
Firefly In Spider's Web

Vast opportunities, high economic abundance and center of global trademarks, today's richest city around the globe, Marlane City. However behind it's shimmering veil is the sinister shadows of underground blackmarket and it's kingpin Ares Yamazaki, rules it all. As the leader of Sunken Dragon Chinese Mafia, he holds everything on his palm. Wealth, power and authority plus a handsome face. But as they say, someone can't be perfect. He's a man with sick beliefs and an unhealthy obsession in wanting to be incontrol until one fateful night, a foreign girl suddenly messed him up. With the intention of violating her to death, he found himself drawn towards her instead. She introduced him to a variety of emotions he've never felt before, leaving him greedy for more. This is a chaotic romance story of a twisted psychopath. To love and to be loved. He'll do anything for her affection. Anything. ----- Hi! I'm Overdosed cat, just an amateur writer who's into yandere romance themed stories. This piece have a tons of restricted topics. You have been warned, okay? hehe Photo used as cover isn't mine credits to the rightful owner

OverdosedCat · สมัยใหม่
14 Chs

Chapter 5 : Mediocre

WARNING : This novel may show usage of drugs, foul words, gory scenarios and sexual contents.

Standing inside the moving elevator, hands tucked in his trousers' pockets, a small smile formed in the corner of Ares' lips.

He feels ecstatic.

Everything is in control.

Without even an hour after he left the store, he instantly recieved a call from Abi.

As planned, she thought he mistakenly left his phone behind which he explained with an alibi that it was his newly bought phone for business purposes.

The naive girl offered to meet him at the ramen house so he could pick it up just as he calculated she'll do.

She became extra friendly after she assumed that he's a homosexual, ain't expected but he let it be in order to get nearer to her.

"Harvey, did you set-up the recording camera?"

His right hand diligently nodded then asked

"Hong is among them boss, is that really okay?"

Ares just puckered his lips.

When the elevator door opened, he entered a luxurious room.

Five of his men were scattered around, bowing in his direction while a woman sat on the king sized bed, hugging her knees.

She trembled in fear after she saw him.

"Y-you're Sunken's Dragon Head!"

Ares smooths his suit as he sat on a bedside cushion.

He pushed his back on it's backrest, lazily placed his cheek on his knuckle while his left elbow leans on the armrest as he tilt his head sideways.

Gazing at the woman with an innocent look.

"And you're Shen Li's secret woman. I heard you are Hanzo's apple of the eye and they're head loves you more than his wife."

The woman wildly shook her head before groveling on the bed.

"You're wrong good sir! There's a misunderstanding! I'm just a lowly hostess I don't hold Hanzo Head's affection!"

Ares frowned in dismay.

How foolish.

She already knew it's pointless to lie so why do it still?

He's been ordering his men to trace her whereabouts for quite sometime now. Shen Li hides her well. He dug all information about this woman.

She's Shen Li's childhood sweetheart.

Even after he married Black Axe Leader's sister way back to signify the two mafias' peace bind after the signing of treaty, he still kept her as a mistress.

He favored and valued her more than anyone or anything which Ares viewed as pathetic.

"Hmm. If you say so then you won't mind giving us a good show. I'll pay you a lot if I'm satisfied."

"Boss can I try her? She's not fresh anymore but she's still hot. MILFs are my type."

One of his subordinate laughed perversely.

"You can all do her but let Hong fuck her first."

A man standing silently in the corner suddenly flinched.

"I-I'll pass boss."

"Hey newbie, are you ignoring Mr. Yamazaki's generosity? Go do it! We're waiting in line here!"

"Just bang her all at once then."

Ares commanded with a straight face and stern voice.

The woman's pleas and angry protests blended with his men's evil hooting.

To his surprise, his thoughts were suddenly filled with Abigail.

The faces she'll show if he thrust roughly and crash her body underneath his.

The idea made his crotch bulge.

