
Fire and ice.

This novel is about two kingdoms that are always at war because of the hate their kings have for each other. Despite the anger of their fathers, prince Khazima and princess Alaiza have been friends from their childhood but their love grew stronger than anticipated. However, the last battle between the kingdoms, the battle of Xarhundra caused princess Alaiza and prince Khazima to depart. Even so, their hearts still belong with each other but the circumstances doesn't allow them to be together.

Natasha_Xaba · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

Drink from an old fountain

The regent kept on tossing and turning in bed all night, thinking about what king Barean said to him. Regardless of knowing the ruthlessness of king Barean, he still couldn't come up with a way to the throne. "–I shouldn't had made a deal with the devil–" cried the regent in great distress. "–or maybe I can just tell him I want out of the deal–" waffled the regent looking for a solution."–No that's a bad idea, he'll decapitate me before I can even say the word deal–" rejecting a solution that can get him slaughtered within a blink of an eye. "–what have I gotten myself into?–" mumbled the regent with great remorse. However time does not wait for no man to get himself out of a compromising situation he walked himself into. Before the regent realized, it was already dawn.

King Davyya of X'hikini called the entire kingdom to the palace. No one knew the purpose of this meeting besides queen Zulhi and the king himself. Queen Zulhi and prince Ryanair were already at the meeting, sitting next to each other on the right side of the king. Queen Mary walking with his son prince Varylm to the meeting."–mother, do you know why the king summoned everyone to the palace?–" Prince Varylm asked his mother, Queen Mary. "–I have no clue son, I guess we're about to find out–" They both sat down next to each other on the other side of the king. Prince Khazima came in late and sat next to prince Varylm. The king stood up to address the kingdom "–my people, kingdom of X'hikini–" the entire kingdom started praising and bowing to their king Davyya. "–As we all know that after all the series of battles we had with the Kingdom of Unthra, we finally served king Rh'ani's head to the people of Unthra–". The people of X'hikini cheered to the news. "–I want you to know that my son, prince Ryanair is the one who helped us defeat our enemies–". King Davyya called prince Ryanair to stand with him before the kingdom "–With that being said, I'm proud to announce that prince Ryanair is now the new regent of the palace–". Prince Varylm couldn't believe his eyes as that was his tittle. Prince Khazima was also confused as he knew that prince Varylm is the regent of the palace. Queen Mary couldn't help but give the king a stare stamped with disappointment and disapproval. On the other hand, queen Zulhi and prince Ryanair were reaping the fruits of the second part of their succeeding plan. The kingdom rejoiced to the placement of the new regent, prince Ryanair. Prince Varylm couldn't take this charade any longer, hence he stormed out of the meeting. King Davyya couldn't careless instead he carried on praising his son, prince Ryanair, to the kingdom. Prince Varylm took his horse and rode to a very special place to him. He went to a baby's grave written –prince B'loiu of X'hikini and Baru– near the waterfall. When he got there he placed a flower on on top of the grave. After he placed the flower, he heard someone stepping on dried leafs. "–Hello?–" Took out his sword and started looking around."–show yourself–"The person he heard was princess Mya, but she managed to leave before prince Varylm saw her. While she was running away from prince Varylm, her hair got tangled to a tree and on her attempt to free herself, she dropped her hairpin but had no time to notice.

Princess Mya went back to the kingdom of Unthra. The queen was looking for her in her absence. "–the queen required your presence my duchess, she's in the master bedroom–" one of the servants let her know that she was needed. "–Thank you Louisa–" said princess Mya making her way to the master bedroom. She then knocked and the queen invited her in "–Princess Mya, I required your presence–" cried queen Khalifa. "–I went out to run some errands your majesty–" responded princess Mya. The queen bluntly said with no intention of hiding the distrust she sensed in princess Mya's response "–Oh I see–". The princess stood there waiting for the queen to let her know why she required her presence. In notice of the suspense, the queen took princess Mya out of her misery "–I wanted to enquire about your wellbeing, considering the past events that took place in this day–" cried the queen out of concern. "–I'm well my queen. Thank you for your consideration and empathy–" not even a child could believe the statement princess Mya just made. "–may I please be released my lady?–" asking to be excuse from the queen's presence. "–go on–" said the queen in defeat. As princess Mya was walking towards the exit the queen stopped her and said "–my door is always open Mya–" the princess knotted in gratitude and then exited the room.

