
Firefly In Spider's Web

Vast opportunities, high economic abundance and center of global trademarks, today's richest city around the globe, Marlane City. However behind it's shimmering veil is the sinister shadows of underground blackmarket and it's kingpin Ares Yamazaki, rules it all. As the leader of Sunken Dragon Chinese Mafia, he holds everything on his palm. Wealth, power and authority plus a handsome face. But as they say, someone can't be perfect. He's a man with sick beliefs and an unhealthy obsession in wanting to be incontrol until one fateful night, a foreign girl suddenly messed him up. With the intention of violating her to death, he found himself drawn towards her instead. She introduced him to a variety of emotions he've never felt before, leaving him greedy for more. This is a chaotic romance story of a twisted psychopath. To love and to be loved. He'll do anything for her affection. Anything. ----- Hi! I'm Overdosed cat, just an amateur writer who's into yandere romance themed stories. This piece have a tons of restricted topics. You have been warned, okay? hehe Photo used as cover isn't mine credits to the rightful owner

OverdosedCat · สมัยใหม่
14 Chs

Chapter 11 : Sick in the Heads

WARNING : This novel may show usage of drugs, foul words, gory scenarios and sexual contents.

He miss her. It have been almost three hours since they parted and Ares suffers from gloom already, it's clearly displayed in his sullen face.

She's been nice and obedient, obviously he have to repay it with the same act.

As long as she treats him warmly he's willing to be a gentleman and give her relative freedom but if she begins to obstruct, cut him off or ignore him, God knows how he'll go to any lengths just to trap her in his grasp.

Harvey puts down the newspaper he's reading and viewed his boss's side profile-head tilted on the left side, legs crossed and hands placed on the chair's armrest. He's seated just beside him with only the private plane's aisle separating them.

The truth is, his mind has been bugged by the two strange men whom Mr. Yamazaki asked him to contact.

They're not members of Sunken Dragon but the boss bestowed them with grave matters, including the brewing riot at Bon Chon District indicating he trusts those duo that much.

But are they really reliable?

He can't helped but doubt after knowing their backgrounds.

When the boss instructed him to send an email to a specific website he didn't expected he'll fetch a foreigner and another creepy man in the airport afterwards.

Curious as to who these strangers might be, he tried searching data about them but none manifested their information so, he tried accessing the underground system and found the details he needed but didn't envisioned.

The averaged-height tanned foreigner, Tenzu Schwartzel is well-known as the 'Lil loco.' He've heard myths about that nickname alright, his sadistic traits aren't as grotesque with his boss but he's definitely a bloodthirsty maniac who enjoys physically torturing his opponent for considerably an overdone manner.

Being a superstitious guy, he believes in that a man's skill, wisdom and talent can be passed on by eating their meat thus everytime he gain victories against enemies he consider as strong and admirable, he'll often cut a small rectangular portion from their legs or arms and cook them like steak later on.

It's his little ritual to gain his opponent's skill and also a sign of paying his respect.

On the other hand, Beiji Tao-the man covered in tattoos is known as 'Doc Owl'

He personally found this astonishing, considering that he's no normal doctor but a genius in creating guns, bugs explosives, drugs, poisons and fatal viruses.

It is believed that the twenty first century white plague that killed millions of Americans was orchestrated by him behind the orders of a classified nation.

This virus was medically outstanding and unbelievably well-constructed, it could recognize an individual's DNA and only affect those who have pure american bloods.

While the 'owl' in his nickname is due to his skill in gathering information which Harvey witnessed himself an hour ago.

Without a doubt, both are brilliant in their respective fields and both are undeniably dangerous.

Towering buildings, sky bridges, thousands of establishments alongside the road and swarming smiley bronze skinned people fills the city of Manila.

His Abigail's homeland.

After freshening up and stuffing themselves with meal, Ares made his move in an instant.

He needs to clean up things quickly because he's itching to be near her again.

They left Japan early in the noon and arrived at Philippines by three o'clock in the afternoon.

He had to wear just a white plain shirt tucked in a black pleated pants because of the country's hot and humid air. Unlike China, the country have only two seasons which are the sunny and rainy ones and today sure is quite steamy.

As soon as he's seated on the car's backseat, he instructed Harvey to take him in a mall which he attentively followed.

The boss told him to wait as he entered the establishment. All eyes are on him, following his moves with murmurs and little shrieks and who wouldn't?

This debonair foreigner exudes an aristocratic aura with his light footsteps and cold airs. His towering stature and neatly pushed back neck-long hair covers the Sunken Dragon Head's emblem on his nape but his exposed arms exhibits the coloured tattoos that contradicts his pretty boy gentle face facade.

