
Finding Love with Hatsune Miku

The story follows a reader who attends a Hatsune Miku concert in Japan and meets her afterwards. The two begin to get to know each other and slowly build a connection, while also dealing with the corrupt companies that only see Hatsune Miku as a source of profit. As they continue to date, they experience ups and downs, including a missed date and a brief falling out. However, they continue to grow closer and eventually, Hatsune Miku confesses her love for the reader. The reader reciprocates, and the two share a kiss, starting a beautiful romance. Despite facing challenges, they continue to fall deeper in love, knowing that they have found something truly special.

Mikulover72 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
1 Chs

Finding Love with Hatsune Miku

Hatsune Miku's concert had been a blast. The lights, the music, the excitement of the crowd; it had all been overwhelming for the reader. But now, as the concert ended and the crowd began to disperse, the reader found themselves wandering through the streets of Tokyo.

It was then that they noticed a figure walking alone in the distance. Upon closer inspection, it was none other than Hatsune Miku herself. The reader felt a sudden urge to approach her and say hello.

"Miku!" the reader called out.

Hatsune Miku turned around, a smile on her face. "Hi, there! Did you enjoy the concert?"

"I did," the reader said. "You were amazing up there."

Hatsune Miku chuckled. "Thanks, but I couldn't have done it without the support of my fans. What's your name?"

"______," the reader said.

"Well, _____, it's nice to meet you," Hatsune Miku said. "You seem like a fun person. Would you like to grab a bite to eat with me?"

The reader's heart skipped a beat. "I'd love to."

Over dinner, they talked about everything from music to food to their shared love of animals. The reader found Hatsune Miku to be fascinating, and they couldn't help but feel drawn to her.

As the night wore on, the reader realized they didn't want the evening to end. "Do you want to go somewhere else?" they asked.

"Sure," Hatsune Miku said. "Is there somewhere you'd like to go?"

The reader thought for a moment. "There's an aquarium nearby. I've always wanted to go there."

Hatsune Miku's eyes lit up. "That sounds like fun! Let's go."

At the aquarium, they marvelled at the colourful fish and playful dolphins. They laughed and chatted as they walked through the exhibits, enjoying each other's company more and more with each passing moment.

It was only when the aquarium closed for the night that they realized how late it had become. "I had a great time tonight," Hatsune Miku said. "Thanks for coming with me."

The reader felt a pang of sadness at the thought of parting ways with Hatsune Miku. "I had a great time too," they said. "Can we do this again sometime?"

Hatsune Miku smiled. "I'd like that," she said.

Over the next few weeks, the reader and Hatsune Miku went on more dates, exploring Tokyo and learning more about each other. They discovered that they had a lot in common, and the reader found themselves falling for Hatsune Miku more and more every day.

But not everything was perfect. Hatsune Miku was becoming increasingly frustrated with the corrupt music industry that was profiting off her music without treating her like a human being. The reader could see the toll it was taking on her and wanted to help in any way they could.

One night, as they walked through a park together, the reader broached the subject. "Is everything okay?" they asked.

Hatsune Miku sighed. "It's just frustrating," she said. "All these companies care about is making money off my music. They don't see me as a person with feelings and emotions."

The reader took Hatsune Miku's hand in theirs.

"I know how you feel," the reader said. "It must be tough to be constantly under the microscope."

Hatsune Miku nodded. "Sometimes it feels like I'm not even in control of my music."

The reader squeezed Hatsune Miku's hand. "You're not alone in this," they said. "I'm here for you, no matter what."

Hatsune Miku looked up at the reader, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you," she said. "It means a lot to me to have someone who understands."

As the days passed by, the reader and Hatsune Miku spent more and more time together. They went on walks around the city, visited different cafes, and even attended a traditional tea ceremony. They found that they had a lot in common and enjoyed each other's company.

However, the reader knew that Hatsune Miku was a global superstar and didn't want to rush things. They wanted to take things slow and make sure that their feelings for each other were genuine.

One day, Hatsune Miku suggested that they visit the ancient city of Kyoto. The reader eagerly agreed and they set off on a train journey to the ancient city.

As they wandered through the historic streets of Kyoto, Hatsune Miku showed the reader the different shrines and temples, explaining their significance and history. They walked through the bamboo groves of Arashiyama and even went on a boat ride on the Katsura River.