As she was walking around the palace, someone pulled her to the darkness. As she was quarreling, she realized it was prince Varylm of X'hikini. "–what are you doing her?–" cried princess Mya in shock. "–You have a nerve to show your face in here after what you've done to this kingdom–". Prince Varylm answered in his defence "–I had nothing to do with the battle, I did not even partake in that battle–". Princess Mya answered in rage "–what are you doing here?–". Prince Varylm took out the hairpin in his pocket "–I came to give you this–". Princess Mya tried denying the hairpin. "–you can't deny this. I'm the one who gave it to you, remember?–" calling her out. She then took the hairpin "–Thank you for returning it to me–" and tried to walk away but Prince Varylm stopped her. "–come with me–" asked prince Varylm with hope that princess Mya will agree. "–please, do it for the sake of our late son–" said prince Varylm pleading his case. Princess Mya agreed. Prince Varylm took her to the waterfall where their son's grave was. They spent the rest of the day reminiscing about the past and wondering how their son would've been. Who would he had taken after and whether he would've liked his mom or dad more.

In the palace of X'hikini, queen Mary was looking for prince Varylm in the entire kingdom but he was nowhere to be found. As she was looking through the palace, she stumbled upon queen Zulhi and prince Ryanair's secret room where they kept the penanggalan. As she was passing through the royal corridors, she heard strange noises and she tried following the noises. The noises led to the old palace basement and when she was about to open the basement, queen Zulhi came out of the basement and shut the door behind her. "–how may I be of assistance to you my queen?–" said queen Zulhi mocking queen Mary. Queen Mary answered with great disturbance "–I'm looking for prince Varylm–". Queen Zulhi sarcastically responded to queen Mary "–this is an old basement, just in case you failed to notice your majesty–". The queen responded with suspicion "–of cause I know this is a basement queen Zulhi, I've been around this palace for quite some time–" she then turned around and said "–I'll be on my way now, thank you for your assistance queen Zulhi–" they both exchanged pretentious smiles "–you welcome queen Mary–". Queen Mary made her way up to continue her search. Queen Zulhi returned back to the basement to continue with what they were doing before the disruption.

Queen Mary met prince Khazima in one of the corridors. "–prince Khazima, am glad I caught you.–" said queen Mary to prince Khazima. "–Is there a matter your highness?–" asked prince Khazima concerned as to why would the queen wish to see him. "–not at all, prince Varylm told me what happened and I just wanted to know how are you holding up?–" said queen Mary with honest concern. The prince didn't expect queen Mary to ask about his wellbeing but answered with gratitude "–I'm holding up just fine my lady, thank you for your concern. Unfortunately I can't stay long. The king is waiting for me outside–". Queen Mary responded "–go on, I don't mean to keep you–" they departed and the queen continued her quest.

At night in the palace of Unthra, princess Alaiza had an unpleasant visit from the penanggalan. She thought she it was a nightmare as she was still asleep. Little did she know that there's a thin line between dreams and reality and the penanggalan unfortunately crossed that line. Princess Alaiza could feel life being squeezed out of her body and she couldn't even scream for help. Fortunately she heard her father's voice ,king Rh'ani's, calling her to wake up from a distance. That was when she woke up and broke the connection of the penanggalan to her. She woke up sweaty and thirsty. The kind of thirst she's never experienced in her entire existence.

Princess Mya takes a drink from the fountain of the past and we realize that battle is not the only history the kingdom of Unthra and X'hikini have.

Natasha_Xabacreators' thoughts