

My breath hitched, her mismatched eyes meeting mine. Her golden cat eye matched the scarlet reaper’s eyes, her white hair brightening to match the various oranges and reds of my eyes. Bruises covered her skin, a defiant snarl curled on her determined face. Lowering my feet, something was about to happen. All four elements swirled in her broken soul, her immortality capturing my eyes. There was no way another immortal existed, my glass of water spilling the moment I leaned onto the table. Silent tears slid down her cheeks, her inky fingernails extending into claws. My cock stiffened at her five foot seven hourglass figure, my eyes tracing the diamond chain bikini as it draped over her flat stomach. Another desire brewed in me, something telling me to take her now. Whispering something in her ears, low growls rumbled in her throat. Shaking off her hot temper, she stood straight up. “I am Ellasandra and I am excellent at cooking and cleaning. I am the wife of your dreams. Besides, I am a virgin after all.” She chirped with a false smile, her thighs rubbing together. “I have prepared a dance for you. Please enjoy!” Pressing her palms together, a scarlet circle glowed underneath her. Every step of her seductive dance unlocked another gate, the audience none the wiser.

Yvette_Francaise · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Chapter Sixteen: The Day After.


Struggling to sit up, Phoenix was in a deep slumber. His mother came over to me with my son and a bowl of those addicting berries, his hands reaching for my aching breasts. Accepting them both, his tiny lips were soon gulping down his fill. Resting her hands on her lap, Vera ran in. Leaping onto her lap, pride and excitement glistened in their eyes. His mother had a way of shining a light on any tough day, Fireboy being lucky to have her. 

"I soaked those berries in one of my healing teas. Give it two weeks and you will be back to new." She chirped cheerfully, twisting Vera's hair into one of the dragon people's traditional braids. "You did great from what I heard. I can't believe our Argon was born on Janos thirteenth. That is a magical date indeed." Dropping a berry into my mouth, a small bit of relief crashed through my muscles. Finishing up with his meal on the other breast, his mother's light laughter twinkled like bells at me burping him. Pushing through the pain, my eyes fell on the traditional Dragon style clothing covering his tiny body. Tracing the ornate golden thread, the jet black silk contrasted the gold. His tail wagged with joy, my mind wondering if this was how I looked. Tears welled up in my eyes, the fact that my parents wouldn't be there to hold him tore me apart. Fighting the urge to cry, Vera didn't need to worry about me. Patting the bed, she bounced into the spot next to me. Laying down her brother, her smile grew wider as I draped my arm over her shoulder. Playing with her brother, silent tears hit the boy's face. That ugly jealousy was floating to the surface again with how his parents were around, my smile fading from my face. Sinking into a downward spiral, all the voices faded out. Staring into the dark shadows, bloody hands reached out for me. Burnt bodies crawled across the floor, fear rounding my eyes. Seeing my burning mother step out of the corner, her hot hands cupping my face. The color drained from my face, pieces of blackened flesh hit my lap. All the insults and slurs echoed in my head, my mother's gentle voice shouting them in my face. Struggling to keep my composure, the figures faded away to the cruel maids without faces. Cracking whips into their palms, my mother's hands forced me to watch as they raised them over my head. Unable to move, my heart was seconds from pounding out of my head. Tiger's face hovering inches from mine snapped me back to reality, her burnt body floating back into the shadows. Shaking my hallucination away, his hand cupped mine.  Noting my wet eyes, he knew what kind of mental illness was plaguing me. When would it stop? They always came back when fear and depression had its grip on me, his next words helping me ground myself temporarily. 

"Is that my nephew!" He asked with a bright smile, mouthing the words are you okay in my direction. "Isn't he a handsome boy? He looks like trouble. Dad is sleeping, huh? Should I wake him up?" Fireboy kicked him off the bed, a painting falling down the moment he hit the wall. Growling as he sat up, his clawed hand rubbed the back of his head. Wondering what was eating at him, my lips pressed into a thin line. 

"Will you all just shut the hell up? I am awake now. What the fuck do you need!" He barked testily, Tiger's hearty laughter filling up the room. "What's so funny, you giant ass cat?" Hopping to his feet, he placed the painting where it belonged. Grinning like an idiot, Fireboy looked seconds from kicking him again.  It would be best not to test him when he was like this, my eyes flitting between the two of them. 

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed. I was checking to see if she wasn't doing all of the work." He teased playfully, cocking his head to the left. "In all reality, I came to see my nephew and how my little sister was doing. After that, I was going to get my favorite little pup some ice cream." Shoving his hands into his worn brown wool pants, his bright smile caused a tender blush to color my cheeks. Ever the caring brother, he leaned forward.

