
Mommy's gonna choke to death

Lara hold her both her cheeks when they left. They feel like burning under her palm. No! Not embarassed enough. She flopped on the bed face down and bit a pillow.

Ha! She calls herself a mother but she can't even control that blabber mouth.

'How unlucky can I be? I've lost both my parents at 18. Had a son by 20. Mistaken identity last night, woke up in a different room and my son getting himself a father on his own under her nose!'

She flipped herself in the bed and tried to control her breathing. She can still feel her face burning.

'I'm actually doing pretty well. I've raised a child on my own and we have a quiet life. My only misfortune is this Alex Liu'

Determined to get out of this house as soon as possible, she calm herself and count backwards in her head. But when she open her eyes, the devil is back. She sat abruptly and stared at him. Why does her tongue seem to abandon her everytime this guy is around? Is that the power of the devil?

"Come down for breakfast. We're waiting for you." That's sweet. But his facial expression didn't change though. His presence still as cold as ice. How could he say a thing with such face?

"I'd really like to go home Mr. Liu--"

"Call me Alex." His voice has a tinge of warning and his eyes dimmed.

Huh? Why is he angry? And they are still strangers alright?! Maybe he is angry with what Luke did. Probably thinks I made my son do that in purpose.

"Sorry about Luke. I didn't know he would do that." She bowed her head. His coldness scares her. What if he get angry again like last night?

"I know. Come down and let's eat. I have a proposition for you."

She looked at him with questioning eyes. But he already went out of the room.


Luke's face is stuffed with pancakes when she came to the dining hall. Oh, kids! He has no reservation that he is in a strange huge house and eat his heart away. His eyes were twinkling at her. Like 'Mommy I'm such a good son! See I found you a good husband!'

She sat beside him and wiped the sides of his mouth with syrup stains.

"Coffee or tea, maam?" A maid ask her.

"Coffee please." She said politely. Maybe a cup or two will wake her up from this dilemna.

"Eat." Alex said entering the room after her.

"I'm fine." She almost whispered. How can she eat here?

But Alex had already put pancakes in her plate while the maid came around with her coffee. Then she felt her hunger. She remembered she hadn't really ate last night. Her take out supposedly hers and Luke's dinner however she was taken by this stranger's person. Hmmmn, whatever happened to her dumplings?

Luke sliced his pancakes, forked it and feed her. Her baby's face is suddenly serious that she chuckled.

"Mom eat." After she opened her mouth and let Luke feed her, "You didn't eat again last night. How will you grow up?"

Ha! Ha! Ha! as if her little man suddenly is so big talking to her like that. Oh, maybe that's why she was so frail last night she fainted?

"Is mommy so small to you?" She asked him then.

Luke nodded. "Hmmmn, mommy is small compare to daddy."

*Cough* Lara blushed remembering there's a stranger with them. Alex offered her a glass of water. Can baby not talk like this please? Mommy's gonna choke to death.

Alex: "How come you hadn't had dinner when it was already late when Cheng saw you?"

Lara thought of denying not eating initially. But found herself being honest anyway.

"I was running an errand." Oh crap! What time is it? She's supposed to be at work! She took out her phone and realized the battery has run out!

Ugh! She's so dead.