
A Mother’s Concern

Sif gradually awoke to a bit of daylight streaming into her eyes from the curtains.

Something that she was getting used to experiencing as a frost giant was waking up and being the little spoon.

So when she didn't wake up with someone's arms wrapped around her, she formed a noticeable frown.

"What am I, chopped liver..?" Sif pouted as she brushed her hair out of her face.

It wasn't fun waking up to an empty bed!

Sif shuffled around in a huff before out of nowhere, she screamed as loud as humanly possible.

The bathroom door came swinging open and Abaddon ran out with Audrina; the two of them still slick from the shower.

"Sif, What's wrong?!" Audrina panicked.

Sif held out both her hands.


"You sound like a damn Rottweiler." Abaddon snickered.

"Fuck you!"

"Quite insatiable this morning, aren't we?" Abaddon chuckled.