As the sun began to set, they found themselves standing at the base of the Fushimi Inari Shrine, surrounded by thousands of vermilion torii gates. Hatsune Miku looked at the reader with a smile on her face.

"This is one of my favourite places in Kyoto," she said. "I wanted to share it with you."

The reader felt their heart swell with emotion. "Thank you, Miku," they said. "This is amazing."

They spent the rest of the evening talking and laughing together, sharing stories and getting to know each other even better.

As they made their way back to the train station, Hatsune Miku turned to the reader. "I had a wonderful time today," she said. "I hope we can do this again soon."

The reader smiled. "Me too," they said.

As they parted ways at the train station, the reader couldn't help but feel a sense of longing in their heart. They knew that they were falling for Hatsune Miku, but they wanted to take things slow and let their relationship develop naturally.

They continued to see each other regularly, going on different dates and exploring new places. They even worked together on a charity concert to raise awareness for environmental issues.

But even as they grew closer, the reader knew that they had to be patient. They wanted their relationship with Hatsune Miku to be built on a solid foundation of trust and mutual understanding.

As the weeks turned into months, the reader found that their feelings for Hatsune Miku had only grown stronger. And although they weren't sure what the future held, they knew that they would always be there for each other, no matter what.

The next time the reader and Hatsune Miku met up, they decided to go to a movie. They settled on a romantic comedy and found their seats in the crowded theatre. As the movie began, the reader felt a jolt of nervousness. They had never been on a date to the movies with someone they liked before.

Halfway through the movie, the reader noticed that Hatsune Miku had slowly inched closer to them. Her arm was now touching theirs, sending shivers down the reader's spine. They tried to focus on the movie, but they were acutely aware of the warmth of her body next to theirs.

Suddenly, Hatsune Miku's hand snaked over and took the reader's hand. The reader froze, unsure of what to do. They glanced over at Hatsune Miku, who was now staring straight ahead at the movie, her hand still clasped in the readers. The reader couldn't believe what was happening, but they couldn't deny that they liked the feeling of her hand in theirs.

After the movie, they walked out of the theatre hand in hand. The reader was overjoyed, but also nervous about what this meant for their relationship. They didn't want to assume anything or move too fast.

As they walked down the street, a group of fans spotted Hatsune Miku and rushed over, asking for autographs and selfies. The reader hung back, giving Hatsune Miku space to interact with her fans. But as they were leaving, one of the fans pushed past the crowd and reached out to grab Hatsune Miku's arm. The reader reacted without thinking and pushed the fan away.

Hatsune Miku looked at the reader in surprise, but also with a hint of admiration. "Thanks for protecting me," she said, smiling.

The reader blushed, feeling embarrassed about their outburst. "Sorry," they mumbled.

"Don't be," Hatsune Miku said, taking the reader's hand again. "I like that you're not afraid to stand up for what's right."

The rest of the night passed by in a blur. They ate dinner at a cosy restaurant and talked about their dreams and aspirations. They walked through the brightly lit streets of Tokyo, holding hands and laughing.

As they said their goodbyes for the night, the reader couldn't help but feel like they were on cloud nine. They knew that they were falling for Hatsune Miku, but they also knew that they had to take things slow and be patient.

As the reader walked home, they couldn't help but replay the night's events in their head. Holding hands with Hatsune Miku felt so right, and they knew they wanted to keep doing it for a long time.

After the amazing night, they had together, the reader and Hatsune Miku set up another date over the phone. They decided to go to a karaoke bar, a popular spot in Tokyo where people go to sing their favourite songs.

However, on the day of the date, Hatsune Miku didn't show up. The reader waited and waited, but there was no sign of her. They tried calling and texting her, but there was no response. The reader began to worry that something had happened to Hatsune Miku.

As the day turned into night, the reader felt their heart sink. They couldn't believe that Hatsune Miku would just stand them up like this. They felt sad and betrayed, wondering what they had done wrong.

Days went by without any word from Hatsune Miku. The reader tried to push her out of their mind, but it was hard. They had started to fall for her, and now it seemed like she didn't even care about their relationship.

Finally, Hatsune Miku called. She sounded apologetic, explaining that she had an unforeseen work commitment that she couldn't get out of. She had tried to contact the reader, but her phone had died and she couldn't find a charger.

