
Chapter 1:Transportation

So here I am standing in a white room while in front of me there is a harmless old man smiling at me. I guess he is god, and somehow he brought me here?

God: Yes you are quite right young one, I am god and I brought you here because I saw your life in Earth that was so miserably boring and decided you needed to be transported to another world which you humans call fiction.

???: So those worlds exist huh? I always thought they did but everyone believed I was crazy, whatever why would you help me though?

God: That is a secret child though don't be afraid I do not have an ulterior motive I just do it because I owe someone' If I did something bad to you he would kill me, that beast'

???: Ok I start getting bored where am I going to be transported?

God: You are gonna be transported to Harry Potter and from there everywhere you want because you are gonna be able to access the multiverse

???: Ok then send me off

God: Ok child, just please find what you desire in this trip of yours, and you still didn't tell me your name

Drake: My old name was boring old man so you don't need to know but my new name is Drake.

God: Ok drake have a fun trip

Drake: See you old man.

'Damn it I forgot to give him any power,what would he like?hmm not a system he doesn't like getting ordered to do missions, not instant mastery he likes to go through the harshness of achieving perfection so I am gonna give him a counter that will count his progression to next levels of power and to new masteries of his skills. Hope that old beast is gonna be satisfied when he comes back because if not he is gonna destroy all existence.'

Well hope u like it

Overlordsovcreators' thoughts