
Finding the Lost Star

[WARNING: Some chapters of this book contain mature R-18 content] It’s been four years since he ruined her life. Four years since the Star lost its way. After going through a traumatic event, Astra moved halfway across the country to start her life over and try to heal. She may one day feel safe but never again will she trust people completely. Wanting to save money so she can eventually go back home, she gets a job as an assistant to a Hollywood star. Because of this, she meets two people. Her boss Will, who is solemn yet kind and Xander, an old flame who’s betrayal cut deep. Join Astra in her journey of finding love, friendship, dreams, and most of all … Journey of Finding the Lost Star ... Will she find it? Or will someone else find it for her?

StarrSwan · สมัยใหม่
129 Chs


 While we talk about how crazy the wins are, our waitress comes to take our drink order. Feeling high off the excitement tonight, we agree we should get shots.

"Can we get two green tea shots? I'll also have an Adios Motherf**ker. Astra, what do you want?"

"I'll have a screwdriver."

After she leaves to get our drinks, we both look at each other.

"Really Astra? A screwdriver?"

"Says the guy who got an adios. To think I was going to get drinking advice from someone who drinks those."

"Hey, I'll have you know I can actually handle my liquor."

"We'll see."

After our drinks are served, Dillon makes a toast.

"Here's to my lucky charm!"

"And to my brother, for all his brilliant ideas!"