
chapter 11


What the hell is wrong with him dickhead, last night he was all lovey-dovey and now acting like I am the one who cuffed him and locked him into cages.

"that was supposed to be my lines" I barked from the couch.

He is a shit. Hot shit....he came out of the bathroom. Ohh his tattoos, are beautiful all our his back, waist, chest, and shoulder.

He changed faster than on other days. Is he in hurry? Better not to ask anything but everything is weird. He never pushed me away like this. It's not like I am dying to touch him..oh my thoughts. It's better to ask...no never mind just ignore...

"Aaaaaaaa"okk by mistake it came out from my mouth my frustrated soul.

"What happened?" He came to me looking at my face in worry. Here we go...I think he is suffering from multiple personality disorder or something.

"Nothing, just some shit from the book" I lied. Superb.

He touched my head "you have a fever"

"What no way, I don't think so. I am okk" I touched myself.

"No you are not, don't forget I have my medical degrees. You are way too hot than normal, are you feeling cold?" he went to the bed and took the duvet, and covered me. Thrown the book from my hand.

Before I said something a woman came into our room.

White hair she is a too fair and pretty face, she was wearing a white gown...iiiuu too much white, hands were filled with rosery and fingers contain rings. She entered the room, ohhh hooo is she really allowed. I think nooo, definitely it's her first time because she is staring at The room all over.

"Thank you for coming, please check him he is behaving weird and this happen last night too but not for long" Leo said.

"What...I think you are the one who is behaving weird" I said and threw the duvet on him.

"Ohh interesting, chains... looking good on you," she said.

"Thanks to him," I said but I think I got ignored.

"You always owe me but had never fulfilled my wishes" she took sit beside me and looked at him to get the answer. What the hell she is doing its looks like she is eating him with her eyes.

"Okk I canceled the plan last time but it won't happen again so please check on him and I am all yours," he said.

Wait, what... Are they going out or something. And what the hell is ' i am all yours' he really needs to learn how to talk. I glared at him and he just dodged his shoulder 'what'. Am I the only one here having a problem with this conversation?

"This weekend or I'll make you forget everything about you" She gave him her hand and he kissed it. Ooooo crap am I invisible to them, this is going nowhere or like everywhere.

I rolled my eyes because Leo didn't even flinch when kissed her. They are dating...they are definitely dating.

"Hello I am still here, Leo why don't you get another room," I said in anger.

"See I told you he is behaving weird," he said to her and she nodded.

"Seriously" he is the one yes he is the one who is behaving weird...I show him my middle finger.

"Look at me," she said to me and placed her hands on my head.

Ohh what's going on....she turned her head up and down and side and side and then she screamed.

I closed my ears with my hands.

"What happened something wrong, are you okk?" Leo grabbed her hand and snapped out of my head. She took a deep breath.

"I didn't see anything, not even his present thought" she touched her head.

"did it involves a witch?" Leo asked her.

"Yes it's involved, and it's a higher-ranked witch, I can't see anything it's all sealed" she was ready to leave in tension.

" Wait.. anything you can suggest," Leo asked.

"Don't involve him, you don't know him, and what if he is a spy or something be careful or talk with Aunt shelina or elder anyone but just be careful with him" She grabbed his shoulder tightly and nearly climbed on him.

"What the hell was that," I asked.

"Did you ever meet any witch before?" He asked me while covering me in Duvet.

"Mmm.. no never means l didn't see anything supernatural before you showed your wolf," I said.

"Ok stay here, please don't run away from here give me 5 days and I'll get you out of these chains. okk" he holds my hands and as I nodded he left the room.

It's been three days since he didn't show up after that day. I have a simple routine wake up, eat, bathe, read, eat, and sleep. Why he didn't come to see me, he said he will eat with me sleep with me, and now no news. He promised me for 5 days and I am waiting.

I got my mobile back but I don't have anyone to call. I was worried about the hospital but when I called there Fred said 'ohhh T how you doing we heard that you got your family and you will be back when you get free. I scheduled your patient's appointment with Doctor Vindry you don't have to worry see you soon take your time'

Seriously who the hell talked with them, and here I was thinking I am dead for everyone.

Now I just miss him, his talk, his hands, body with tattoos.....

No one comes in the room so I can Jerk whenever I want and fucking hell I want it badly right now.

Leo's pic was on the wall above the headboard. Shirtless hot tattooed body.

I touched myself like Leo touched my waist I am remembering his hot breath under my neck. I let my hands to touch the dick which is already tenting by the thought of his face.

Those chains were giving me the extra push to want to be rough by him.

I searched for Leo's shirt. It's smelling like him.

I threw my boxer seated on the couch and spread my legs on the table, Leo's picture was in front of me and now need a climax...

I applied body lotion on my hard dick and started to move my hand on its shaft slowly and my other hand's fingers played with my back entrance. The sound of moving chains makes my mood more deeper.

'Aah I want to let my voice out but I can't they can hear me.... fucking werewolf complex'

His picture was like staring at me made me want him more. I grabbed his T-shirt from my mouth so that I can't let my voice out or I just wanted to smell it.

I inserted my middle finger into my hole, holy shit I can imagine how I'll feel when Leo will do this to me. I tried to add my index finger but only the tip went in and I feel pain. I can't go further... better increased the pace of my hand on my dick.

It's so slippery and I already started leaking, Aah fucking hell. I increased my hand movement.. Faster...faster..my fingers moving in and out in the hole... faster..faster...aaah amm its ..itss.. coming...aaaaaah ah ah.

I let out a lot... Semen spread over my stomach, I was breathing fast. Aah, that's something laborious I did today.

Caught my breath taken the time to clean my mess. I really want to see him but today better if he doesn't come, he surely can smell this and it's like dropping blood in a lion's mouth.

Hmmm wait why am I smiling, He didn't ask about me in three days.

I need to bathe its lunchtime Grami can come any time with food.