
Firearms in a Fantasy World

Transmigrated as the young Earl of a declining noble family, Paul Grayman sets out to take his territory to the peak. Armed with the knowledge of the modern world, he will create firearms, paper, porcelain, industrial tools and much more. Follow Paul, as he treads against the currents of time, fighting Noble Lords, Secret Magic Organizations, Magical Races and a Corrupt Church, ushering in the age of industrialization in the backwater world... ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hey Guys... So W3BN0V3L rejected my C0NTRACT request... They didn't specify why... So if you want to support me for my work... Please join me on P@TR30N.C0M/CinderTL And remember it's /CinderTL, I lost the former account because I don't remember the email it was made on... READ UPTO 20-50 Chapters AHEAD ON P4TR30N... The updates here will still be coming regularly... hopefully...

CinderTL · แฟนตาซี
288 Chs

Must Hug those Thighs


Translator: Cinder Translations




Let's rewind time back a few days.


In a tavern in a small town next to Alden's territory, Baron Hansel Abbott was drinking with a man dressed as a merchant.


"These are difficult times!" The man opposite set down his glass and pulled out a scroll of parchment from his pocket, handing it to the Baron.


"So, this is a new task for us?" Hansel took the scroll and quickly scanned through it.


"Recruitment of provisions? I recall the officials managing the grain warehouses in the capital always boasted that their grain stocks could last more than a year. Did Hals's few thousand men really consume it all in such a short time?"


"Uh..." The contact, disguised as a merchant, stuttered and hesitated for a moment before shrugging. "There was... a fire in the warehouse."


"Oh, that explains it." Hansel nodded knowingly, suspecting it was the work of a good spy.


"By the way, Baron, why are you here? Shouldn't you be in Alden Town? It took me quite an effort to find you," the contact asked curiously.


"Hmm!" Hansel cleared his throat, trying to control his heartbeat to keep his face from blushing.


"Alden's territory is plagued by pirate raids. As the royal representative stationed there, I naturally cannot stand idly by. So, I'm here to procure supplies and purchase weapons for the Lord." He couldn't admit he was scared away by pirates.


The contact gave a thumbs up. "Impressive! So, Lord Grayman should also have a share in subduing pirates."


Now it was Hansel's turn to be surprised. "Subdue pirates?"


The contact continued, "Hasn't Earl Grayman informed you yet? When I was looking for you in Alden Town, the news had already spread. Lord Grayman has led troops to recapture Port Frand and executed many pirates. It's said he will return to Alden Town in a short while."


"Is that so? Looks like I can return to Alden Town too." Hansel looked delighted, thinking to himself, "That little Earl actually has some skill. Before I left, I was even hit at my doorstep."


He continued, "But you know, I still need an official notification from Lord Grayman before I can go back."


"I think the notification will come soon. When it does, Baron, please take care of the grain and provisions."


"Naturally," Hansel replied confidently.


The contact suddenly sighed, "I often travel around the northwest, and lords like Earl Grayman, who consider the welfare of their subjects, are rare. The coastal areas have been plagued by pirates for many years."


Hansel snorted inwardly, quite skeptical. He immediately changed the subject, "How's the situation in the south?"


The contact shook his head, "With all the food burned, what else can be done? Oh, please don't tell anyone about this matter, but I guess it won't be long before it's known everywhere. I didn't enter the city with the army, but from several miles outside the city, I could see the raging fire. It's impossible to keep it a secret."


Hansel frowned, "So, the army can't immediately be moved south to suppress the rebellion?"


"Isn't there a saying? 'Troops move only after provisions.' Now that the provisions are gone, how can they fight? They'll probably only be able to send small units to help Duke Dodge guard Thorn Pass, and it would be good if Giles doesn't attack from the north."


The contact looked pessimistic and continued, "Fortunately, it seems that the main force attacking Thorn Pass is not from Giles."


Suddenly, he shook himself, hastily saying, "Baron, I've had a bit too much to drink and started rambling. Please..."


Hansel chuckled and raised his glass to him, "I'm always tight-lipped. To His Majesty the King!"


The contact also raised his glass, "To His Majesty the King."


If Giles's main force isn't heading north, then they must be dealing with those lords in the south who refuse to submit to him. If the royal army can't move south in time, with Giles's strength, those lords will be left to fend for themselves. Once the rebel forces integrate all the southern territories, it will be even harder to deal with.


"These are difficult times!" Hansel sighed inwardly, resolving to go see that little Earl again.




Now, back to the present, in the study of the Lord's Mansion in Alden Town, the intelligence officer, Cecil, was reporting on his work.


"My lord, as per your request, our intelligence personnel have begun operations in the capital. However, due to lack of experience and the recent martial law, we haven't gathered much information. But finally, we have some results."


He respectfully handed a stack of documents to Paul.


"Hmm... Let me take a look."


Paul quickly scanned through the documents. He wasn't particularly interested in the intelligence from the capital; the affairs in the northwest were enough to keep him busy. But as a vassal of the Aldor Kingdom, it was necessary to have a general understanding of the latest national events.


"Oh my, this is dire! The grain warehouses have been burned." Paul was startled, recalling what Quiller had told him in Port Frand. While someone was strongly supporting Giles from behind, the royal side was suffering losses. They had just recovered the capital after it was stolen, and now they had lost a significant amount of grain. Could it be that the royal family was truly in jeopardy this time?


Paul thought to himself, wondering if he should write a letter of surrender to Giles. As a time traveler, he didn't have much loyalty to the Rodney Dynasty. It didn't matter who wore the crown, as long as it didn't affect his industrial revolution plans. Once his factories were established, all these feudal relics would be swept into the dustbin of history.


However, Cecil's next report dispelled his thoughts.


"Earl, with the spread of the new paper, there have been attempts to steal our manufacturing technology in secret."


As Cecil spoke, he handed over the second report. Paul became anxious. He carefully read through the second report; this was crucial to the financial resources of Alden's territory.


"Bandits! Thieves! Shameful!" Paul waved his hand angrily, denouncing those despicable people hiding in the shadows.


The intelligence showed that several forces were attempting to steal the manufacturing technology of the new paper, including several large merchant guilds and even some neighboring lords, such as Earl Kent of Embrun and Viscount Johnston of Bordeaux.


Fortunately, Paul had emphasized strict confidentiality and implemented tight security measures, and the high treatment of workers had fostered enough loyalty. Otherwise, the paper-making technology might have been stolen. But if this continued, it would be difficult.


Paul didn't want to monopolize the paper-making technology forever. It was actually quite simple, and sooner or later, someone would learn it. But this was his first pot of gold, and he needed to rely on monopoly to accumulate capital in the early stages of his plan for industrialization.


The spread of new technology was something Paul welcomed, but it had to be within his control. He didn't want his enemies to develop airplanes and missiles ahead of him and blast him into the sky.


But involving neighboring lords made things more complicated. He instructed Cecil, "Inform Steward Philip to invite Baron Hansel Abbott to see me."


There was no time to lose. He had to find a strong thigh to hug now.


(End of the Chapter)