
Are you my daddy?

Alex' eyes dimmed in the dark. Who is that bastard? He can't explain what he is feeling as well. He barely knew Lara. Heck he just met her that night. But it definitely isn't pity. She makes him want to protect her and Luke.

Was it a one night stand? Or an illicit affair? He doesn't care if she has a past or not. He is itching to know why that man abandoned them.

He read the email about Lara again. She doesn't have bad records at all. She seems to be living a normal clean life. Not even an ex-boyfriend. But considering that she was young and alone at the time, and even studying, adopting a son is very unlikely as well.

He lit a cigarette while contemplating his thoughts. He still need to find a reason to keep seeing her. Atop all that finding Crystal is a priority too and why they look so much alike.


Lara awoke with Luke's sloppy kisses. She hugged her son tight and kiss him.

"Morning baby"

"Mornin' mommy. Where are we?" Her son's eyes glitter with wonder looking around the elegantly designed room.

Lara's eyes widened as she realized this was the room at Alex Liu's mansion she had been in previously. On a bright morning she can see clearer how everything in this room scream money! Oh. My. God!

That stranger didn't wake her up and take them back home! Who the hell he think he is?!

There was a knock on the door and it opened revealing the culprit smiling lightly. She saw her son's brows furrowed at the sight of an unknown man at the door. Meanwhile that smile blinded her and rendered her speechless. The devil can be charming eh?

Such beauty against the morning sun, in a brightly colored room. She had to blink several times to ascertain she is not dreaming. At that time Luke managed to get down from the bed and walk towards Alex and look at him curiously. Alex kneeled down in from of the little guy so they can see each others face.

This boy doesn't resemble his mother at all. He has dark hair and eyes. His skin is white as jade, while he noticed Lara's is pinkish white. Cute as he is he can't see any feature that resembles Lara. The boy smiled cheekily at him and he smiled back.

Lara started to get up from the bed as well. The little guy then cheerily ask him.

"Are you my daddy?"

Lara gasped aloud. "Baby--"

"Hmmmn I can be." Said Alex earning a glare from Lara.

"Mr. Liu--" but the child suddenly hugged Alex round the neck.

"Then you're my dad now."


Lara was like slapped with simultaneous emotions in one force.

Sadness. Pain. Embarassment. Helplessness.

C'mon son. Can you atleast choose a lesser devil? What if that man think I thought you that.

She doesn't even know if she should take Luke away or not. Torn between embarassment for herself and feeling broken for Luke. Pain in her heart for letting Luke grow up without a father.


Alex meanwhile is having mixed emotions himself. He was shocked himself when he said that to the boy but he knew in his heart he doesn't regret it one bit. If only he isn't married, he would never have this melancholy.

He want them in his life. This he is certain about. When he saw them in bed just awhile ago, he knew he would love to be a part of it.

And if only Crystal is here now, he would ask for divorce. Sadly he needed to find his strange wife first and ensure she is safe.

Watching all sorts of emotions appear on Lara's face, he felt guilt. He troubled her again. He can tell all her worries and embarassment from her eyes. He needed to do something. But that something shouldn't scare her.

They have only known each other from last night. He can't make any more rash decisions now. The boy squirmed in his embrace and look at him shyly.

"Daddy." His little cheeks flushed making him more adorable.


"Can I kiss you?" Luke pouted and he laughed a little. He offered both his cheeks. Such a sweet son. "Then can we have pancakes?"

Now he really laughed. He stood up carrying the boy with him. Winked at Lara then turn to go down to the kitchen. She can bombared her questions with him later.