

As he came close to me my heart was beating so fast , like what am I feeling ?what is this feeling? why am I like this?

many questions were just running in my head I could not process what was happening at all .

he was just a step away from me 🚶

before things get any worse I decided to tell him and confront him

I said"Joshua what do you think you're doing?"

who do you think you are ?just coming and going as you like , reject people and accept people as you like,

don't think I'm going to fall for that stupid tricks of yours only to embarrass people that's the only thing you're good at 😐

I was really mad at that moment

then only for me to hear him say"zita what are you talking about?"

I thought he was just pretending

so I got really angry and shouted at him I told him you cannot just go around claiming I'm your girlfriend

I'm not your girlfriend Joshua and I will never be your girlfriend,

you're not my type ,you're not fit enough for me .I'm not like other girls that likes shouting your name or you're fan girls. I'm different okay?

really you're still pretending just because I rejected you, shame on you Joshua.

thinking I've made it clear to everybody I decided too leave

I heard his voice saying babe

I was so mad at him I thought , I made it clear too him.

his he dumb?

as I turned to confront him once again, he just walked past me 🚶

and went to meet the most beautiful girl I've ever seen or laid my eyes on or the one and only campus girl or beauty queen in our school, precious

My worst enemy she's always competing with me in everything, in beauty pageant,

she's always competing with me

she is my worst enemy right from time,

I can't even believe this 😤

this is the worst embarrassment of my life all

ohh my god I wish I could just hide myself in a hole right now .

I was so embarrassed for the first time in my life or second time .

precious came up to me

oh my god zita this is so funny right now,🤣

You thought Joshua was talking about you,

such a disappointment 🤣

do not even think about taking Joshua away from me.

I was so mad 😤

you can keep this piece of trash too yourself he is not my type and he is not worth it .

I walked away with Mark and Esther

with all eyes on me and all the gossip,

I knew this was going to go very viral right now, but I don't mind and I don't care

since Joshua likes precious theb both of them are now my enemy.

because of this embarrassment I hated Joshua.