
Fire Emblem: The Lion's Blade

A young man with black hair is reincarnated into the world of Fire Emblem. Born in the kingdom of Bern, he chases his dream of being the strongest.

ironictw1st · วิดีโอเกม
37 Chs

Chapter 13: The Lorca Tribe

It's been around four months since I've started my journey. I've just now realized I could have purchased a mount to cut my travel time.


[Host can only receive a mount from the system by becoming a horse-based class.]

'Nevermind then. I don't want to become a paladin or the other options. A wyvern rider sounds like fun…'

'System how long do I have till I'm there.'

[Host has 2 weeks of travel left at this pace.]


(2 Weeks Later)

I'm about 40 minutes away from the tribe and it's already so dark. I don't want to show up at night and scare them…

'Wait what's that?' Looking out over the horizon I can see a horse rushing towards me and on it's back is a person slumped over. 'Oh no!'

'System purchase a mount now and whatever I need to ride one!'

[Host has class changed to -]


(??? POV)

(Earlier that day)

"Dad it's time to eat. Stop swinging your sword." A young lady says. Her hair long and tied in a ponytail. The color of her hair is a dark teal. While the man she's speaking to has black hair. A figure about 6 feet tall and large arms was swinging away with his blade.

'Hmm… my sword arm feels weak… Am I losing my touch?' The large man thinks to himself.

"I'm coming little one." He puts his sword away and enters the tent. In the middle of the room is a woman already seated. Her hair colored teal like the younger girl. Their features are similar. The woman seated clearly holding more mature features, with a few wrinkles near her eyes.

"Lyn, Hassar come sit and eat." The woman says looking up at the two. They both walk over and to eat.

"Kill em all!"

A voice suddenly shouts. 'Bandits!' Hassar thinks to himself. He tries to get up, but he struggles.

His body working against him. 'Come on, come on, come on!' He gets up and stumbles to his family.

"Wake up both of you." The man moves towards his wife and shakes her awake and then towards his daughter.

"What's going on?" The older woman says looking towards her husband. "Bandits. We need to get you two out of here." The man goes towards his sword stumbling along the way. His body too weak to lift it.

'Shit! Ok. Relax breathe. I must defend them. I can't let them be right!'

Grabbing the sword, he ties it to his belt. "Come quickly!"

He walks outside the tent they were in and looks around for bandits. Seeing a few off in the distance moves towards the horses. "Lyn listen to me. Get on the horse and ride!"


"Lyn listen to me. You have to get out of here while you can." The woman says looking at her daughter. "Please." A tear welling up in her eyes.

Seeing this some of the bandits yell out "Look the mongrels are trying to escape!"

Hassar only wanting to protect his dearest daughter, has an axe smash into his back. This sudden action makes the horse charge out and escape the turmoil.

Hassar then turns and pulls out his sword. An axe out hanging out of his back. He looks towards his wife and nods at her. "Sorry dear. Looks like they were right. This life will be the death of you."

The woman holds his face and lays a gentle kiss upon it. "A life worth living with you." Tears beginning to roll down her face.

The man falls breathing his last. The lady grabs the sword from his hands and plunges it deep. Her thoughts are on her daughter and father hugging. 'That would be a sight to see…'

(Percival POV)

I arrive at the Lorca Tribe camp. Lyn's horse following close behind me. Looking around I try to find any survivors, but all the ones in the tribe are dead.

'Fuck I wasted too much time!'

'Fuck, fuck, fuck!'

"I'm sorry Lyn…"

"Hey. Look! It's a horse rider! His horse looks valuable!" A bandit says looking towards my direction.

"He brought back one of the ones that got away!" The bandits start laughing.

"Gawain." A portal opens beside me. Upon exiting it he sees the bandits and the corpses.

"Tsk, disgusting bastards."

"Look after the girl. I have to take care of a few piles of garbage."

Gawain nods and backs away towards the girl's horse.

I pull out my sword and charge.

A few minutes later. The last bandit falls to my blade. I look around me to see if there are anymore, but don't see any.

'Only 12 bandits… There should be more of them. I suppose these ones were left back to loot.'

I hear coughing and look towards the source. A woman that resembles Lyn can be seen sitting up with a man's head resting on her lap.

'She's still alive!' I rush over to her and look at her wound.

"Listen to my voice, ma'am. Stay with me. I'm not going to let you leave that girl all alone."

"Wh-who… ar-are… yo-you…?" The woman struggles out.

"No need to talk right now. I'll fix you right up and then you can ask all the questions you want."

'System buy whatever I need to fix this.'

[Host can purchase a multitude of items. Please decide.]

'Purchase the recovery staff.'

[Host ha-]

I pull the staff out and try to use it.

[Host does not meet the requirements.]


The woman holds a hand out towards me to stop me. "The-there's… n-no… nee-need t-to… tr-try.." Her voice cuts off.

'Purchase the elixir.'

[Host has purchased the elixir.]

I place the elixir to her lips and have her drink it.

The wound on her body starts to close, but her eyes are still closed. I check her pulse and feel a faint one. I let out a sigh and look towards Gawain.

"What a fucking day."

"Certainly looks like a busy one."

"Come on let's get them to a bed." I pick up the older lady and put her on another horse that a bandit was riding. I move the horses towards an empty plain.

After an hour of travel, I stop the horses and set up a camp.

Hopefully this isn't going to make anyone drop it. But I do understand if it does.

ironictw1stcreators' thoughts