
9 ~ Virthday

Tae P.O.V:

"Happpieee Birthday my babe" eomma hugged me tightly and kissed on my cheeks.

"Thank you eomma" I said in my sleepy tone.

Yes, I and tannie slept a few more hours. After all, that's early morning!!!

"What you want this birthday babe?"

I start to think, almost everything I have, what should I ask?!.

Yeah got it.

"Eomma, I want spicy food"

"WHAT?" eomma shocked.

I never ever tried spicy foods in my life, eomma told me when I was a little babe, I ate spicy food and crying the whole day for that. They were tried to convince me but I never listened to them and cried again and again. So from that day, they're very careful in my food items.

Now I am an adult so I can take that, at least only one time I want to taste that spicy food.

"No babe, You may ask whatever you want, but except this one."

"Eomma, please only one time"



"No means no tae"

"Eomma, You only asked me first what I want now you get backward, it's not fair" I whimpered.

"I don't know how to cook spicy foods, babe"

"Eomma, you started to lying me?"

"What? no babe"

"When I was in school you cooked special spicy food for you, appa and hyung. I know that. Hyung already told me." I sad little bit angry.

"That hobi.. Listen babe you can't take spicy foods.."

"No can. That situation is when I was young, now I am an adult 18 years old boy. BIG BOY. So I can take, and one more thing without try you can't judge me eomma."

"I am your eomma tae, I know you better than you know about yourself"

"awv awv"

"See tan-ah also want me to try", please eomma" I begged him shows my box smile I sure he will fall for this.

He chuckled "My babe.. how I can resist you if you act like this" ruffled my hair and pinched my nose.

"Then yes right?"

Eomma nodded "But this is first and last okay?"

"Yes" I get up and started to jump on the bed.

"Thank you eomma, love you." I kissed on eomma cheeks.

"Love you too babe, now go and brush your teeth and come down your favorite breakfast is ready"

"Nae eomma".

After a routine basis I and tannie went down. I let him go in the living room.

"Happpieee Birthday my sweetie" appa hugged me.

I hugged back "Thank you appa".

"Here's your birthday gift"


"Open" appa said.

"New arrivals"

"Appa, I love it. Thank you so much" I kissed my appa cheeks.

"Welcome sweetie"

"Once again Happpieee Birthday tae"

"Thank you hyung"


"But you already gave me world's best gift hyung"

"It's my small gift tae"


I give tight huggie "Thank you hyung" kissed on cheeks.

"Go now it's my turn" noona pushed hyung away.

"Happpieee Birthday my taetae" again one hug.

"Thank you noona, now where is my gift?"

"Your gift is on the way taetae"

"On the way? Online delivery? Okay, I will wait for noona" I show my box smile.

"Happpieee birthday tae, this is our gift" noona's appa and eomma give me a big box.

"Wow, thank you so much uncle and aunty" I opened it.

"Wow, hereafter I and tan-ah can ride with it, thanks again uncle and aunty"

I hugged them and take tannie, put it him on top.

"I already put your gifts on the perfect place." eomma come front with the camera, I think he recorded again. Yes, every birthday eomma recorded those beautiful moments.

"What is that eomma?"

"Your favorite One Piece books, all collections"

I run to hug my eomma "You are the best eomma in this world, eomma."

(imagine these books are settled in tae's shelf)

"Hello, have I been late?"

I turn to look at where the voice comes from.


I run to him and tightly.

"Happpieee Birthday my taetae"

I start crying. It's been 5 years, I have not seen my best friend.

"Now only you have time to meet me?" I start to punch him.

"I am sorry I am sorry, please forgive your friend"

"Just go to America, that is more important for you right?"

"No tae"

"Even I called you many times but you never ever attend that."

"Sorry tae"

"Why hyung? Do you hate me that much?"

"No tae, I never ever hate you. How can I hate my little pup?"

"Then why you didn't try to contact me?"

"Sorry tae, that's what I can say now"

I sighed. It's been 5 years me and jiminie hyung aka my best friend contact to each other.