His footsteps travelled on a small stall of beauty products. A woman who's gossiping with her nearby co-sale's lady was pinched by another one whom pointed the man striding to her direction.

She gasped, feeling her heart wildly throb inside her ribcage the moment her eyes lay on him.

An actual embodiment of Adonis!

She immediately noticed the gold watch in his robustly shaped arm, wrapping his wrist.

She thought to herself, he's not merely charming but filthy rich as well!

The woman isn't bad herself.

She have a nice curvy body and an innocent angelic face that conceals her wickedness and malicious intent.

When the man reached her stall, she pressed her arms in her chest's sides making her already plump bosom more emphasized.

"Yes sir, do you need anything?"

Her sultry voice rang seductively luring the man to look at him which, he never did. Instead he's engrossed staring at the items inside the small glass cabinets.

"Can I talk to you privately?"

He uttered without glancing up that made her somewhat irritated.

To her, maybe this man is a casanova given by his dazzling looks and these sorts of men always get the girl they like that's why she'll play hard to get to arouse his interest.

"I'm sorry but I'm working right now."

She coaxed her coquettish voice with fake sternness.

To her another disappointment, the man remained unfazed and indifferent regardless of her efforts.

"Well then, just recommend me your best product, some ointment of sort to heal swollen eyes faster for my girlfriend."

The woman's expectations were crushed when 'my girlfriend' echoes in her head but it was redeemed in an instant as she thought what might cause of her swelling eyes.

It's definitely from crying, what else there is to it? which makes this man a total cheating womanizer.

This woman was convinced with her paranoid theory, after all she believe that men are all slaves to their sexual desires and easy to manipulate as long as you pleasure them.

So she bend over, making sure her lush butt will stick and get to his view then stood and placed a tiny ceramic bottle above the glass cabinet where his pale masculine hand-finger tapping-was, faking an accidental grazing of her smooth fingers with his.

"Oh! I'm sorry...Uhm anyway, this is our best eye beautycare..."

The woman keeps babbling about the product and Ares calmly listens despite his fancies of stitching this whore's mouth together with a metallic wire.

His eyes are fixated on the bottle because he's overly disgusted to even look at her rotten dick-addict face.

The tapping of his finger grew faster as if the sound it make can overlap the bitch's revolting presence.

He remembered Abi's depressing break down again.

He's conversing with Beiji whilst waiting for his plane to get ready when he glance at his phone to check on her. He always does every thirty minutes when they're apart and her frail screaming wet tears-covered face appeared on the screen.

He would just about to storm out of his house when Abi suddenly stood, vigorously wiping her face as she tidied herself. Her workmate at the mini mart came by.

Ares had an access on her phone. Calls, messages, every apps she use, it sends notification and a copy of the same data. Bsed on her recent searches, she looked for Maureen Ramos.

This is the last person she's been with before she was abducted by the syndicate.

He knew because he had ask full information about Abigail Lopez from the very beginning however dissimilar to his first response from when he saw her cry that night-where he stood nearby with an amused grin, he's not that entertain now at all.

"Uhm, Sir?"

The woman pat his hand interrupting him and Ares politely pull his hand away before finally throwing a look on her-a sneering one which made her taken aback.

"Yeah, I heard you but I don't think Abigail will like this."

The sales lady's body went numb as if she's been dumped with a bucket of icey water seeping in her bones making her feel bloated and deflated at the same time.

She's just disconcerted with having to hear that name again, there's no way the Abigail he's talking about is the Abi she knows.

"Having a care free life like your friend wasn't kidnapped in trying to save you. How angelic indeed."

The woman's eyes gaped in terror unable to turn away from his blank hazel orbs as he look down on her with utter abhorrence.

Why and how? Who's this man?

Her head is jumbled in confusion and resentment.

Abigail again! Even now that she's out of the picture, that bitch still haunts her!

For years she had lived in her shadows now that she's gone she won't let her steal the spotlight once more!

Flashing back through her memories, Maureen was popular in High School.

Even so she's not brainy or poor that doesn't affect her self-esteem or how people around her shows their admiration.

She's beautiful-the sophisticated elegant kind and her body is already well-developed. She's born a natural seductress and God, how she love the attention!

Then a transferee student appeared and steal everything.

She's not only a cheery charmer but also an academically achiever and to top it all, she came from a well-established family. Everything Maureen doesn't have, she effortlessly got.

She decided to befriend this girl named Abigail because like the saying goes, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Yeah, she's genuinely kind, clever, humorous and slightly odd-traits that made her stand out.

Days turn to week and weeks turn to months and months into years, gradually a simple envy grows into a quicksand of grudge.

