
The root of her troubles

At Galaxy Entertainment.

B-lister star Chanel Yu is currently screaming at her manager over the phone. Her call time is 10 o'clock in the morning. Her assistant is supposedly here earlier to prepare everything but even her phone is unavailable. And it's already 9.

"Fire her now! I don't need somebody so stupid and lazy!!"

"But Chanel, I can't find a replacement this early. What do we do?" She might have gone herself but she is away from the city attending to another artist under her. In her mind she is cursing Lara Lee! She told that woman several times how important Chanel Yu is right now. Lara was perfect with her previous assignment, how is she missing now?

"Ugh!!! I don't care! I'm not going there myself. Tell the director to push back my scenes until you can find me a better assistant!" Chanel gritted her teeth.

She is so furious! That Lara deliberately made herself absent today probably because she asked for a take out last night from a restaurant that's two hours drive from the Galaxy Entertainment building. How would she know the Director she was seeing and waited for last night suddenly had cancelled meeting and that they'd choose to dine out instead.

Atleast she called her and inform not to come back right? How dare her stood her up today? Who does she think she is? She woke up early today despite being so tired with the Director last night.

Ha! I'll make sure that Lara Lee won't assist me or any other artist starting today.

In reality, she is pissed at Lara because that girl is a beauty despite wearing old cheap clothes, with a messy hair bun everyday. While she had to undergo several cosmetic surgery to become picture perfect, that girl has to have a perfect face even without makeup!

"Did you forget? It's the 1st day of shooting today. Even the male lead and female lead will be there early." Her manager insisted. Actually, Chanel Yu doesn't really need an assistant today. She's not the female lead and she'll be only shooting one scene.

Manager Chou concluded then that her artist dislike Lara and is making her work hard than what is supposed to. She may not be aware of everything but word already has silently spread that Chanel made Lara run annoying errands.

The manager actually like Lara's professional attitude. But if Chanel Yu bans her in the company with the Director's backing there's nothing she could do.

Her mind went back to the phone call when she heard her artist screaming on the other line. But she knew Chanel would go there even without an assistant, so her headache is quite relieve.

Chanel said something about not wanting to see Lara step into the building ever again before hanging up.


Finally after several tries, Manager Chou heard Lara's phone ringing.

"Manager Chou--"

"What happened? Did you forget about today? It's Chanel's 1st day at <Our Promise> you know how important that is" Manager Chou's voice is accusing.

Lara bit her lip and apologized. The manager has been kind to her. After the singer she was previously assigned to retired from the industry, she seek the manager for a job assignment. She can't be jobless for Luke. And Manager Chou accepted her.

"Something came up last night Ma'am. I'm so sorry. It was very urgent and I didn't even realized my phone died." She said guiltily, however she can't possibly tell her about what really happened.

"Well, Chanel doesn't want you anymore. And I'm sure she won't let you into Galaxy again." The manager sighed on the line.

"I'm sorry again Manager Chou. It's my fault and I understand."

"Then I'll call the HR and have your final pay arranged."

"Thank you manager. I'm really sorry."

When the call ended, Lara felt the coming of a headache. Now she needed to find a job again. And it won't be easy now that she can't come to any artist under Galaxy. She and Luke maybe alright for a few months, but she really doesn't want to touch what is left of the money her parents had saved for her.

Having a child isn't easy. What if there's an emergency? She can't be penniless. What will happen to Luke then?

She leaned her back to the sofa inside the study and massage her temples. Oh she should have punched that assistant's face when he grabbed her last night! Everything is turning for the worse since that moment! What a jinx!

She was in that position when Alex the devil entered the room while carrying Luke in his arms. Here comes the root of all her troubles. She shut her eyes tight.