
Twenty Two

Chapter 22

Sabby pov 

Life comes with drama every day, from one situation to another. Human beings were created not just for fun or enjoyment but to solve unlimited issues that arise every time. 

I couldn't believe it when I was informed that adiya had been kidnapped then her boyfriend was shot when rescuing her and Chidinma had dead. It was unbelievable, I still talked to her, joked with her weak self only to be informed about her dismissal.

Adiya has left the state to another state because of some personal reason but promised to come to my wedding which was in two days. 

I was feeling giddy, happy, and nervous at the same time. I was having my second wedding and I've not told Zaid about my previous marriage.

I sat at the corner of the room, biting my fingernails as I waited patiently for Yusuf's arrival. I needed to tell him if he wanted to continue to marry a damaged good like me.