
Fire and Water (novel)

She transmigrated into the body of a lame, disfigured amnesiac who shares the same name. He comes from a realm where strength reigns supreme. They should never have met, like fire and water, an unlikely combination but oddly complementary.

bianhua · แฟนตาซี
49 Chs

Forty-Three: The Endless Abyss pt.2

Within the Endless Abyss is a dark and gloomy wasteland. The air is dry and frigid with a thick scent of death and decay. Howls from unknown beasts echoed in every direction as the wind moved which gave the place a more eerie feeling. Formless cloud of miasma was floating all around like a thin film of mist that covered the gray and decayed earth, much like a fog in winter.

Before they entered the valley, they surveyed the land. But because of the thick miasma outside creating a cloud barrier around Endless Abyss, no one could see what lay inside. Endless Abyss was within the part of the Forgotten Forest surrounded by mountains and elevated land, the valley itself was lower ground. It was like a huge bowl carved in the earth and was covered with a dense mass of poisonous clouds.

Now that they could see what's within the valley, the group could finally understand why it was named Endless Abyss and why people would refer to it at Hell's Gate. This place was not only surrounded by death, it was death itself.

They had confidence entering and exiting the valley before. But now, seeing what lies within the hellish place, no one spoke but they knew their plans had changed. They only have one chance, this chance, and if they fail they will not have another chance again and perhaps they will die.

"The poison in the air is stronger than anticipated," Yi Xin solemnly informed the group. He crushed a green pill in his hand and let the dust from it float in the air. The green dust from the pill floated within the film of miasma, it slowly burned and within seconds it was gone. Yi Xin frowned and calculated slowly in his head. After a while he advised, "Take another pill after half a day."

The pill he concocted to counter the effects of the miasma is considered the strongest amongst the pills available for consumption of the masses. It's effect usually lasts for two or three days. But within the barren land of the Endless Abyss, the pill could barely suppress the miasma for a day.

The group heard Yi Xin's reminder and nodded in assent. Everyone's hearts were seized with distress but none of them said anything. Xie Yuan's face was dark but this time, after seeing the situation inside the valley, he did not say anything about dividing the group. The others had no opinion, only strong resolution. They were prepared to stay in this place for weeks, months if necessary. But with the recent development it seems they would barely last a week, two at most.

Only Xiao Xue remained quiet and unperturbed. She knew this journey to Endless Abyss might not work out. And from the beginning she never wanted to go to this place and put the lives of others in danger. But once they passed through the barrier surrounding the valley, she felt something inside her stir.

What the others could hear when they entered were howls and growls but for her, they sounded like painful and lonely moans. She did not understand it at first, but the more she listened the more that sound became clear in her head.

Xiao Xue unconsciously turned towards the direction of the moans and frowned. She opened her mouth but in the end decided not to say anything. They were here for a purpose and until that purpose is served then she cannot divulge from the path. Even if she wanted to go to where the moans were, she knew it was not time.

Yi Xin took out a worn scroll and spread it infront of everyone. In it was an image of a herb. At first glance there is nothing special about it, just a leaf attached to the base of a curling vine. But if one looks closely, within the leaf is a series of scattered veins connected to the curling vine. Although the vine looked nothing out of the ordinary in the image portrayed on the scroll in truth it is durable and almost indestructible. If the one harvesting the herb does not know the proper way, they would not be able to acquire it.

"This is the image of the Blister Knot Leaf." Yi Xin explained slowly. "Although this herb is with extreme yang attributes, it only grows on the most desolate and frigid land. From the atmosphere within the valley, it is certain the herb is nurtured here. We need to go to the location where the icy wind is centered, perhaps we will find the herb there."

Zhang Lao did not wait for orders and immediately moved. His cultivation is the highest amongst the group and with his Divine Pineal Sight, a special eye technique that he cultivates, he surveyed the surroundings in search for the wind's eye. After ascertaining the direction, the group moved without hesitation and traveled deeper into the valley. They were pressed for time and failure cannot be tolerated.

As they travelled through the valley, the miasma grew thicker. Even with the protection of the pills, everyone had to circulate their spiritual energy constantly to make sure the poison does not seep through their bodies.

Yi Xin and Xiao Xue's immunity to the poison is an unexpected blessing. As the Godly Doctor's first apprentice, Yi Xin has been soaked and fed various herbs that built his immunity to most poisons. Even if he does not consume the pills and merely circulates his spiritual energy, he would not be affected by the poison in the miasma.

