
fireflies and waterfalls

TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of suicide, depression, death, and rape. Do not read if you can not handle these topics. Also this book is meant to be slightly a horror novel. this book is about a sixteen year old girl named Victoria who moved into a small town for a fresh start after her mother died. Little did she know what would go down in the town. Mysterious disappearances that can't be explained. An untraceable virus? Victoria and her two other friends try to get to the bottom of it. -------------------------------------------------- epilogue:   Dad would always say that our mom used to take me to the waterfall when I was a kid.   I don't really remember this of course. I was only four when she did, but we would catch fireflies and she'd tell me I was her beautiful Angel. When my brother got old enough she would take him there since I felt I was too old to catch fireflies and play in the water. I do have memories of my mother, it's only been eight months since she's passed. I'm sixteen now and unlike most girls my age who go out and do drugs do to peer pressure with their friends, I've been home schooled for the past eleven years due to my mother thinking the bullying would lead to depression later in life. I don't have friends or anyone to talk to. My mother was my only friend and now she's gone.   It's not like I can look for any comfort nor company in my father now these days. He's been a ghost since mom passed. Meaninglessly roaming around the house bumping into things as he goes, not really paying attention to what he's doing. My brother is too young to deal with this type of loss being only six. I know that dad tries his best with us in the sense of being there, but no matter how many fake smiles he puts on I still hear him crying in his room some nights. With that being said I'm the one who does the comforting in my family and together, yet alone, we cry.   I thought it was going to be like this for the rest of our lives. I never planned to move out at eighteen because I didn't want to leave my father here alone to rot. A shell of his former self slowly decaying along with the house. With my little brother being motherless and pretty much fatherless I had to learn to be a parent and raise him the best that I can. I'm guessing my dad had different plans. He burst into my room early one morning without warning. "I need you to pack you and your brother's stuff. We're leaving to Oregon. Please pack as light as possible. You'll have time to choose what you want to keep or leave because you have two weeks." ------------------- Cover artist: Roxanne Jane Black insta: roxanne.janeblack

QingMojidori · ไซไฟ
13 Chs

In the forest

I couldn't go back to sleep. After I gave Johnny his medicine he dozed off. He doesn't like taking his medicine, he says the pills are hard to swallow, but I have to remind him that if he wants his heart to be better he has to take it. I ran my fingers through his hair. It became a habit now. I'm guessing it's a way of comforting myself.

It was 1:32 now and we had just passed a sign that said "Welcome to Jacksonville". Dad had been speeding 7 miles over the speed limit for the past hour. He told me not to look at him as a role model for driving. See, it's the small comments like this that make me see that he's really relieved to be leaving. It's been a long time since I've heard him try to make jokes and small talk. He's usually a ghost, but even though he's not as lifeless as he was before you can still see that there's something missing.

After driving through some woods we entered a small town with cobblestones as sidewalks. I opened my slim jim from earlier and looked around. I don't know if it was just the eerie shadows casted by the moon or something else, but something seemed off about the town. Maybe in the light of the sun and with some people the town would seem lively. Or not. I don't feel comfortable here. Something doesn't feel right. I squinted at the stores and took a big bite out of my slim jim.

We drove past shops of different kinds. A barber shop, a boutique, small diners, the town hall, and a big clock tower. Everything being empty because it was late at night. In the distance there was a water tower that seemed to be off a bit past the woods. Before we entered the main part of the town there was a church. A small white church which was just as off as the town.

As we drove, one store that was separated from the connected line of store was lit up. There was an ally way that separated the small building from the long row of other stores. Dad drove through the ally and pulled into a parking lot behind the shop.

"Where are we?" I squinted at the sign above the back door and struggled to read the faded letters, "Breakfast...at Nina's?" I looked at him.

Dad nodded, "Mhm. I know you remember your mom's cousin! She got you that bike when you were four. Nina?" He looked at me as he turned off the car and took the keys out of the ignition.

How was I supposed to remember someone from when I was four? If she was someone important I would've remembered her from my sixteen years of life. I don't remember mom ever saying she was on the phone with Nina or "Hey look! I got a letter from Nina!" I don't know who this Nina is, but I'm guessing she's why we're here.

I tapped on Johnny's shoulder until he woke up.He looked around confused and unbuckled his seat belt to crawl over to me. He sat on my lap with his back leaning on the door.

(sign) "Where are we?"

(sign) "I don't really know, but we're about to see. I think we're here."

I cradled him as he laid on my shoulder and he glanced at our father. Johnny didn't really like talking to Dad much since mom died and seemed to be a little scared of him. He walked around like a ghost and that scared Johnathon a lot. To Johnny, dad was a completely different man then the father that he once knew.

Dad could see this and it hurt him to know that his kids barely knew him anymore. He broke eye contact with Johnny and sighed, "Okay welp! We're here kids! Start getting the bags ready and I'm about to go talk to Nina."

I don't understand why we're getting bags for when this isn't a house or hotel. It's a cafe. I looked around and saw that behind the dumpster was straight forest and it didn't look like there was anything else behind that, but above the trees I could see the water tower. It was directly behind the cafe. Really far back, of course, but I could walk straight into the woods and then I'd be there. I'm guessing the entire town is just surrounded by straight forest. Johnny sat up and went to the drivers side of the truck and hopped out. I stuffed the rest of my slim jim in my mouth, put the wrapper in my pocket and got out the truck too.

After grabbing the bags I started walking towards the back door of the diner, but then realized I was missing something. Johnny.

I looked back and saw him standing in front of the truck staring off into the dark woods, turned just enough for me to see his off expression. He didn't moved and if I didn't know better from where I was standing it looked like his chest wasn't even moving indicating that he was breathing. Neither did his nose flare. After putting the bags down by the door and taking a few steps towards him he finally blinked for the first time since I started watching him.

I ran towards him and grabbed his shoulders forcing him to turn towards me, but he still faced the woods. I walked to block his view.

(sign) "Hey. What's wrong? What do you see?" I turned and looked into the army of trees and saw nothing.

Johnny finally blinked out of his trance after a few seconds and looked me in the eyes.

(sign) "I thought I felt someone behind me. I feel weird. My ears." Johnny put his fingers over his ears and rubbed them.

I pulled him closer and looked at his ears. Nothing seems to be wrong.

" Let's just get inside." I put my arm around him and started pulling him towards the building, but not without giving the forest a few more glances.