
Potential Alliances?

Abaddon wasn't exactly sure what to expect once he was called upon by Shiva out of the blue.

He didn't even know why he was apparently accosting Yesh for a way to contact him as if they were some jilted ex-best friends from high school.

Imagine how surprised he felt when the very first thing that Shiva wanted to ask him was the very simple 'Why do you destroy?'

…Maybe he should have allowed Yesh to give him his phone number.

This all could have been resolved in a text message.

"You would ask me… Why it is that I destroy?" Abaddon finally said after a long silence.

"It is a fair question, is it not? You also bear my namesake, so it is only natural of me to be curious about how you view this calling."

A glimmer of recognition shone in Abaddon's eye.

Everyone hears 'God of Destruction' and they think of evil, malicious beings.