
Labour: I got triplets

8 months later in the hospital lying on the bed I was pushing so hard the doctors and nurses were telling me breathe in breathe out breathe in breathe out you can do it you can do it.

I kept screaming my screams echoed around the hospital , after I left I went for a pregnancy check-up and I found out that I was pregnant with triplets ,I was so shocked just from one night stand.

I give birth to my three adorable little triplet, they are so cute and tiny with those cute little hands, I was glad and happy I didn't abort them.

Charlotte came in and congratulated me and I was happy and I said thank you she's the best friend that one can ever have when I left my country when I started a new life, I didn't know anybody that will help me and how I will get a job and I was able to save money for my children life and I'm grateful towards her. because she helped me when all my hopes was gone.

I stayed in the hospital for 3 weeks and while trying to recover cause breastfeeding and motherhood was really really hard but I have to keep up with it.

I promised that when I go back to my country I will make sure Esther Joshua and precious we pay for everything they've done to me and I want to thank them for giving me this adorable triplet that will make my life wonderful.

Charlotte was helping me take care of the baby because it wasn't easy being a mother is only 18 years.

I still kept in touch with doctor Richard, as my brothers I haven't still contacted them yet and I'm sure they'll be worried about me,I know that , I will contact them when I'm independently strong enough to face them.

for now I only want to think about taking care of my children and finding a good work.

they should wait for my return.