She finds bliss and solace everytime she'd open up about how her family alienated her. She would cry for hours and she'll offer fraud consolation.

This goes on even in their college days.

She's immensely drowned in her jealousy to the point that every guy who wants to pursue her, she'll seduce and sleep with.

It felt like sweet victory, being able to steal from her so when she told her about this one guy she like, Maureen was elated!

Abi, despite of being infatuated with good-looking men is really picky with her relationships and now that she set her eye on someone for the first time, the idea of snitching her beloved, filled her with colossal joy.

Ofcourse she let her savour the spring of life for the first two months then after she opened up about them making out for the first time that's her cue to crush her little fairytale.

Lucky for her that guy was a total scum, it's a piece of cake getting into his bed.

She'll secretly gather photos of him while he's still naked and asleep or when he'll go to the shower room with his bare back after they had sex.

The asshole would often complain to her about her 'bestfriend' how she refuse doing the deed with him after he devirginized her and everytime Abi rejects him, he'll come find and fuck her instead.

She doesn't mind being treated as a doormat, she treats him equally anyway.

As a matter of fact, she's into someone else.

A dean's lister and senior in their department. He's popular among the men in university because of his flower boy looks, intelligence and chivalrous manner.

He's a genuine gentleman because she seduced him twice and failed as much.

That's why she likes him, he's serious and kind unlike other jerks.

She clearly remembered how the turn of events came. She's almost hopping that morning as she walks toward her first subject because Abi called last night, confessing to her that she feel like his boyfriend is cheating on her.

'Yeah dumb bitch and it's with me and the others'

She's itching to slap those words in her face. She have to be patient. She could sense that Abi isn't that head over heels yet over him so she needs to wait for that moment and let the pain hit her ten folds.

She satisfyingly smiled at herself when she passed by a room filled with men-one of them is her crush.

They're making fun of him, teasing him about the girl she likes.

Her heart froze when she heard a too familiar name. That tramp. That stupid bitch!

She hauled straight to their class where the wench is focused on reading a reaction paper as she hurled the explicit photos on her desk.

Putting her mask, she acted furious while explaining how she get the pictures and how scum her boyfriend was.

She gazed at Abigail and saw her blank expression yet her lips were quivering, her chest raises up and down with a suppressed heaving.

'Yeah that's it, act tough like you always do dumb-dumb.'

That very night, Maureen invited her out to party, fortunately she came instead of objecting like before.

Her plan is to drug and let her get fucked by whoever, then she'll send the photos to her crush, to her family and everyone so she'll have no smug face to flaunt anymore but not everything went the way she imagined.

Her vague memories about that night was she's partying hard and Abi's being a pussy asking fir them to go home already.

Then there's a van.

Arms snaking around her.

Abigail drag her away from him.

She was taken instead.

Then the van was gone.

She's so horrified, she isolated herself in her boarding house for a week.

She can't be blame right?

A little voice murmured in her head.

Isn't it better? She's out of the picture now.

Maureen eventually redeemed herself, she answered queries regarding Abigail that she run off with a man she met in the bar, saying she'll be a total rebel. She spread her family's stories, how her boyfriend cheated on her all the while acting as if she's sympathetic.

She didn't got his crush but who cares? There's a ton of men swarming over her now, treating her as a goddess.

She quitted school and just work part times, it's quicker this way to meet more men, this time she's eyeing for the big time ones.

However, the ideal man standing erect infront of her with grim look painted on his pretty face, threatens to crush her sweet paradise.

"Yeah? So what? There's no place here for her now. Everyone thinks she's a wh-"

"Don't even say that word, it doesn't suit her although I just met someone who might do."

Maureen grits her teeth out of rage.

This man have the same smug smile on his face like Abi's.

She's just about to retaliate when a piece of sharp papers were thrown at her.

No, it wasn't papers but....her photographs and scandalous ones!

Before Maureen could process anything a slap on her face, a tug on her hair and fists smacking her body keeps hitting everywhere.

She squirms from side to side, dodging or avoiding the hits when she caught a glimpse of this charming man with an eerie smile.

He slowly moved his lips, intending to let her get the message and as she did, her knees wobbled, dropping herself on the cold ground, desperately crushed.

-Get a taste of your own medicine. Whore.

The whole ruckus quickly escalated catching the attention of passersby, soon a scene of a woman being trampled by three others were surrounded by the crowd.

[End of Chapter 11]

Sup bruhs! Just wanna say how ecstatic I felt when I saw my first star eveeeer! Honestly! I made a few awkward dances and meditated for a second on how to keep the spirit of laziness away.

Seriously thanks for this, whoever you are, let me litter smooches all over your face hehe

update : huh!? where's my freaking star? give it baaaaaaaack