"It's okay hyung" I hugged him I don't like to see his sad face. He hugged me back.

Jennie P.O.V:

"Humkum, I thought my gift will make you smile, but he ruined it."

"Noona Jiminie hyung is your gift?" He asked me with cute shock.

"Yes babe, how is my gift?"

"Noona.." he starts sobbing "you don't know how much I missed him, thank you so much noona" I rubbed his tears.

"I know babe, I know how much you missed him that's why I called him and dragged here, but I thought he will make you smile, I am wrong. Shall we pack him and send back to America?" I asked him and take Jimin luggage to tease. I know he doesn't want that.

"NO" he dragged that luggage from my hands "I don't want to leave him again" he turns to Jimin "hyung please, don't leave me".

Jimin went to hug him "no tae, I won't leave you again"

"Thanks Jiminie hyung, I missed you so much"

I am so happy to see them like this.

"Tae babe, someone sends this gift for you" I took that gift box from a hidden place "it says from Jennie" I give it to him.

"Noona.." hug him "Happpieee Birthday my little babe" kissed his cheeks.

"Thank you noona" he kissed me back.

"Open it"

"Wow noona, thank you so much" I know he loves to take pictures so bought it for him.


"Do you want another gift taetae?" Jimin asked to tae.

"Yes, yes, yes, what did you bought hyung?"

"I hope you will like it, here"

"Wow, thank you so much. I always asked to eomma but he refused to buy this. Finally, I got" he hugged his VR joyfully.

Jimin smile faded "Oh ho then I selected the wrong one?!"

"No Jimin, I just have to schedule his play time. That's it don't worry." Jin

"Thanks, eomma" smiled.

"Come on, Let's take a selfie" tae called everyone.

And he took some more pictures to save these memorable moments.

Jimin straightly came here from the airport, so he went to his house after a few minutes. Jimin native place is Busan.

**time skip to lunchtime**

Tae P.O.V:

I signaled to my hyung 'Tell hyung'

'No tae please I am not ready to die now, I am still young'

'Hyung you promised me'


'no hyung' I show my hands in X.

"What both of you doing?"

"Eomma, hyung want to tell you something"

"What hobi?" I signaled in my eyes to hyung 'tell'


"Eomma, tae wants to go out for lunch I take him" - hobi.

"Why? tae babe just waits 10 minutes. I am preparing spicy food for you." - jin.

"No eomma, I want to go out for lunch." - tae.

"You only asked me to prepare this spicy food, now you don't want?" - jin.

"No eomma, I am sure you just add 5% spicy, I want to taste real spicy food" - tae.

That's true jin didn't add that much spicy. He is so scared of tae.

"Tae listen I added enough spicy for you, really you will enjoy. Trust me" - jin.

Tae shook his head as disapproval.

"I know how much you love me eomma, so you really won't add what I want." - tae.

"Eomma, I will be there with tae, so don't worry. I will take care." - hobi.

"No hobi, he can't take that much spicy." - jin.

"Honey, let him enjoy his birthday the way what he wants." - joon.

"Okay, then I am also come with you." - jin.

"NO, eomma hyung will be there for me to take care, pleaseee." - tae.

Everyone tried to convince him. After a few minutes argument, he agreed with half-hearted.

"Tan-ah eomma will be back in few hours, so be a good boy okay?" - tae.

"awv awv" - tannie.

Hobi and tae successfully exited from home. Both are planned to go to nearby restaurant, so they decided to walk there.

Tae takes his new camera. And took some pictures.

"Hyung give some casual pose" - tae.

"You look so handsome hyung" - tae.

"I born with that tae" - hobi.

Tae turned his camera to capture another view.


"Why he is here?" - tae.

"Hi my lolita" - guk.

"How many times I have to tell you? I.Am.Not.Your.Lolita" - tae.

"Lolita?! Tae you know him?" - hobi.

Hobi knows he is Jeon Jeongguk and he is the one to gonna marry his little brother. But now he doesn't want to know him who is this.

Same as well as guk thought he also know this is Kim Hoseok. He wants to just confirm if hobi also know that or not.

