
fireflies and waterfalls

TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of suicide, depression, death, and rape. Do not read if you can not handle these topics. Also this book is meant to be slightly a horror novel. this book is about a sixteen year old girl named Victoria who moved into a small town for a fresh start after her mother died. Little did she know what would go down in the town. Mysterious disappearances that can't be explained. An untraceable virus? Victoria and her two other friends try to get to the bottom of it. -------------------------------------------------- epilogue:   Dad would always say that our mom used to take me to the waterfall when I was a kid.   I don't really remember this of course. I was only four when she did, but we would catch fireflies and she'd tell me I was her beautiful Angel. When my brother got old enough she would take him there since I felt I was too old to catch fireflies and play in the water. I do have memories of my mother, it's only been eight months since she's passed. I'm sixteen now and unlike most girls my age who go out and do drugs do to peer pressure with their friends, I've been home schooled for the past eleven years due to my mother thinking the bullying would lead to depression later in life. I don't have friends or anyone to talk to. My mother was my only friend and now she's gone.   It's not like I can look for any comfort nor company in my father now these days. He's been a ghost since mom passed. Meaninglessly roaming around the house bumping into things as he goes, not really paying attention to what he's doing. My brother is too young to deal with this type of loss being only six. I know that dad tries his best with us in the sense of being there, but no matter how many fake smiles he puts on I still hear him crying in his room some nights. With that being said I'm the one who does the comforting in my family and together, yet alone, we cry.   I thought it was going to be like this for the rest of our lives. I never planned to move out at eighteen because I didn't want to leave my father here alone to rot. A shell of his former self slowly decaying along with the house. With my little brother being motherless and pretty much fatherless I had to learn to be a parent and raise him the best that I can. I'm guessing my dad had different plans. He burst into my room early one morning without warning. "I need you to pack you and your brother's stuff. We're leaving to Oregon. Please pack as light as possible. You'll have time to choose what you want to keep or leave because you have two weeks." ------------------- Cover artist: Roxanne Jane Black insta: roxanne.janeblack

QingMojidori · ไซไฟ
13 Chs

pizza, skittles, and coke

I opened my eyes and blinked while they adjusted to the bright lights. After my eyes adjusted I realized that the bright lights were gas station lights and my father had stopped for gas. It was dark out and I couldn't see much past the gas station parking lot that was lit by the white lights. Johnathon was just waking up as well. I squinted and looked in the store window to see dad paying for the gas at the register. I tapped on Johnathon's shoulder.

(sign) "Hey. You want something from the store? Candy bar? Drink?"

Johnny nodded. He sat up and signed "Both?"

I nodded. "yes. Bathroom?"

Johnny shook his head and I pushed the black duffel bag off of me so I could move. I reached in my hoodie and checked to make sure I still had the twenty I left in there last time I wore the hoodie. As I got out the car a nervous and uncomfortable feeling waved over me. I had forgotten I was wearing shorts and the hoodie made it seem like I wasn't wearing anything. I hated this feeling and I never felt comfortable being in public like this. As I was walking into the store a man that was somewhere in his 60s took a sip of his bear after smiling and nodding towards me. I scurried inside. I need to get in and out. As I rushed inside Dad came out with a slice of obviously old pizza, a bag of skittles, and a coke.

He turned back to talk to me, "Where you goin'?"

"Johnny wants a snack and so do I."

He glanced down at the skittles, "I thought we could share some skittles."

"No it's fine I'll get something for us."

He nodded and walked towards the truck.

I made my way way to the drinks and grabbed a juice box for Johnny and a water for me. Mom always said that clear skin can be as simple as adding two bottles of water a day to your diet. I did my best to get Johnny to drink at least two cups of water a day and to make sure he ate healthy. I grabbed two Nature Valley almond bars and a slim jim.

After paying for our stuff I started towards the truck and heard a whistle from behind me. I glanced back and saw it was the old guy from when I first walked in. I slightly grimaced and hopped into the truck. I noticed the bag was gone.

Johnny excitedly reached over and grabbed the bag from my hands before I could say anything. I laughed and took it back. He squinted at me.

"I'm going to give you this candy bar, but you're taking your medication afterwards, okay?"

Johnathon shook his head yes and took the bag to look inside.

(sign) "What is mine?"

I took the slim jim out and my water. Johnny didn't waste anytime opening the almond bar.

I looked back at Dad pumping gas and caught a glance at the duffel bag. I guess he took it out for more room. We should've thought about that in the first place, but the reason why I didn't put it back there was because I thought that it might fall off the back. There was already enough stuff back there.

Dad got back into the truck. "Okay it's," he stopped to check his watch, but seemed to struggle seeing the time

"9:32" I checked my own watch and finished the sentence for him.

He nodded. "Okay so according to the GPS we should be there around 2:30 to 3..but I'm thinking that we'll get there a little early." He winked.

I love seeing the Dad open up more. That's really my goal. To show the difference from when he was at their old house to now when he's away. Don't be afraid to drop a comment! Adivce or opinions. Anything to make the story more enjoyable! :)

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