
Finding Jennifer

Finding Jennifer.... An intriguing story of a successful, beautiful young woman with a void in her heart due to a painful childhood. Having lost her parents mysteriously at a very young age and being forced to navigate life all by herself, she is caught In the quest to drive away her past and at the same time bring back her lost sense of self from the past, and eventually find out the real truth behind her parents death. In the process, she finds love, friendship, hope, and later, betrayal. She tries to run away from the past but it slowly catches up with her. Will she be able to tackle this quest and come out alive? will she be able to fight the forces haunting her from the past? Most importantly, will she be able to fill up the void eating her up from the inside? Let's find out as we go on this amazing journey together . I hope you stay with me to the end!

smoothdoll_ · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs


Chief Chukwuemeka Richard stepped out of his car after driving into the headquarters of the federal inland revenue service of Nigeria. He hoped that today won't be as stressful as other days. Being the chief of staffs in this great institution wasn't all that easy. As he walked into the enormous building, there were greetings and salvation from every corner.

"Good morning sir, I hope you slept well sir". The secretary greeted.

"Good morning Grace, how are you today?". He asked, giving his usual charming smile.

"I'm fine sir".She replied, also smiling.

"Has Victoria checked in?". He suddenly asked.

"No sir, I've not seen her today".

"so she hasn't come?At this time?".He asked, surprised.

"I think so, sir".

Richard walked into his office, wondering what could have made Victoria late today. She was always punctual and they had a very important meeting today with the director. What an unfortunate time to be late.


"You do know that you are extremely late, right?".

Victoria stared at Richard, panting. She had run all the way from the ground floor to get to his office on time to apologise. Now, she was dripping with with sweat.

"I know, and I'm really sorry, believe me, it was unintentional. Apparently, I overslept".

"You can just listen to yourself, Miss Coker. You sound pathetic. Honestly, I expected more from you. You let your guard down. Now, because of you, we got a query from the director's son....

"son? I thought you said it was the director himself that was coming". She interrupted him curtly.

"Miss Coker, I believe you know better than to interrupt me when I'm speaking".

She bit her lips and stared face down. "I'm sorry, sir".

Chief Richard cleared his throat.

"As I was saying, it was the directors son that came today because his dad was extremely busy with other things, he even had to attend an Impromptu meeting at Abuja so he sent his son, and as you know it, his son would soon take over his business so he used this opportunity to check our his responsibilities. He came here, expecting to see all the staffs, both junior and senior in attendance. He was so dissapointed when he didn't see our youngest staff, you".

"How dud he figure that out?" Vicky asked.

"He has all our records, my dear. Man, this boy is going to be more powerful than his father. I can see it already and it's going to be a pain in our butts".

Yeahhhh....he was like that. She knew him pretty well, Oluwafemi Johnson, an extremely tall, handsome, charming young man and of course, the son of the honourable chief Adegoke Johnson, the director of the FIRS. He was ambitious, all right. He was literally on the front cover of THE AMBITIOUS KIDS magazine three times in a row when he was young. Yeah, she had read a lot about him. It was kind of am obsession. She had a liking for him and aspired to be like him. But she couldn't deny the fact that he had a pretty intimidating facial expression. She would kill to have a chance to speak to him one on one or at least see him face to face, but all the same , she might want the ground to automatically swallow her up if he gave her one of his dreadful gazes. Thankfully, she wasn't able to see him, because he had been studying in the United States for seven years and just came back a year ago. Apparently, he had come to join in his dad's business and hopefully take over.

"Geez, so what am I to do?".She asked with a demanding look.

"You are to write an apology letter directly to him".
