
One Chance

"Alex, if you are like this, why did your wife left?" She asked, her naturally neat eyebrows furrowing at him.

It only dawned on him, that he hadn't told her the circumstances of his marriage. Was it the reason she had repeatedly refused him before? And not believing him when he turned his proposal real?

'I can't believe I'm dumb like that!' Alex thought to himself! If mom hears this, she'll laugh at me like crazy not to mention his little sister. [Mom referring as his stepmother who loved him like her own]

"I'm never sweet with her, Lara. You see I forced myself into marrying her." He replied.

Confusion swept past her eyes and her unspoken question clear on her face. Why?

He, then, proceed to explain. "I've never been in love before, darling. But I knew her since we were young. Her grandparents are friends with mine, so she is welcomed in the mansion anytime of the day. I think the servants thought she is special to me that's why that night, even when I was tired and drunk when she came by, they let her in.

"I woke up the next in bed with her next to me, both of us naked but I knew nothing happened. Unfortunately Sandra saw it as she came to wake me up. And my parents too." His voice laced with distate, and Lara could tell he really didn't like what happened then.

"So I just had to make it right if only for my sister. We registered our marriage that same day only for her to disappear when we went back later in the afternoon to her house to fetch some of her personal things. She never said why." He said dryly.

Oh. So it was like that.

Ehhh?!!! He had never fall in love? As in never?!

Lara's thoughts focused on his first words. So did he went on a date with any woman before? He seemed skilled on that though. How would she know, this man's a mystery. Even if she browsed her phone right now to find gossip about him she knew she won't find any.


"Hmmn?" Still lost in her thoughts she turned her face towards him.

"I've never dated, nor held any woman before." Her eyes widened at his words, can he read her mind?!

"So I hope you'll be patient with me." His eyes speak of sincerity, but what is he really asking her?

She thought of all his proposals to her. What does he mean by asking her to be patient? Does he want her to wait for him? Why does he keep on teasing and kissing her? If he had not been like this to his wife, then why is he like this to her now?

Confused but Lara dare not hope. 'Does he not mind that I have Luke?' And he hadn't even had a woman before...

"What are you asking of me?" Her voice barely above a whisper, but Alex heard her clearly.

"You. Be my wife." He enunciated each word as he looks at her deeply and sincerely.

"I've never proposed to her, not to anyone. Never felt what I feel when I first saw you. Never had the desire to possess someone, never had feared of not seeing someone again, until you came. Please believe me when I said I'll make things right for you."

"B-but.. we hardly know each other!" She exclaimed! It's been only days...If he can annul his marriage just like that, won't he do the same to her as well?

"Chance. I only need you to give me one chance."

She lowered her eyes not wanting to meet his. For his eyes dissolve what little reluctance is left to her. Would she dare? Dare to get hurt in the end?

He doesn't even know the truth about Luke. How can a man easily accept a woman with a son? Is he not wary of her background because he doesn't intend to keep her?

Alex gazed at her intently with her head lowered. If not for his stupid decision to get married that day, maybe she would have believed him. Maybe he is the one who needs to learn how to be patient with her.

3rd week (1/15)

I hope to stack up chapters and chapters so I won't get behind with my schedule seeing that the holidays are almost round the corner which would mean I'll be busy.

I have an upcoming Christmas party, family affairs, year end party and an annual jumpstart coming up, along with my workload.

I think I'm making the authors note a sort of a diary, please excuse me for that

XOXO, Luna

xxLunaBellaxxcreators' thoughts