was so passionate and loved it so much.

I saw precious from the other side of the class and was soo happy to show off to her , but I didn't mind.

Joshua decided to take me to an hotel after school and of course I was happy .

Because we are in SS3, just two weeks more for my graduation so I didn't mind.

me and Joshua going to Lodge in an hotel, the name of the hotel was Amazing day,

our room number was room 201,so me and Joshua entered the room and it was cold, so damn beautiful roses everywhere and of course I was amazed.

Joshua said he was going to do something, when I said okay I'll be waiting for you right here , so I drank the wine and all of a sudden i was having a split headache wondering what's wrong with me? I decided to go wash my face up a little.

as I was going I heard Joshua voice with someone's voice that looks so familiar and I heard them say Joshua you just have to do this really quick okay ?just do whatever you want with her .I was shocked that voice looks familiar, I was shocked because that was Esther's voice, Joshua said I know I know I know I know I'm going to do it really quick now she believes that we are dating and stuff like that , so she will let me.

I was so shocked feeling so dizzy and weak and I knew that something was up , Joshua put something in the drink , trying so hard I sneaked out of the room , when Joshua them heard my voice they chased me, I was running so hard with my week body , though it was hard to run very fast .

my body was hot I was feeling hot, I saw a room that was open a little bit and then rushed to the room without thinking too much.

looking around the room I was feeling so hot I saw a man on the bed without thinking well , I climbed the bed.

I started taking off my clothes the boy looked at me strangely , but my body needed it right now and I didn't know what to do , I started taking off his clothes removing mine, I can see that the man was trying to resist it but no I needed it right now , my screams echoed around the whole room while our body collided.

I could feel his big thing rusting inside of me, I was so tired but he kept on going this man was a beast .


the next morning feeling so weak I looked around where was I? memories of last line last night flashed into my memory I was so shocked , I wept silently, I looked at the blood that was on the bed .

I was so embarrassed my first time was taken away by someone , I was so sad 🥺.

quietly picking up my clothes

I went to the bathroom , after that, I thought maybe he might be some bar escort so I dropped 2000 naira for him, and left.