
A Sleepover?

Bashenga was watching television.

Now this may not seem like much of a monumental occasion, but this was actually his first time.

Previously, he had no interest in the strangely human methods of entertainment that populated Tehom.

What was the value in it? It was all just a series of fabricated stories and events that had no meaning in the real world.

What did it matter if the main character died fighting a wildfire before he got out of prison?

Who gave a shit if those two were actually on a break or not?

What did it matter if the road was a figment of the boy's imagination the whole time?

It was all a charade!

…Or so he thought.

Bashenga was absolutely never planning on it, but he accidentally ended up in the family media room.

Abaddon, Ayaana, and Sif were all sitting together with his older sister Courtney.