
First - A Story About Love And Reality

Summer Avery Hayes has had only one true dream: Netherlands. All she has ever done and worked so hard for over the years are only towards that. Now she's starting college - the step which will take her closer than ever towards her dream and all goes very well until she meets Elijah. He makes her question things up to a point where she seemingly starts to realize a lot, especially about herself. Then comes the history trip of their college which ends up bringing them together for a day, making her realize she doesn't want to neither deny what she feels nor stay away from him. And so does he. But, when all odds start turning against them, the choices Elijah is left with will either make or break Summer. However, if he avoids making a choice, she could end up destroying herself with her own hands. The main problem was the consequences of the right choice would snatch away from him the home he found.... again.

angiewrites · วัยรุ่น
14 Chs


I woke up to the sound of birds chirping on the tree right outside my window. I was on my bed. Last night, I remembered falling asleep on the couch with Yvonne so how was I here? Maybe we had come back to our beds, but we weren't in our senses to remember. I rested my head on my pillow, letting it go. It wasn't much of a big deal. I breathed in the fresh air from my window, sleep still lingering in my eyes when my eyes accidentally landed on the wall clock and saw the time.

8:45 a.m.

My eyes shot up in horror. College was starting in fifteen minutes, and we were waking up now. Panic rose in my chest as I jumped down at once and started shaking Yvonne in hopes she would get up.

"Yvonne! Yvonne! Get up, it's already 8:45. We will be late otherwise. Hurry up!"

At first, she didn't pay heed to what I was saying but the moment she heard the time, her eyes shot open just like mine as similar panic overtook her. We ran in for a quick shower, initially fighting for who would get to go first but, at the end, I went in first since I was the one who saved us both.

It was already 9:00 by the time we were done with everything, so grabbing our bags and phone, we ran downstairs when we met Mrs. Johnson downstairs who asked us where we were during breakfast. We told her the story and she just laughed - much to my surprise. I thought we were done for good.

"Girls, don't tell me you both slept again right after I went?"

"Mrs. Johnson, you came to wake us up?" I asked in surprise.

"Of course, I came! Yvonne woke up and told me that we will get up, so I went away, thinking that you had the situation under control," I glared at Yvonne who bit her lip guiltily at me.

"We are so sorry Mrs. Johnson! We won't repeat it again." I apologized.

"Yes Mrs. Johnson, we won't. I'm sorry especially," Yvonne added.

"It's okay but now, go otherwise you both will be late. Also, eat extra during breaks. Don't wait for lunch, okay?"

"Yes, we promise," We replied in unison, smiling.

With that, we ran like our lives depended on it because it actually did. I mentally thanked the lord for keeping the campus so near to our building as we continued running.

"Till what time do you have your lecture?" I asked.

"I don't know. Have to check. But meet me in the canteen during break."

I nodded. The bell rang while we were on the stairs, on our way up. We sighed in relief as we looked at each other and departed for the day. My class was on the second floor, right next to the first class you see. When I entered, the class looked almost full but thankfully, the teacher hadn't arrived. Two minutes in, and a lady walked in, in a suit carrying a few files and a bag. She looked like Mamma's age; her stern, strict face already commanding the class quiet.

"Good morning students. I'm Alisha Barlowe, your Journalism Professor," She started. "I will be teaching you Journalism for the next three years and I expect sincerity from each and every one of you. I do not expect you to work heavy and I would do no such thing that would overburden you but if I miss quality in any of the work you present to me, I'll make sure you regret it."

She was already serious. "Grow up if you haven't. You are now in college. This is not a school where forgiveness is given that easily, especially from me. Quality in work comes from practice and if you can't give me that, there's the door." She pointed towards the entrance.

The entire class went quiet. Everybody could make out that we had a strict teacher who would make sure she gets the quality she expects from all of us. She wasn't wrong though. As long as I had a good teacher who would give me the necessary skills to carve my road to the Netherlands, I didn't care how strict they were.