"How about we run the cart tonight so our favorite gals can have a girl's night?" He continued with an even wider grin, my husband's face softening. "I would like to get to know you better and I think that would be rather helpful in that regard. What do you say, Dragon boy?" Shooting him a thumbs up, Vera leapt onto his shoulders. Taking her out of the room, his mother excused herself. A pensive expression haunted my tired features, Fireboy hugging me from behind. Resting his chin on my shoulder, his fingers tickled Argon's belly. Feeling detached from the moment, his lips brushing against the nape of his neck snapped me out of my downward spiral.

"Are you okay? You are spacing out a bit more than usual." He queried with pressed lips, his eyes flitting between our son and me. "The bar cart doesn't have to open ton-" Putting my hand up in the air, a long pause hung between us. Shaking my head, Tiger would kill me if I canceled on his behalf.

"If Tiger wants to get to know you better, you should give him a chance." I urged tiredly, watching a nervous grin twitch on his lips. "He won't bite and you get to be the boss. I can use this time to get closer to your mother. Besides, I am too weak to do anything right now. I can feel my control of my powers slipping away. I will have to figure that out later. Have fun tonight." Feeding me the berries, he held one in his teeth. Sucking it down, his real smile brightened his face for a moment. Swinging his feet over the edge of the bed, he peeled off his dirty clothes. Sweat dripped off of his muscles, a playful grin illuminating her face. Crawling onto the bed, my thighs rubbed together. Lifting up my chin with his finger, his lips pressed against mine roughly. Letting me go, he tugged on a new scarlet dress shirt and a pair of new onyx trousers. Sliding on his shoes, my heart was still skipping a beat from his kiss.

"We can play in a couple of weeks, my little kitten." He growled huskily, finishing the last of his buttons. "I have a few things to do before I open the cart. See you tonight." Pecking me on my cheek as he left, the loneliness felt devastating. Pinning my ears back, Argon stared up at me with love in his eyes. Unsure of what to do, my inability to connect right away scared me. A hopelessness crashed into me, Vera bouncing onto the bed stole that feeling away.

"I thought we could paint together." She gushed with her palms pressed together, her face falling at my dejected smile. "Are you okay?" Shaking off my crippling depression for her, my bright smile did little to fool her. She didn't need to know that my powers were on the edge of corrupting me. Damn this freaking curse!

"I am okay as I am going to be. Painting sounds fun. I haven't done that in a hot second." I returned as warmly as I could, her face lighting up. "Let me get changed. Do you want to watch your brother while I get changed? Flashing me her real smile, she plopped down in front of him. Peeling off my dress, my fingers settled on a light scarlet summer dress. Throwing it over my head, the deep v-neck emphasized my cleavage while the rest of it was too big. Of course my weight was a little low, I thought bitterly to myself. Feeling my hips, they had gained a bit of width. Alas, that was to be expected with having a child. Using my old corset belt to cinch the material to my natural waist, I suppose I didn't look half bad. Tying my bells around my ears, I used his wedding gift to twist my hair into a unique bun. Spinning around for her, her clapping melted a bit of my stress away. Noting a worn sling, her eager eyes watched me knot at my left shoulder. Scooping up Argon, his laughter twinkled in the air as I slid him in. Sliding my feet into my boots, my hand reached for Vera's. Our footfalls echoed down the hall to the garden where three canvases waited for us. Pausing in front of mine, the images of them forcing me to paint portraits for the royal families almost had me buckle to my knees. His mother spun in with the most beautiful smile on her flips, her long hair now twisted into a braid matching Vera's. Donning a summer dress similar to mine, the snow white silk danced over her perfect figure. Asking to hold Argon, I couldn't say no.

"I am not much of a painter but I want to smother my grandson with all the love in the world." She gushed with an even wider smile the moment I set him into her arms. A knock on the door interrupted the moment, his mother setting him into his arms. Tears of joy welled up in his eyes, the sleeve of his navy dress shirt catching all of his tears. Tugging on his hair, his hearty laugh echoed in the salty air. Rocking him back and forth, all the stress melted from his face. His tiny fingers held her thumb, his quivering smile meeting my anxiety filled face. Beginning to pass him back, I skidded in between them. Touched by my actions, he took a step back.  Forgiveness was what he deserved, my heart breaking for him every time I saw him. 

"He looks just like you." He joked blithely, playing with his ears. "His scales are magnificent. I am so proud of you." Pinning my ears back, scarlet colored my cheeks. Kissing him on the forehead, their laughter sounded like music. Passing him back to his wife, he cleared his throat. Embracing me in a bear hug, a chilly breeze blew my loose strands up. Dropping a salt diamond dragon necklace into my palm, the golden chain glittered in the afternoon sun.