"No he doesn't know who I am" - guk.

Hobi sighed in relief.

"Oh okay" - hobi.

Hobi wants to talk with guk privately. At the same time, they reached the restaurant.

"Tae, you just go in and order whatever you want I will be there in few minutes" - hobi.

Tae nodded and went inside quickly he just don't want to nearby guk.

"He is so cute" - guk.

"You know him right?" - hobi.

Hobi doesn't like that agreement marriage. So he wants to know why he agreed on this marriage.

"You asking me about my wife?" - guk.

"From when did you know about that agreement?" - hobi.

"See, I don't like this fucking agreement. And I know you all of them love him so much. It maybe crazy to hear but that's true I love him more than you all did. So if you plan to stop me or him, I am fucking won't hesitate to kill you" - guk.

It looks like he roared.

Hobi satisfied with his answer. Because he also don't like that fucking agreement.

"When did you meet tae?" - hobi.

"Today early morning. He came with his puppy for a walk" - guk.

Hobi just nodded.

"Why you guys didn't tell him about that marriage?" - guk.

Guk also don't like to tae know about that fucking agreement, but he is get curious.

"He is so innocent to know about this and he will do anything for us. And I don't want fucking anyone to HURT our precious tae" - hobi.

"You can say it directly to me, and I already started to love him so deeply I never ever hurt him or anyone. Please trust me." - guk.

Hobi shocked a little bit when guk used that 'Please' word. In Jeon family history no one used that word. As of all he know.

"Okay, but be careful with tae" - hobi.

Guk just nodded. Hobi tried to go inside the restaurant but he stopped from guk "Can I also join with you?" guk asked slowly.

"With me or tae" - hobi asked teasing tone.

"If you want to say openly, obviously my lolita" - guk smiled and said with joyful tone.

Hobi chuckled "Come" signed his hands.

Guk P.O.V:

"OH GOD TAE, I just said you to order the food why you start to eat without me if eomma find out that I am dead. You want me to die?"

Is he rapped?

"Sorry" shhh "hyung" shhh "I" shhh "can't" shhh "wait to" shhh "taste" shhh "that" shhh

His eyes are teared up.

"Okay okay, wait I will go and get something" he get out from this private room.

I sat beside him.

"Hey lolita, you can't take spicy foods?" he stared me and nodded cutely.

"this is" shhh "my" shhh "second time" shhh "to eat" shhh "spicy foods"

Actually this restaurant foods not that much spicy.

"Can I help you?"

"How?" shhh

I crushed my lips with his soft lips. He shocked and try to push me away. I take his two hands with my single hand and take his nape to deep my kiss. I start to suck those soft lip. I am so addicted into this soft lips. He start to struggle again I know why. Slowly I took my lips from that addicted soft lips. He take his breaths heavily. Damn hot my lolita.

"Still you feel spicy? If yes just tell me I will give you a strong sweet kiss to go away that spicy taste"

He shook his heads fastly.

I chuckled.

"Why.." hobi cuts him "tae here it will helps you to go away that spicy taste" he nodded and take that strawberry ice cream.

But I already helped him. It's a waste now.

He licks his ice cream like a kitten. It's tempted me to kiss him again.

"Jeon.." hobi's ringtone cuts him "just a minute" I nodded and he get out again.

I turned to my lolita side. It's a perfect time to give.

"YAH, no more kissie kissie if you kiss me again I will tell to hyung"

I chuckled his cuteness.

"No lolita, I won't do that now" I took that small gift box from my pocket "Happpieee Birthday MY LOLITA" he shows his cute box smile.

"I am getting so much gifts this birthday, thank you" he put his ice cream on some plate.

I push back my gift box he looks into my eyes "It's not like with others gift tae, It has some meaning for you and me okay?"

he nodded fastly and took that gift from my hand.

(Just try to guess this necklace name?)

"WOWWW" he looks damn cute.

"You like it?" again nodded fastly "I LOVE IT"

"Give me I will put it"

He gave it back to me, I put it in slow motion.

And kissed his nape.

"I Love You~~ 💜"