
Trying to Treat the Dogs

After arriving at Will's house, I see him waiting for me outside the house.

"Good morning, Will."

"If it was a good morning I'd be asleep," he says with a tired look.

Same bro. Same.

"Well, there's four things that can always make a morning better."

"Hmm. What are those?""

"Coffee, breakfast, fishing, and sleep."

"How does sleep count?"

"You said it yourself. A good morning is one where you're asleep."


"Where should I put this down?"

"We can go eat by the pool."

"Sure. Let me heat this up right quick."

Once I'm done, we settle down by the pool and enjoy the weather.

"Where are Donner and Blitzen?"

"I put them up so they don't beg while we eat."

"Oh. I actually brought them some bacon. Would it be ok if I gave it to them?"

"Sure, just don't make a habit of it. They're spoiled enough as is."

I maniacally laugh in my head. You think. It is my duty to treat my dog children. I'm already looking at toys online for them. Putting on as innocent of a face as I can muster, I answer him.

"Of course! I would never!"

He looks at me with suspicion. Guess my acting isn't as good as I think it is. I try to direct his attention away with another question.

"Just out of curiosity and in no way is it related to the fact or idea of spoiling my precious dog children, do they have any allergies or dietary restrictions?"

"Why do you ask?" he says, looking even more suspicious of me than before.

"No reason. Just what if you one day, hypothetically, have a date and need a dog sitter and let's say that on that day I happen to be free. As their father, it is your duty to call the dog mother first whenever you're in need of someone to watch the furballs of happiness."

"Is that so?"

"That is so and as their dog mother it is my duty to know everything about them. As well as giving them lots of love, cuddles, and attention."

"Hmm. Well, if that's the case I guess I have no choice."

"That's right."

"They're not allergic to anything and they have a healthy diet and love to exercise."

"Does that mean I get to play with them when I'm here?"

"They'd love that."

I bounce up and down in my seat while clapping my hands.

"Do you think we have enough time to play with them?"

"Be honest. You're just here for the dogs aren't you?"

"What–what no way! What even? I am here to make sure you get three meals a day of course!"

And that you make lots of money so I can make lots of money.

"... I'll go get them."


While he goes to get them, I pull the bacon out of my purse and stand by the pool and stare at my reflection in the water. The water is as smooth as glass. At the bottom I see a small object. With such a clean pool, I wonder why it's there. Leaning over to look at it, I see a flash in the corner of my eye and get hit by a flying ball of fur. Next thing you know I'm hitting the water. This pool must be 15 feet deep. Hearing a muffled voice, Will must be reaming out whoever knocked me into the water. It's cold in here, but it feels good on the burns. Looking down, I realize I'm a few feet away from the object. I swim over to get it. Right as I grasp it, I feel an arm wrap around my waist and pull me up to the surface. Just in time too, I was about to run out of air. I turn to him and see his dripping wet hair, looking as if it was styled that way. He had time to take off his shirt and I get a good look at his rippling muscles. Now I remember why I had a crush on him back in the day.

"Are you crazy? What were you doing next to a pool if you couldn't swim?"


"That was completely irresponsible."

"Well you see–"

"And completely dangerous."


"What Astra?"

"Actually, I can swim."


"Not like a breast stroke or anything, but I can get to the surface and do a basic stroke."

"Then why didn't you swim to the top?"

"Well, I was going to but then the water felt good against my burns so I was going to sit there for a bit and then come up. Right as I was about to, I saw I was close to the object I was staring at in the first place so I thought I'd get it back for you."

"I don't have anything lost in the pool."

"Well, now you don't cause I have it right here see."

Opening my hand, I show him a ring. The rhinestones on it almost look real. I look up to Will with pride, but the look on his face stops me from saying I told you so. The look on his face is heartbreaking. It's a combination of anguish and rage. He closes his eyes and looks down for a moment. After a few moments, he looks back at me and sighs.

"Excuse me for a moment."

Walking into the house he slams the door shut. Flinching when he does so, I look over at Donner and Blitzen.

"Do y'all think it's something I said?"

They cock their heads as if thinking about it. They really are intelligent. Looking back to the circle in my hand, I decide to study it. It's an emerald cut diamond with two smaller rhinestones flanking it. If this thing was real, it would be worth a lot of money. Even for a fake it's a nice ring, it would be a real shame if the owner didn't get it back.

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