The lecture went on for around 2 hours with a few minutes break in between. The second the bell rang, something about her changed. Her strict demeanor from earlier was nowhere to be seen now. All I saw was just another woman who looked genuinely tired and wanted a good rest. Her eyes were kind and benignant, the opposite of what she showed when she first entered the class. As I crossed her to thank her (it was a formality for me), she smiled at me cordially as she said, "Feel free to ask in case of any doubt."

A warm, fuzzy feeling flowed through me as soon as she said those words. I smiled back at her, nodding before walking out. As I did, the busy and buzzing hallway immediately wrapped me in. I went completely blank as I looked around for any familiarity. I had to reach the canteen but I had no idea where it was. Earlier that morning, I had forgotten to ask Yvonne in the hurried air.

Just then, I saw familiar blue eyes from the corner of my eye, making me flinch in nervousness. Elijah. He had a semi-fit black and white t-shirt on with plain black joggers. His holy cross necklace hung low from his neck, dangling around when he bent to pick his fallen pen up. His same serious expressions plastered onto his face while chewing something yet looking beautiful as ever. Our eyes met again, his gaze tearing through me so intensely before he smiled. I awkwardly smiled back. The bubble burst the moment I saw Jason by his side. He waved enthusiastically when he saw me too, taking Greek God by his arm and walking towards me.

"Hey, Summer right?" He asked.

I nodded, smiling. "Hey, Jason. Thank you for inviting me last night."

"Oh don't worry about that. Anytime." He tried to do it covertly but I caught him. He was wondering where Yvonne was. I smirked, the chances of Yvonne getting a positive reply increasing.

"Where is Yvonne?" There you go. The inevitable question.

"She is waiting for me in the canteen. Can you please tell me where the canteen is?"

Something in his face changed, as if he was thinking hard. He looked too busy plotting an opportunity to answer my question, so Elijah did it instead. "It's downstairs. Take a left from the auditorium hall. It's right there."

He speaking to me sent chills down my spine, but I was desperate enough not to show. "Thank you," I muttered before giving them a smile and excusing myself kindly.

"See you guys around." I said, before walking off. The entire way to the canteen, I spent it on calming my racing heart down. Why was it that I felt so extra nervous whenever he was around? I put a hand on my chest to check and realized I could feel it thumping loud and fast. I took a few deep breaths in a desperate attempt to calm myself down because what was I supposed to answer Yvonne when she would ask me what happened?

Thankfully, by the time I reached the canteen, I was all normal again. My heartbeat was steady, and I could gaze at Yvonne peacefully. She was already seated by the time I reached. Taking a small table of two by the corner, she was on the phone.

"Hey Yvonne,"

She looked up. "Hey!"

"How was the lecture?"

"Boring but I think it will grow interesting with time," She put the phone down now. "What about yours?"

"My teacher seems so amazing. We started with small topics first and I swear, she was so good." I answered honestly.

"Lucky ass. My teacher was okay-ish. Let's go and get some food."

"Have to fulfill our promise to Mrs. Johnson." I added to which we both laughed.

Not going to lie, I really was hungry now. Since morning we hadn't eaten anything so when serving, I really served a lot but surprisingly, nobody cared. I was so hungry I couldn't have cared the other way around as well. Yvonne also served a lot, but I beat her to it. We talked less and ate more. In fact, we were so hungry we finished it all in just a matter of a few minutes.

"Damn. We really were that hungry." Yvonne remarked, taking a sip of her water. I agreed, finishing up my shake.

"By the way, I wanted to ask you this but then I forgot."


"Okay so there's an upcoming history trip organized by the college to Isle of Wight County. It is mandatory for history hons. and history majors but optional for the rest of the students and history minors. I'm going so I wanted to ask if you are up to it."

"I mean, why not? Sounds fun. Which place are we visiting?"

"St. Luke Church and the local museum."

"Count me in," I said. "I will inform my parents about it later."

"Thank you thank you thank you for agreeing to it." She squealed in excitement as she squeezed my hand. I laughed at her genuine gesture as I mentally noted to call my parents later to inform them,