And although Xiao Xue is currently poisoned with Body Eroding Poison, the former High Priestess of Spirit Temple has been feeding her rare herbs which in time changed the component of her body. It may not get rid of the effects of Body Eroding Poison but it could easily ward off other lesser poisons. Since she cannot use spiritual energy, she used internal energy that had been accumulating within her body for years. And with the special breathing technique that she's been practicing the effects of the poison on her were minimal to almost nonexistent.

They did not see any ferocious beasts along the way. Aside from plants that thrive in death and poison, this place was devoid of life. It was not surprising. There are few spiritual beasts that could withstand poison and most of them would live on their own territory and would not venture on another land unless the situation there is more beneficial.

The group travelled nonstop. Because of the miasma covering the Endless Abyss it was hard to tell day from night. But from their estimation, they should already be travelling for two days straight.

Zhang Lao, who was running ahead of the group, suddenly stopped and signalled for a rest. Even with Divine Pineal Eye he could not see beyond a few hundred meters beyond the cloud of poisonous gas in front of him. The miasma was not thicker on this part of the valley but something in front of them was distorting his vision. This gave Zhang Lao a bizarre feeling. He knew the place they were looking for was just ahead but he cannot see what lies in front of them. There was something there but even with his high cultivation and special eye technique, he cannot see it.

Xiao Xue's heart was beating faster. They moans that only she could hear were now stronger. The mournful cries were so distinct that it caused distress within her otherwise calm psyche. This change caused a very uncomfortable feeling.

Xie Yuan, who was standing close to Xioa Xue, could feel her changes. He reached out and asked, "What is it? What's wrong?"

When she decided to ignore the moans and focus on the task at hand, she did not say anything to anyone. But when they started to move towards this direction, she realized even if she tried to delay she would not be able to stop being affected by it. And now that they are close to whatever it is that's sending out these signals, Xiao Xue knew there was no escaping it.

"There's something in there," she breathed in and out slowly, trying to calm her raging senses. "It's calling to me…"

Everyone sucked in a harsh breath. Even if the herb is not ahead of them, even if there are unknown dangers hidden within the place they cannot see, they have to go. Xiao Xue could hear a call that only she could hear. This means that whatever it is that's beyond where they stood is connected to her by fate. It cannot be severed, it cannot be ignored. Even if there is apprehension and a subtle feeling of fear, they can only move forward.

Xie Yuan grabbed Xiao Xue's hand in his and infused her with a small amount of spiritual energy. It wasn't for anything but to help her soothe her worn nerves. After circulating the spiritual energy once, he directly withdrew and gently squeezed her hand.

"Whatever it is that lies before us," he whispered as he looked deeply into her eyes. "I will protect you!"

Those words were meant only for Xiao Xue to hear but the others heard it as well. No one said anything. Even Shui Ren, who usually makes it a habit of interfering with Xiao Xue and Xie Yuan's cultivating of feelings, remained silent. But all of them had firmly resolved themselves. If the Blister Knot Leaf is indeed in front of them, they would seize it. Whatever lies ahead, even if it was death itself, they would conquer it!

As the group moved forward they seemed to cross an invisible barrier. Once the distortion was no longer there, Zhang Lao could once again see farther in front. And what he saw shocked him.

In front lay a seemingly endless plain. The ground was covered in thick white snow. The horizon was like a straight line drawn between the white earth and dark grey skies. There were no plants, not even a blade of grass, just pure white untouched snow covering the ground. There were three moons hanging on the grey skies but the light within the place was not emanating from those three moons. It was as if those were only white circles carefully drawn on the grey canvass.

There was no miasma in this place, only chilly wind incessantly blowing from a crevice on the center of the ice plains. The crack was huge, as if someone slashed the snow covered earth and purposely left a mark there. Although the wind was freezingly cold, the pressure was not that strong. As the group slowly moved, the icy winds' howls turned into silent moans.

The group unconsciously looked towards Xiao Xue. Finally, they could hear what she could hear. But Xiao Xue was not paying attention to their complicated gazes, her eyes were solely trained on the huge crevice on the plains.

In her mind the moans have already stopped. The moment she stepped on the snow covered plains, the moaning that caused her to become agitated ceased. It was replaced by silent and slow breathing. This change should have alarmed her even more but curiously it only brought calm.

Xiao Xue slowly tore her gaze away from the crevice, she looked at the snow covered ground and the three moons in the grey sky. Her gaze was calm but her heart was conflicted. She realized then that this is the place where she would die.