
Lines Drawn

Erica's divinity over phoenixes made it so that there was not a single one of them who could refuse her.

And since Caelum was half phoenix by birth, this also included him.

Before he knew what he was doing, he was lumbering downstairs against his own volition, coming to stand pathetically in front of his flaming hot mother.

"What the hell is this nonsense I'm hearing..? You would dare to run around and drag my name through the mud with no concern for what it would do to my reputation?! To leverage it against this young girl?!"

In the face of a rampaging Erica, most men, immortal or otherwise, would immediately become subservient and unable to properly think straight.

Caelum was among those men.

It didn't matter if she was his mother or not, the sight of a fully red faced Erica was so terrifying that he thought she would actually kill him. 

Although Abaddon would have thought she was cute in that moment. 

"W-Well I just-"