
What's Left Inside

Waking up to pounding on the door wasn't something you were expecting. And without coffee, at that. Dragging yourself out of bed and shoving the cat inside the bathroom, you opened the door slowly with a gun shoved in the backside of your pants. Micah was standing there with an older woman who looked like you'd shot her dog. "Can I help you, ma'am?" you asked with a faint smile. "Is it true that my son was with you as of last night? He claims it, but somehow I find it hard to believe," she said. Her voice was cold, as if I had insulted her. "Yes, ma'am, Micah was with me last night. We played games, watched television, and then he left. I can assure you he was safe. No harm came to him," you calmly said. She turned up her nose and Micah looked up at you with tears brimming in his eyes. "That's all. Have a pleasant stay, Miss," she said, suddenly turning warm and inviting. She turned and walked away, leaving Micah standing in front of you with his eyes on the ground.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n). I shouldn't have come anyways.I'll go away," he whispered. You crouched down and looked into his eyes. "You have nothing to feel sorry for, Micah. I haven't had a friend like you in a long time. Did she hurt you?" you asked. He nodded and you sighed internally. "Come inside. If you let me get ready, we can go get some breakfast and do something. I need to get out of here, I'm feeling frisky. Does that sound good?" you suggested. He nodded again and walked in with you. "You can watch TV until I get out. Don't poke around too much, okay?" He didn't respond and you gathered your clothes.

Hopping in the shower, you let the warm water fall down your shoulders. A small cry alerted your to the ball of fuzz just on the outside of the tub. "You need a name, don't you?" Of course, the first name that came to mind was Gabriel, but you pushed it away. He was gone, gone for real this time and not coming back. "Perhaps Smoke? You're grey enough. Maybe Sans? Undertale isn't going away for a while, damn Pacifist run." He meowed again and you sat down under the steady stream of water. "I like Ashfur. A play on words, sounds like a book I'd like, and infers that you've been through Hellfire, but came out of the ashes," you said to yourself. Hearing a noise like wings, you flung open the curtain to find... just the kitten. "I'm losing it," you murmured, washing and getting out quickly. 

Dressing and putting on minimal makeup took ten minutes. Getting the gun in your backpack without Micah noticing it was the difficult part. He noticed it anyways. "You're not supposed to have guns here," he said casually. You froze. "It's, uh, it's a long story. Please don't tell your family." He grunted in approval and you sighed. Going to peer out of the window, you thought you saw a familiar head of golden hair. "Well, don't you look gorgeous? I'd bang you. Not that I wouldn't bang you usually," said Lucifer's voice. You rolled your eyes and gestured softly to Micah. "Can I tag along?" Lucifer asked, causing you to shake your head. "He'd know," you said as quietly as possible. "Who'd know?" asked Micah. "Jesus, nice hearing, kid," remarked Lucifer before disappearing. "Let's go," you said, grabbing your bag and darting out the door with Micah.

"Do you have a jacket? It's cold outside," you asked. "Not with me." You handed him yours and pulled on of Sam's out of the bag. It engulfed you as much as yours did to Micah and you grinned at the sight. You managed to get out of the building without Micah's family noticing. "How does Starbucks sound? I'm feeling like a basis white girl right now and their stuff isn't half bad," you suggested. He skipped ahead of you and giggled. For someone his age, he acted much younger. You found the nearest one and ordered a simple black coffee and a cookie for Micah. Sliding into the seat across from him, you leaned back and looked out the window. Micah looked out with you, mumbling something. "What was that?" you asked. "I said that I don't want you to leave. You're staying in our hotel, so you're going to leave and I'll be alone again. I'm always alone because people always leave," he said louder, not making eye contact. "What about Blake? You've got him, don't you?" He turned to look at you and it broke your heart. "No, I don't. I wish I did. I really like him, in fact, I think I love him. But he doesn't know I exist because I'm just the boy who sat quietly in the back of the room before going to home school. I told you. I'm always alone." You pushed a stray lock of hair out of his face and then his whole body before he disappeared. You stood up and yelled, "Micah!" Everyone turned to look at you.

Eyes stared at you from every direction and you couldn't stop spinning around, not even when the glass behind you shattered and a pair of large hands grabbed you. Not even when Sam's voice cooed in your ear to calm down and Dean's car came into view with him glitching as well. Not ever when Gabriel's face came into views, screaming horrible things at you. No, you didn't stop moving and spinning, screaming and crying, until you felt safe and at home, right where you belonged.