"This is a blessed salt diamond. It will prevent you from becoming corrupted. I called in a few favors from my friends back home." Dropping it over my head, salt glued the rip in my soul. Encasing my soul in a layer of salt, a wave of relief crashed over me. Bowing in his direction, my palms pressed together. Helping stand up straight, I clutched my hands to my chest. This level of kindness wasn't deserved by a piece of trash like me. 

"You don't need to do that. You are my daughter, so don't worry about that. I want you to be in the best shape you can be. Is Phoenix working your bar cart? I wanted to help the boys out." He assured me with a million dollar smile, waiting patiently for his answer. Letting out a strained yes, his dress shoes were echoing away before I could blink again.

"Let's paint." I chirped cheerfully, placing Vera on the stool next to me. "I am going to paint something from memory but you can paint what you want." His mother was lost in the moment with Argon, her angelic voice had him transfixed. Focusing on Vera, her brush was already making different colors. Getting into work, my own brush began to paint a portrait of my husband. Unable to stop, the joy of painting had my mind clear for the first time in a long time. The sounds of night snapped me out of my trance, an eager Vera tugged on the hem of my dress.

"You did amazing." She gasped in wonder, my jaw dropping at a flawless painting of my husband holding a book in the doorway of the library. The gold light bathed his ornate scarlet suit, every scale sparkled as they should. His fiery eyes and hair were the best part, all of it coming together with ease. When did I do that? Spinning on my heels, Argon and his mother were in a deep nap. Signing it with a neat signature, I picked up Vera and spun her around. Sitting her down, our eyes watched a couple of servants bring in the paintings into the house.

"Do you want to surprise Phoenix and see how they are doing?" I suggested with a bright smile, picking up Argon. "Let's go." Jerking awake, a silent conversation occurred between us. Excusing ourselves, we almost ran into Captain Vessel on the way out. Tucking Argon into his sling, the cool sea air hit my face the moment we hit the streets. Flickers came out of nowhere, her head scooping us up. Bounding through the streets, we skidded to a heartwarming scene of the three boys working together to serve everyone. Leaping over the crowd, Flickers landed inches from the chaos, her look telling us to go on. Sneaking up behind Fireboy, he yelped out the moment my arms curled around his waist. Resting my head against his back, he spun on his heel to press his lips against mine feverishly. Blushing a deep scarlet, his other hand ruffled Vera's hair. Wagging our tails, his lips brushed against Argon's forehead.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" He chuckled jovially, setting up another tray of drinks. "It isn't everyday a man gets to see his family during work. You weren't lonely were you?" Twirling my tail around his waist, our usual customers waved me over. Bouncing out, they fawned over Argon as they put a chair in the middle. Salvy clapped her hands, everyone snapping their eyes in her direction. My husband leaned on the counter with his million dollar smile, Tiger and Ivan taking a seat in the back. Clearing her throat, I hid my face behind my hands.

"We love Ellie, right!" She bellowed jovially, cheers erupting in the air. "I think we should give her our gifts for mother and child. Who wants to go first?" Wondering who the hell planned this, Tiger shifted nervously in his spot. Ivan flashed a nervous smile, the culprits had been found out. Pulling brown packages out from underneath their seats, Vera winking in my direction. Salvy fixed her hair, her fingers playing with her navy summer dress. Tiger's eyes couldn't leave her, a wicked grin spreading across my lips. Revenge would be served in a couple of minutes, everyone watching as I sat my brother down next to her. Let the cards play out the way I had planned. Their eyes flitted between each other, the first person giving me their package. Package after package was opened, a pile of clothes and toys rested on the table next to me. Alas, the surprise party wasn't done yet. A sudden wave of hopelessness hit me, the noises were becoming too much. Tuning out the pleasant chatter, a numb expression dimmed my features. A familiar hand snapped me back into the moment, a plate of chocolate frosted cherry cake hovered in front of my face. Fireboy gazed lovingly into my eyes, his crooked grin falling at my current mental state. Accepting the cake, he took a seat next to mine. Expecting someone to call me names, all this was foreign to me. Gripping the plate with increasing anxiety, everyone went silent the moment it hit the street. Rising to my feet, whispers passed as I sprinted towards the beach. Running until I couldn't, a tall rock on the beach hid me from the world. Sliding down, my hands cupped the sides of my head. Every breath grew shorter, the harsh names and slurs from the mainland raced through my mind. Violent sobs wracked my body, the sound of my heart racing mixed in those poisoned words. Sand crunched inches from me, my fingers curling around the handle of my ax. Spinning it in my palm, a single swing had the handle in Fireboy's palms. Lowering it down, sand coated his pants as he got to my level. Pressing my palms together, his lips brushed against the top of my fingers. The panic attack ended abruptly, my migraine throbbing to life.