He pulled his phone out of his suit's inner pocket and opened an app, choosing the mini mart area.

After tapping, the screen showed her, arranging some items in a shelf.

He zoomed her face and felt a wave of an unknown emotion.

Ares stood from the couch and head inside the bathroom, placing his phone in the sink, he quickly unbuckled his belt.

Eyes fixated on the girl's side view profile while slowly touching his thick shaft. It hardens even more at every sliding motion of his callous palm.

With his free hand gripping the sink's edge, he increased the speed of his movement, aggressively jerking off.

His heavy breathing turns into groans while his head was flooded with every dirty things he wanna commit to this girl.

He remembered the way she smiled at him, her expressive black pupils and the natural scent she exudes, all are awakening his animalistic nature.

He wants to cum in her face, in her mouth, at her bosom and in every corner of her body.

He wants to cum inside her.

An abundant amount of semen spurt after he climaxed. Some of his white sticky liquid escaped from the spaces of his fingers as his palm covered the head of his meat thus making it dripped on the tiled floor.

The sound of running water filled the room afterwards.

"Stop! Let me go! Stop!"

The woman's weeping echoes loudly and welcomed Ares as he stepped out of the restroom.

"What a noisy wh0re."

He uttered with agitated expression while reaching his cigarette pack and lighter as he walk towards Harvey.

As a matter of fact, he loathes talkative women but when he remembered that scene from morning while the foreign girl ran her motormouth he wasn't that...annoyed.

A smile subconsciously escaped his lips.

The woman who glare at him with extreme hostility after being kidnapped and rap*d saw how his mood shifted within seconds concluded that the humor regarding the Sunken's Dragon Head being mentally sick is actually true so she snapped and furiously shouts.

"Fuck you bastard! Shen will kill you! You're neurotic and crazy!"

Ares' bright mood vanished in a blink of an eye. Apathy and sinister shadowed his face.

He's not angered by her descriptive view of his mentality.

He just can't accept a good for nothing noisy bitch cussing him.

"Tie her up."

His words were instantly done by his men then he motioned Harvey to hold her head tightly.

Ares then, climbed on the bed and kneel in front of her.

Grabbing her jaw and squeezing it firmly before pulling her tongue out.

With an indifferent look he held his balisong.

The woman starts spitting incoherent words so he position the tip of it's blade under her tongue before digging it in slowly.

Intending to make a hole then cut it to the front to redesigned it into split tongue.

"Ah. I really hate noisy women."

He spoke placidly.

"Send the video to Hanzos."

Harvey look at him confusedly.

The boss is now wiping his pocket knife with the bed sheet where the woman faint due to pain and horror.

Is this a good idea?

He hypothesized that Shen Li's lover's abduction was done discreetly to avoid heavier conflict for Sunken.

Not only did his boss let Hong witnessed the crime, whom he already knew, is a mole from Black Axe and Hanzo but he also wants to openly relay their doings! If it's not a baseless gossip that this woman is truly Hanzos' respected mistress, isn't it fatal to fan the flame at this crucial time with the matter of coming mafia war?

But Harvey dares not to doubt and disobey his master and just simply nodded at his instruction.

As sun goes down, a chilly air enwrap the Uptown of Marlane. Vehicles' roaring, neon lights blinking and the city gets livelier at the beginning of a young night.

A middle-aged man sits casually on the driver's seat of a parked black car in front of a five star hotel.

His attentive eyes slid sideways when he heard his master's footsteps along with his underlings.

The young master look pleased.

"To the villa, Mr. Yamazaki?"

The driver of an infamous mob lord asked his boss whose eyes are instantly glued at his mobile phone right after he settled at the backseat.

"No. Take me to Southside, Zhough Street."

He nodded solemnly before starting the engine.

[End of Chapter 5]


Sup bruhs, just reminding once again that this story is rated 18, got gore, mention of drugs and triggering explicit contents and there'll be more ahead so read in your own discretion, alright?

thanks for reading🤙