
Shuck and Chew

Okay, she knows there is a soup that looks smooth and creamy and it smells something like a crab? She's not so sure.

On a plate is a delectable looking meat? With a yellow sauce beneath it, and garnished with green stems she doesn't recognize.

The grilled steak seems the safest choice, though in her life she have yet to try one. Her parents aren't fond of western cuisine so they mostly stick to chinese and japanese cuisine at home. There's also a plate with salmon in it but it looks too beautiful to eat.

Some green asparagus is also served on a separate plate but she instantly recognize the parsley which she doesn't like at all! And burnt looking dessert.

Lara had never in her life thought, she could get a migraine by looking at dinner! She dare not try to name these dishes at all, and even it came with a name tag she knew she'll never try to say their names!

'I hope to find some medicine for headaches later' She thought.

Alex had taken the seat next to her after he pulled her a chair. He tried very hard not to chuckle seeing her facial expression. But he has to do this as he is invited into a celebratory dinner on Friday night and he intend to bring Lara along.

The host of the said dinner is a long time friend of his and is famous for serving such menu which is always prepared by renowned chefs in the city.

Except for the upcoming appetizer which he had asked to prepare himself. As if on cue, the chef came in the room bringing a large tray full of ice, with live majestic oysters on top!

Served with sliced lemons and a Chablis wine.

"Have you tried one before?" He asked Lara to which she shook her head indicating she haven't.

The devil smiled seductively and Lara narrowed her eyes suspiciously at him.

Oysters are well known as natural aphrodisiac! And Lara knew it too.

Alex took a tiny fork and sort of moved the oyster in its liquid filled shell, as his other hand hold it. Then he took a slice of lemon and squeeze a few tiny drops before he took the shell near her lips.

"Open your mouth." Actually, Lara opened her mouth as she was shocked by the sensuality of that command. He then tilted her chin a little and poured the contents of the shuck into her mouth.

"Chew it a little." He whispered on her ear making her face red immediately. "Like it?" And he fed her some more without really waiting for her reply.

He fed her the oysters but it seems the effect was on him, she looked more delectable than all the food on the table. Her face bare of makeup but kept on blushing with his teasing. Her soft skin against the red of the gown. On the 6th oyster he gave her, he can't help it anymore. Watching her tilt her head and swallow it, his lips replaced the shuck soon enough.

Lara, though suspected his intentions with the oysters, was still surprised by the sudden invasion on her lips. Her hands in his chest that would have wanted to push him away yet it stayed there. His hand held her nape, caressing her softly.

When the kiss ended, both of them are out of breath. Lara refused to look at him.

"Wifey, you can't be shy around me like that." It only made her blush some more and this time he really laughed.

Back on the actual food Alex patiently named each one and describe it to her. So the soup is Crab Bisque, the one with a yellow sauce is called Pan Seared Foie Gras, the salmon is from Scotland and is pan roasted. She also learned that the steak is Grilled Angus Beef Ribeye and that burnt dessert is called Créme Brulee. He also mentioned some more food that she may expect on a dinner they are to attend on the weekend, as well as who is hosting and the guests that will most likely greet them.

Alex had been very thoughtful throughout dinner, and though Lara knew this is to make her comfortable moving in such lifestyle, he still warmed her heart. Not to mention the shucking and chewing of oysters earlier!

There's just a question that keeps on nagging her that she can't help but ask.

"Alex, if you are like this, why did your wife left?"

And that's 15/15 for my 2nd week.

I sort of count as dec 1-7 as my 1st week, and 8-14 as my 2nd.

Glad that I'm able to meet my target number of chapters.

Thank you for reading!



xxLunaBellaxxcreators' thoughts