"They like you. I understand that you are used to people tearing you apart but you are safe here." He comforted me gently, his loving gaze falling on my wet eyes. "You are okay?" Shaking my head, this all felt wrong. Chewing on my lip, this made me feel pathetic. Bowing my head in shame, his hands cupped my face. Kissing my lips softly, time stopped. The waves crashing onto the beach brought me back from my downward spiral, his crooked grin relaxing my fraying nerves.

"I told you that no matter what I would always be there for you. I explained the situation to them and they feel angry in your place." He promised sweetly, tracing my cheeks. "Do you want to go back or do you want to hide here?" Thinking on it for a minute, his strong arms pulled me into one of his bear hugs. A tender blush rose to my cheeks, his palm rubbing my back. Pinning my ears back, my tail twitched irritably.

"Let's get back so I can apologize for my inconvenience upon them." I stammered nervously, my hands crossing. "I ruined everything like usual. They should hate me. I couldn't save my village. I am pathetic. Another set of footsteps crunched onto the sand, Tiger waving in my direction. Crouching down to my level, he ruffled the top of my head.

"You could have never seen them. Is that what you were hallucinating earlier? Listen up, little sister." He urged with a crooked grin, our ears pinning back at the same time. "I see them sometimes as well. You aren't alone. People would call me names. The reaper gene may have missed me but I hated watching you get called all those nasty names. You never deserved that. What amazed me is how you kept helping the people insulting you. You are the most amazing person I know. I can't wait for you to be in charge of the kingdom." Sitting back on his haunches, a sad smile crept onto my face. Silent tears streamed down my cheeks, his words relieving the rest of my weight on my chest.

"You win. You made me cry." I joked tenderly, laughter bursting from our lips. "Did you want to spend a few seconds more with your nephew?" Running his hand through his hair, his eyes glittered with excitement. Accepting my son, they were soon playing together. Touched by the sight, a sweet peck on the lips made my heart flutter.

"I love you, Ellie. We all love you or at least like you. I don't want you to ever feel like you don't deserve love." He sighed warmly, his loving gaze never leaving mine. "Besides, you will always have me." Scrunching up my nose, I stuck out my tongue. The world around me began to spin, a rough darkness taking me away.

The smell of fire wafted up my nose, my village going up in flames. The screaming never stopped, Bloodvanya stepped out of the thick smoke. Flicking her wrist, my body slammed into the thickest tree. Blackened ash tumbled over my head, a spiritual wall blocking my familiars from getting to me. Her curls bounced with every wicked chuckle, inky blood dripped from her nubs. Spinning a couple of balls in her palms, black lightning crackled in the air. A gust of wind blew the fire out, my body trembling. Leaning forward, they floated into the air. Reaching for my scythe, panic widened my eyes at the lack of my scythe.

"I canceled that showing up here. You are in my realm now." She gloated with a wicked grin, ash crunching underneath my feet as I ran off. Scanning the burnt landscape, I needed a way out. Racing through the ruins, my best plan was to run until I couldn't. Dread bubbled in my gut, the sound of thunder rumbled in the air. Lightning darted everywhere, my agility allowed me to dodge all but one. Striking me in the heart, a tortured wail burst from my lips the moment I crashed onto the ground. Attempting to crawl away, all the color left my face at her heel digging into my back. True fear set in, a silent scream burying itself into the ash. 

"I can't kill you but I sure as hell can torture you. You are coming with me, my dear." She threatened darkly in my ear, snaking her arms around my waist. "You will now serve me until the end of time. Wake up."

Taking in a deep breath, an icy rock dungeon surrounded me. Glancing down at my body, dirt covered my bare skin. A guard hovered in front of the door, his scarlet helmet shimmered in the flames. Tossing me a maid's uniform and black iron shackles, his next words sent chills up my spine.

"Get dressed, you filthy reaper." He snarled harshly, my trembling fingers tugging on the revealing maid's uniform. The short skirt exposed my bum while the deep v-neck emphasized my heavy milk laden breasts, guilt eating at me. Putting my shackles, the rest of my powers drained away. Struggling with my situation, my bare feet stepped out of the unlocked cell. Pushing me along with his golden spear, I was soon in front of Bloodvanya. Yanking me onto her lap, her fingers danced up my thigh. Slapping her hand away, a look of pure rage burned in her eyes. Ripping my head back, a shrill shriek burst from her lips.

"You obey me like a good little kitty." She demanded hotly, tracing her claws along my throat. "I can't kill you but I can make you wish you were dead." Shaking in her arms, I needed help to get out of this situation.