
Finding my missing pieces

read to find out. You'll like it. First few chapters and maybe future chapters are co-authored with @maow_chu and she will be posting the Vietnamese translated version of this but not everything is exactly the same as we lack the time to communicate on ideas with each other and sometimes the story will be completely different in the Vietnamese version. This is her account https://www.webnovel.com/profile/4327813140 pleases cheek her out if you are interested.

shamiko_yukoi · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Faded Memories

 We were walking along the main road leading to a small village finding some place to put up our tent, after last night the three of us barely had any energy left. We walked for a while until we reached a campsite crowded with refugees, tents and people were everywhere. The noises were making the kids feel unwell so we moved to a spot further from the crowd, there was a soft blanket of grass to put our little yellow tent in and there was a river nearby. We set up our tent and placed all of our things inside, we were all very dirty at that point. Luckily for us we have a bathroom in our tent, so we took turns cleaning up. Then I notice that Edmond has more blood on his clothes than when we first saw him this morning. He was definitely wounded from what happened last night.

- Hey! can I call you Ed or Edy sense all of us have a nickname so… Ya know. Lily said drying up her hair with a white towel.

- You can call me Ed if you like but Edy sounds a bit childish. He said as I examined his wounds.

- So I think you need to bandage up for now, there're only wounds on your skin, nothing serious. I said taking out the medical kit from our bags.

- Thanks… I guess you're so nice to me. He said shyly.

- It's okay, you can change into your new shirt after I finish bandaging you up. I said We were all in our pajamas since we do not have any plans to get out of the tent anytime soon anyways. After I secured his bandage we decided to have a quick meal before resting. So apparently Lily took some of last night's curry with her before going outside as I told her to, it was rude to take dead people's food but it was still better than nothing. We put the pot of curry on a mini stove to warm it up, as we waited for it to get warm we prepared some plates to eat it with. To describe the tent, it has a place to put your shoes inside, a kitchen and a bathroom, it's kinda like a small apartment room. The kitchen, eating areas, shoes, and bathroom areas were hard but the remaining parts of the tent were soft with pillows, blankets and lots of cushions. The sleeping place was big enough to fit 5 people so we don't have to worry about space. Now we were sitting around a small table in the eating area, basically sitting on the ground but it's fine.

- Hey, that smells like my mother's curry! Ed said as I poured some curry onto his plate.

- It is your mom's curry, we took it from your house. Lily said as she put a spoon of curry into her mouth.

- This stuff is good, Your mom must be a great cook! She said right after doing that. I have to admit that was the best curry I have ever tasted in my life.

- You don't seem to be cautious of us despite who we are, why is that Ed? I turned over and asked. 

- Well you helped me, if you want to hurt me then you would have left me back with them instead of taking care of me. He said with a mouth full of food.

- Hey! don't eat so fast we need to leave some for dinner big bro. Lily said as she stopped him from taking seconds.

- You eat more than me kiddo. He replied unamused.

- Now don't fight, we are in this together from now on so it is important you two get along. I told them, children can be so energetic sometimes.

- Alright let's clean up before we sleep in for the day. I said.

 We divided our jobs and we were all finished in no time, sleeping arrangements weren't so easy to sort though. I just took the spot in the corner and told them to sort it out. I'm too tired to deal with this but things settled down relatively fast. Before I knew it I was already asleep.


 When we woke up it was raining, outside was so dark and gloomy not a single ray of sunlight was visible. We turned on the light inside of our tent, it was already 6 pm at the time but we really didn't know what to do. After sitting and looking at each other for a few minutes we decided to get to know eachother better while doing drawings of each other, after everything was set up we started to talk.

-So I've noticed that you don't really talk much about your other family members. Why is that Edy? Lily asked Ed while drawing the trees in her drawing. Ed was quiet for a longtime so I suspected that something was not right and Lily did too.

- You don't have to answer if you don't want to! Lily said, trying to be nice to our new companion.

- No, it's fine… He said his eyes went dark as he stared into his blank piece of paper.

 Later he told us about his life before he met us and how his mother was the only one there for him. He was the youngest child of the family before his mother got pregnant again. Everyone in his family has some kind of powers neither magic or the ability to see one's past. when he was 2 years old they found out he was born without any magic or abilities, ever since then everyone saw him as a nuisance and that he was worthless. His mother was the only one that truly loved him just as much as she did with his siblings, they started to intentionally hurt him when he was older. Some of his older scars were from them , his siblings would hit him when his mom was not there to help and dad would just turn a blind eye. This went on until the day they were taken away by the men that sold him. The only support we can give to him was our words of consolation. We talked about lots of other things after that so he wouldn't have to remember that for too long. This made me remember what I have seen back then, of course it was already the past after all. But it wasn't so easy to forget, I want to protect people who are similar to me. That was the right choice right? We were just talking nonsense until one of us started to feel hungry again. We ate all of the leftover curry and sat there not knowing what to do again. It was already 8pm already so I put on my cadigan and went outside to get some fresh air. I put on my shoes and went outside our tent , the cool night accompanied the soft breeze. The river was soft and sparkly as it reflected the moonlight, the kids also went outside to see what I was doing. It was so much less noisy that it seemed almost peaceful. Then I saw someone staring at me from the other side of the river, then just as quickly as they appeared they were gone.

- What are you looking at big sis? Lily said as she hold on to my dress looking at the same direction I was looking at ,

- It's nothing at all. I said my eyes were still fixed on the spot that they had stood.

- You look like you just saw something indescribably weird. Ed looked at me and said, he also looked at where I was looking.

- Maybe, we should go inside… I'll read you guys a story. I told them as I gestured them to follow me.

 I never expected anything from that encounter, I just went back and spent time with my new friends. And I slowly forget everything about that day, everything was nothing else than a faded memory in my mind. Life went like normal for a long time. All of that is in the future, for now we are just sitting in our tent reading a bedtime story before we sleep again not even knowing what's for breakfast tomorrow. But that's how life is unpredictable. Little did I know at that time that I and that mysterious person would meet again in the far future.