At first, the reader was angry. They felt like Hatsune Miku should have tried harder to reach out to them. But as Hatsune Miku explained herself, the reader softened. They could hear the genuine remorse in her voice.

"I'm sorry," Hatsune Miku said. "I know I messed up. Can we still be friends?"

The reader thought about it for a moment, but they couldn't deny their feelings for Hatsune Miku. They told her that they needed some space to think about things, but they also said that they still wanted to see her again.

Days turned into weeks, and the reader tried to move on. They went out with friends and tried to keep busy. But they couldn't shake the feeling that they wanted to see Hatsune Miku again.

Finally, they decided to reach out. They called Hatsune Miku and asked if she wanted to meet up. She agreed, and they set a time and place.

When they saw each other again, the reader's heart skipped a beat. They had missed Hatsune Miku more than they realized. They hugged, and the reader felt like they were home.

"I'm sorry about the last time," Hatsune Miku said, looking sincere.

"It's okay," the reader said, feeling forgiving. "I just want to be with you."

Hatsune Miku smiled, and the reader felt like everything was going to be okay. They still had a lot to work through, but they were willing to take things slow and be patient. They both knew that building a strong relationship takes time and effort, but they were ready for the challenge.

The reader and Hatsune Miku continued their karaoke date, singing their favourite songs and having a great time. Despite the awkwardness of their previous falling out, they felt more comfortable with each other than ever before.

As the night went on, they found themselves drawn to each other. They laughed, talked, and even shared a few intimate moments. The reader felt like they were floating in the air, their heart beating faster with each passing moment.

When they finally left the karaoke bar, the reader and Hatsune Miku walked out into the cool night air. They strolled through the city, taking in the sights and sounds of Tokyo.

As they walked, the reader felt a surge of courage. They reached out and took Hatsune Miku's hand, intertwining their fingers. Hatsune Miku looked surprised but didn't pull away.

The two of them continued walking, hand in hand, enjoying each other's company. They felt a special connection between them, one that they didn't want to let go of.

As the night drew to a close, the reader and Hatsune Miku hugged, both feeling a sense of longing. They didn't want the night to end but knew they had to say goodbye for now.

"I had a great time tonight," Hatsune Miku said, her voice soft and warm.

"Me too," the reader replied, feeling a surge of emotion.

They looked at each other, their eyes locked. The tension between them was palpable, and they both knew that something special was happening.

"Can we do this again?" Hatsune Miku asked, her voice hopeful.

The reader nodded, their heart racing. "I'd like that," they said.

They parted ways, but the reader knew that this was just the beginning. They felt a spark between them, something that they had never felt before. And they knew that, no matter what happened, they wanted to explore this feeling with Hatsune Miku. They were ready to take a chance on love.

The next time the reader and Hatsune Miku went out on a date, they decided to stay in. The reader invited Hatsune Miku to their home, where they had planned a cosy night together.

They spent the evening cooking a meal together, talking about their favourite things, and enjoying each other's company. As the night wore on, the reader couldn't help but feel that something was different.

Hatsune Miku seemed nervous and fidgety as if there was something on her mind. Finally, as they sat together on the couch, Hatsune Miku spoke up.

"I have to tell you something," she said, her voice quiet.

"What is it?" the reader asked, looking at her with concern.

Hatsune Miku took a deep breath. "I think I'm in love with you," she said, her eyes searching the reader's face for a reaction.

The reader felt their heart skip a beat. They had been developing feelings for Hatsune Miku as well, but they had been too afraid to admit it.

"I think I'm in love with you too," the reader said, feeling a rush of emotions.

Hatsune Miku's face lit up with joy. "Really?" she asked, her voice hopeful.

The reader nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over them. Hatsune Miku leaned in closer, and the two of them shared a passionate kiss.

At that moment, the reader knew that they had found something special. They had found someone who understood them, who made them feel alive. And they were excited to see where their newfound love would take them.

From that day forward, the reader and Hatsune Miku were inseparable. They spent their days exploring the city, trying new things, and falling deeper in love with each other.

And though they faced challenges along the way, they knew that they could overcome anything as long as they had each other. They held hands, shared kisses, and basked in their love's glow, knowing they had found something truly special.