
Taking A Break For Now

Hello, any readers I have left I have decided to take a break from writing chapters for the story and to get some of the new ideas. I've been thinking of off my mind as I barely have any time to write these days with being busy due to the holidays.

We will not end here, but I am simply taking a break until the holiday season ends.

I will try to see the end of our friend Linus's journey but for now, if you want to read any more of my material, I am mostly writing snippet stories on my other piece.

I do apologize if some are disappointed in this, but I need to think of a way to keep the story going forward, as well as keep up with the pain that is real life even if I wish I could take some of my own meta essences.

Other than that, I hope you all have a happy holidays. And may the emperor protect.

Snippet Source: The lost worlds and infinite possibilities.