
Carnal Love *

Abaddon didn't view sex the way some of the other people he knew did.

To him, it was the ultimate act of devotion and trust, as it literally required giving your body to someone in the hopes that you could both achieve a sense of oneness as you attained mind a deeper understanding of one another and received something precious. 

He felt that those things were the basis for advancing the amount of pleasure that one was capable of receiving and giving.

But yesterday, he learned an even more important lesson regarding the pleasures of sex.

And so did his wives.

Sex with a god was good.

Their bodies are above all mortal comparison, and as such they elicit total submission and increased arousal from their mortal partners.

However, sex with a god of beauty, sex, or fertility, was dangerously addictive.

In sleeping with them, everything else in the world seems to lose all rhyme and reason.